Some say that giving us freedom was a mistake
Whites, cameras, action!
Blacks are discriminated for a “whiter” satisfaction
We’re in the media, and we pretend it doesn’t hurt
But you have to admit it kinda sticks when the black guy dies first
How much positivity is connected to us on television
African American innovators still get no recognition
Instead follow that Kobe, or Tiger into the eye of media slander
That’s because even if it’s negative attention we choose to accept it
We run with it, have fun with it
Quite frankly, we should be done with it
There’s a reason why we as black people have such negative reception
When the results of our conflicts usually end with transgression
How often do you see
A black man on T.V.
Without a gun, drugs, or a crime scene he must flee
That’s not what I want our people to be identified with
But that’s not going to change until we stop accepting it
We aren’t unified as a people
Half of us recognize and sound up the movement
While the other half is content with only the other half doin’ it
Until we are unified as a whole no change will be made
We know this
Some of us just choose to stay the same