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Danielle De Bock Feb 2019
My dearest bompa whom I never knew, I think about you often & know I love you too .
Your picture hung around & your Face I had always seen , but I never took time to reflect until you came to my dreams.
I felt your spirit telling me that you’ll be watching from above & though we’ve never met I’ll be surrounded by your love .
You married at a young age & had two children of your own , it pains me so to know that you’d never see them grown .
A young man full of dreams with the world at his feet , was given such a cruel fate & a life left incomplete .
I asked myself how this could happen & then it came to mind , heaven needed a new angel & you were the perfect find !
You suffered in your last years but your legacy is a rock , your name is not forgotten & I am proud to be a “ De Bock”!
So Rest In Peace sweet bompa and until the day we meet , I’ll think about you often and your picture I shall keep .
A poem about my grandfather ( bompa) who got Lou gherics disease at the age of 26 and passed away at only 30 years old in Beveren Waas Belgium
Danielle De Bock Feb 2019
The sun plays hide & seek and I’m covered head to toe , I love to drink a hot tea before going out into the snow .
Reading a book or doing a puzzle , close to your loved one ,  more time to cuddle .
Rosy cheeks and alabaster skin , striving to keep warm , perhaps a little gin?
Skiing , skating or even falling on your *** , winter time can be challenging but also lots of fun !
Bless you ! Feel Better! Phrases often heard during this cold unstable weather !
The Winter months at times may seem so long & gruelling but bear in mind what comes next is so alluring .
For without the cold icy days that winter may bring , we may not see the beauty as we should , cometh the spring !

— The End —