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It’s 95 degrees
At 4:00 pm,
Sweat drips
Through the
Valleys that time
Has been leaving
On my face,
There’s salt stains
Down to my stomach,
But I can’t seem to
Find anything to
Complain about,
I can talk with
A frown on my face
That shows the tan
On my forehead
About how lonely
And dark
The nights can get,
And maybe sweets
Aren’t tasting as sweet,
Or how bacon is overrated,
Or how annoying it is
To get a new drivers license,
But life has brought
So much color around me,
the cicadas are singing
Along with the sparrows
And the blue jays,
The tree that sits idle
Outside my apartment door
Has been holding so much
Green upon its branches,
A great place to cool off
From the buttery
scorching sun.
Oh father,
Sit in your throne
Of lies and rejoice,
Life has sat me down
In the dark
With a gun to my
Head, loaded with
The truth.
Will you stay?
Wrapped around
My arms underneath
My sheets,
And my pillows,
And the ceiling fan,
And the ceiling,
And the sky,
Let me fall
Into a deep slumber
As the warmth of
Your breath against
My chest defrost
Ancient drums
That pound a beat
So lost in time,
I start to believe again.
God spoke
to me today,
In the voice
of a precious
Woman who hides
From all
that’s wrong
Underneath her

The voice
My aching
That drag
My skin,

It urged me
to believe,
To hope,
to love,
to want.

But how
can I
when all
I ever
wanted got
Into the
passion of
Burning fire.

And God,
I can’t
find myself

Or tomorrow

Or yesterday

Like a bee
In summer
I get lost
in the
the smell
Of gardenias

The nectar
that drips
off my lips
Me cope
Sky scrapers
And this
Ache that
Has found
a home
My chest.

How can
I God?

Throw a
Life vest
My way.

How much
Do I have
To beg
To be
I’m in my car
Waiting for you,
My heart beating
Underneath my ribcage,
I feel the exhaustion
And the weight
Of the little bag
Of tools that it
Brings with it,
Just in case
Pieces start to fall off,
The wait feels infinite,
The ticking of my
Watch echoes through
The air vents and
Leave me wondering
When will I get to
See you.
The ground has been
Trembling all day,
The sky dark
With resentment,
Holding unto
Buckets of water,
The wind screams
And throws a tantrum
In the street,
And I can’t seem
To keep the thoughts
At bay.
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