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DElizabeth Mar 1
sliver of a silver moon
seeps itself through a crack

heavy curtains falling like
stars & long hair

over my bare shoulders

light of the night
flooding the bedroom

the color of nocturn.

thick scent of blood & rain
colliding earth & wilting lilies

11:59 aglow
etched into retinas
high in its corner
it is my sun
& my daughter

cooing owl turns drag racing
midnight shotguns

turning the other cheek
rolling over like an old trick

billy idol sings lullabies
while tears pool in my ears

trying to remember what day
it will be

what once clothed me in
milky warmth & softness
tosses me

my bed rocks
as if i were at sea

everything is blue

i miss when vertigo was in my lap
lacing its fingers into mine
as i ran a cold hand through its dark hair
and i would never mind

i could shut my eyes
i could leave them open

the visions whirl vivid still
DElizabeth Feb 16
i should be with you
giggling over red wine
as sweet as they come
judging restaurant interiors
warm & lip-bitten

not solus on that pier
watching skaters across
the motionless lake
endlessly blank
frozen & wind-bitten.
DElizabeth Dec 2024
thumb popping the socket

little green circle
heat flash

lungs of short-comings
throbbing and flushed

flashback fast forward
rewind playback

and what was it all for?...
the risk the writing the songs

oh boy...
maybe i'm not interesting anymore (?...)

whole walk
for nothing


it's not me
and should i ask another question?. . .

it's you.
so sorry for showing it

hand over heart
yep, it's still beating

a little too fast
*too much

and yet it's never enough
always hungry for more
DElizabeth Dec 2024
drive safe
but hurry

time's hands

take your time!

she could be
my knite

in shining diamonds
& a brand new car

swoop in
pull up

save me
from her

from leaping
from breakfast

in the same kitchen
as her
DElizabeth Dec 2024
pour gas on the light
fuel the fury, arrow aflame
to stop me in my tracks

but i have learned to be faster

you never knock, just fling
the door wide open

memorized your footfall
as if i were hiding some grotesque secret

no secret, just emotions
hiding, from you

have to cover my ears
to block the shame
from funneling in

i wouldn't wish you upon anyone.
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