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Dancing heart Sep 2015
I want to lift the vale
To see the ugly truth
To cry the beauty out of me
To stop thinking of you

I want to see the painful trap
The moment I fell in
To clear my head of all of that
The love I thought I'd seen

I want to love the gentle breeze
That is my hear and now
And so good bye to my blue seas
My teacher of broken heart
Dancing heart Sep 2015
I breathe you out
I cry you dry
I scream in silence
Scream Goodbye

I shake the pain
Relax the stitch
And read my mind
Into a ditch

Away, away, away with this
My heart is strong,
This is a glitch

Move on, move on, move on
And pray,
There always is another day.
Dancing heart Sep 2015
To bathe bear skin in your eyes
Fall asleep on your chest
Sink in wrapped in your arms
Loose myself in the rest...

To meet your eyes and not part
Sleep and wake and not dress
Have you spread my wings high
Quench your thirst and just rest.

To have you kiss my tears dry,
Protect and nurture our nest,
To see us fly up and high,
And give our kids our best.
Dancing heart Sep 2015
It is when you first turn up and my day floods with light,
butterflies burst out inside me and
I see a whole new, vibrant, shining world in your loving eyes.

My heart smiles, expands and radiates electricity from my every pore,
the butterflies sink in deep and
I feel at home, waiting for a moment to kiss you.

— The End —