i'm on my way
towards thinking of you
As I start to notice that
The smell of the flowers
That cover the fields
Have found their way
Into my car,
It lays in my passenger seat,
Feet on the dashboard
All while enjoying
The music that
Shuffles through
The speakers,
I focus on the road ahead,
But every once in while,
I get distracted by
The greenery of the
Mountain range that sits
Idle on the horizon,
Cold coffee
And cigarettes fill
My stomach,
I flinch and check
The back seat
Where my heart sits,
Buckled up so
It doesn’t fly out
The open windows
A sigh of relief leaves
My body and into
The atmosphere,
Turning the day into night,
Giving me a new scenery,
With bright blue stars
That shine their light
Upon the street,
Showing me the way,
Suddenly a welcome to
Sign with your name on
It materializes in front
Of the head lights,
I stop at the next
Gas station,
I look up to
The spotlight that keeps
The shadows away,
And I wonder how
Bad can it actually be
To be happy.