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David Oliver Jun 2020
If you are feeling stressed, don’t despair, don’t clench your teeth and pull out your hair, pause for a second and focus your thought, free your self from the web in which you feel caught.
It is difficult to do things right when all you see is red, and your thoughts are all in a jumble bouncing round your head, pay attention to just one thing you can do, remove the barriers and carry on through.
David Oliver Jun 2020
If you find it difficult to be comfortable with change, and you wish that things would stay as they are, think about how much you your self have changed, and give thought to how you have got so very far.
Changes happen and will do no matter what, seasons will come and go every year, rain clouds will blow through until the Sun comes out, so greet change with hopeful smiles and face it without fear.
David Oliver Jun 2020
When you feel as though you are stuck in a rut and it seems that there is no way to be free, take a step back and change your perspective and take note of the differences that you can see.
With a new angle from which to observe things may become clearer than what you envisioned before, from this position free from limitations choices to take change from less in to more.
Now that you realise how many ways are possible to make a difference to what you need to do, let yourself be inspired to go down a different road and experience life with vision anew.
David Oliver Jun 2020
Sometimes the days don’t seem to go exactly how you planned, and the reins seem beyond the reach of your controlling hand, but even though it is hard to accept it may be what is right, and as frustrating as it seems you should just surrender the fight.
It does not mean that you have lost, or failed in your mission, it may be that there are other influences, beyond your knowing or vision, as confusing as that sounds have faith in the unknown, for below the surface things will grow from seeds that have been sewn.
You need not try to force the change, or monitor its progress, events will unfold as they should within the karmic process, truth will come to be observed by all that need to know, the honest ones will rise above the liars who stoop so low.
So let it be and let it go, the truth will always come out, it will be heard by everyone you need not have to shout, those that harm will pay the price that they owe have no doubt, so calm the restless soul within and share your kindness out.
David Oliver Jun 2020
The Sun is still shining so bright bringing light and heat to you and me.
The streams and rivers are still flowing through to meet with beautiful deep blue sea.
The soft wind is still blowing and clouds are drifting in the big blue sky.
The Earth still sits beneath us to bring stable support to both you and I.
Life keeps on going every day bringing new opportunities and wonders so vast.
Look forward to the possible good in the future, be grateful for the present and be free of the past.
David Oliver Jun 2020
Mother, father, sister and brother, is there really any need to destroy each other?
We may have our differences but why must that cause hate? We need to join in unity to create a better fate.
Fear breeds fear and overwhelms sense, for cruelty and killing there is no defence.
There is no justification for wilful abuse, for bullets or bombs or hanging noose.
There is no integrity in denying human rights, or exposing the innocent to horrifying sights.
There is no need for anyone to be without care, or to be subjected to a hateful stare.
Within this world love can be found, we can easily find common ground.
Purely to benefit the greater good, let us live in harmony just as we should.

— The End —