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Daan May 2019
Te veel willen is gemakkelijk.
Probeer eens af te wachten,
in te houden,
met alle macht en
man en zie wat je bereiken
Curb your enthousiasm
Daan Aug 2014
I donated my pride to a greater cause,
I gave away some honour to forget the loss
I won though, but lost integrity, nobility,
Selfish and not, now I crave invisibility.
you can't tell me what to do
but please
Daan Oct 2019
Ik heb moeite met me zelf te uiten,
ween niet graag, geen traan, geen tuiten.
Af en toe moet op en open alles even buiten.

Ik heb pijn, gepieker, net als iedereen.
Waarom zouden anderen willen horen
over mijn probleem?

Omdat ze van je houden, niet weten
van je dwarsgezeten dagen, niet geklonken kreten
niet goed kunnen zien of omgeklonken leden
niet durven bekijken.

Als je zelf begint, kan je kiezen, ***, wanneer
het even diep zit in de verschuiving
van het Belgisch weer.
Daar praten mensen en luisteren.
Hier roepen mensen maar durven ze niet fluisteren
waarom ze soms verdrietig zijn.
Daan Dec 2013
A girl is breathing heavily, her red nose
indicates ones feelings like those you stumble
upon walking, strolling through the city,
scarf wearing, caught the flu, and leaf

staring, sky as moist as cloudy cushions
taking the blow, thinking about the smell of
newly bought to read, freshly printed and well
proudly he speaks of his belongings left, to part

the route we walked on repeat. The lass is
helpless, less selfassured than before, as if
she messed things up. she wore her dress for,
I guess, a guy who tore her being apart, the best

possible part of a girl, her being, vulnerable, stirred
by my attempt and try and suddenly forgot to cry.
Spatio brevi spem longam reseces
Daan Oct 2014
It's warm here, not just hot, burning,
I think, my stomache feels, turning.
How do I get out, where,
why, does no one else care?

My head is glowing, fingers dripping
sweat. My intestines are tripping
over all and themselves.
Deeper and deeper, as if this fire
delves a way inside my body,
spreading like disease, like virus,
like epidemic forces
combining us to fight.

These short moments brought back sight
to those who lost it, those scared at night.
But it will pass soon enough.
I over and under but I'm never really
Daan Apr 2019
*** jij je aanpast,
jezelf witwast,
must haves aflast,
en wegwuift
wat allemaal beter kan.
Jij bent de droom van elke man.

Ik moet alleen nog leren strijken
om het gebrek aan jou te ontwijken.
Daan Jun 2019
Steun van alle kanten,
ik had ernaar gevraagd,
Instagram wist van wanten,
ik werd van overal belaagd
met liefde.

Ongelooflijk *** deze dag
voorbijziefde, dat ik mag
zeggen dat ik hulp heb gekregen.
Ik dank jullie, zal mijn best doen
om de moeite onverlegen in leven te laten
en van katoen geven, visse vers
serveren met zo min mogelijk graten.
Daan Mar 2019
Waar ik naartoe ga met mijn leven?
Ik weet niet eens welke dag het is.
Wat ik wil worden? Weet ik het zeker?
Natuurlijk! Alleszins niet apotheker.
Daarvoor heb ik 4 jaar over 2 gedaan.

Ik ben al blij dat ik mijn zwembrevetjes heb gehaald.
De 25 en de 50 meter. Ze hangen boven de schouw.
Ik heb zelfs nog voor de kadertjes betaald.
Wie doet beter, vraag je? Ik vergelijk het niet met jou.
'De dochter van de inspecteur, die is ingenieur.'

Heb ik dan gefaald? Had ik het anders moeten doen?
Waarschijnlijk of misschien.
Toch vergeet ik niet die tijd van toen.
'Kom, 't is tijd dat je verhuist.'
Ik weet alleen niet juist
of ik dat alles, zelf, elke tien,
liever verschillend had gezien.
Het valt allemaal wel mee maar bemoei je met je eigen zaken.
Daan May 2019
Denk jij ook soms aan de dood?
Voel jij ook het schaamrood
op de wangen bij het bespreken
van die wrange, wringende,
in de ogen springende
gevoelens die je liever zag

Dan ben je niet alleen, je kan die beesten
beter laten zweven, als wolken,
naar ze kijken, alstublieft niet laten
kolken tot ze velden laten draaien
en je levenslust meegraaien.
Geef het alstublieft niet op!
-Je gezicht spreekt taboekdelen
-Mr taboerine man
-Met een volle taboekentas
-taboegeroep in de zaal
-politie en taboef
-taboeren buiten!
-taboel zoeken
Daan Jun 2019
We gaan naar buiten om de
schaduw op te zoeken,
verstoppen ons voor onze dromen
omdat we bang zijn
dat we er niet komen.

Wees niet bang om te beginnen
want net dan is verliezen
steeds een beetje winnen.
Beginnen, gaan en niet meer terug.
Daan Jan 2017
Black and white do not exist
I can only try to catch the gist
of what hides inside
the parts I get to see
should be the only facts to me
The fact that I care too much about others
I can only offer help what bothers
me is my judgementality

Sleep tight
you deserve to
Daan Aug 2015
A walk with fire
to reheat and warm my heart.
A flight through wind
to blow away the sorrow from the start.
A swim in water
to help me breathe.
A walk on earth
to be guided safely

back to where I belong.
Daan Nov 2014
Predictions about caring,
what in the world is this
I hope it won't be wearing
off soon, almost like a kiss.

Effervescent, even after spilling
the insides. Shocking to feel it stay
when all else went away,

Fluids rub my chin,
bitten melons, lush,
dripping softly, passing a grin,
triggering blush.
I think I have a crush
rushing past,
I'm too slow and you're too fast.
I can't make it last,
or turn around.
Daan Dec 2016
She's still running, she's still going strong,
I'll always know what I did wrong
but I'll never get another shot.
That's just not the ending for my plot.

Are we different, are we playing,
are we seriously saying
we are meant to be

My breath visibly escaped my nose
my next question promptly arose.
Am I just like one of those,
Am I one without the need to close
the closest of agreements.

Another one has left,
the elusive deed of theft,
Inconsistently planned,
a workplace left unmanned.
Focus on a different locus
Daan Apr 2019
Ik heb zelf niemand verloren.
Waarom heeft hij te klagen,
zal je vragen. Wel, ik wil horen,
ik wil naar jouw verhalen luisteren.
Je mag roepend in mijn handen knijpen
of zachtjes in mijn oren fluisteren.
Als ik maar kan begrijpen
en laten dat ik wil helpen dragen.

Dat is niet echt hetzelfde, geef ik zeker toe.
't Is daarom dat ik aan dichten doe.

Zo tracht ik het onbreekbare te breken,
dagen die zo vastgelopen leken
opnieuw te bewandelen,
om onderwege dorst te laken
en opgekropte zaken
los te kunnen maken.

Ik wil helpen dragen,
in deze vorm, geschreven,
want meer dan dat
kan ik niet geven.
Moge sommige gedichtjes een steun bieden op moeilijkere momenten.
Daan Feb 2023
Samen wonen, samen klonen
om met het leven tijd te doden.
Zonde dat de doden niet vertellen
*** het is om dood te zijn.
Dan konden we misschien
komaf maken
met al die schone schijn.
Door je strot
Daan Dec 2013
Now I lost and don't have you any-
more, things are different, bad kind
of changes emerge in my pitiful mind.
He can't refrain himself from you, can he?

I know he'll try and if he does fail, bail
him out of the prison she locked him in.
Throw her grip and your feelings in a bin,
they're useless pieces tied together, forced

but not fitting. I am fearing for the worst
to happen. Cause she is not your holy grail
neither your reason to be pale, there are some
different things going on inside that little boy.

Soon nothing will be left, he will be his own decoy.
This feels so much better than the former emptiness of numb.
Chosing the lesser evil, the less bad kind of empty.
Daan Jun 2020
When I give you the finger,
you lend me a hand, right?
When my eyes start to linger,
you can't start a fight.

Only I can, because I am
an entitled ****, a nice guy
a white ly-
ing, shirtless dancing,
dominant beta male.

My fragile ego's fresh
but my mouth smells stale.
I am so deeply priviliged,
I can not not expect success.
And I still dare to beg for someone
to help me get out of this mess.
When alone, I see I'm out of luck
because I am an entitled ****.
**** me, right?
Daan Jul 2020
I may never sleep for 15 years,
I may never have the greatest ears.
It could be I never find the gold
I dig for, could be I never become old.

Fame, wealth, success and the fruits of inspiration
are merely bonuses to or maybe just preparation
for the lover's taste.
I live truly in knowing that our time together
can never be erased.
Walk home with me
every day
Daan Apr 2020
Ik kijk uit naar jou weer zien.
Dan kan ik je een knuffel geven,
een kus en weer genieten van het leven.
We zijn nog even blind, moeten nog even
in het rond
draaien, achter ramen zwaaien
en elkaar begroeten van op anderhalve meter.
Maar ooit, beloof ik je,
wordt alles wel terug beter, echt,
mijn lieve goede vriend.
Ooit wordt het weer beter, slechts
voor nu nog even blind.
Zolang in jou niet kan zien, ben ik nog even blind.
Ik kijk uit naar jou weer zien
en ontbijt om half tien
Daan Nov 2014
God is being generous,
life gave me all I wished for,
yet I miss one simple thing,
a teacher, to take me under his wing.

And you noticed how I'm happy,
how I'm laughing all the time.
But did it ever cross your mind
that I'm just being kind?

All given will be taken,
all earned is undecided.
All I know is that we're
all devided.
By the same to become one.
Daan Dec 2014
Mozes split the sea
one side, you, the other me
my focus kept from widening
perception almost frightening
I could only stare
waves returned, colliding
responsible for guiding
Mozes did not care
about dividing
or possible providing
Daan Feb 2014
They sat together, carefully, slowly caressing
this moment, temporary infinite, experienced blessing.
The grass was long and on moisty soil, they sat
together, staring in the distance, at eachother
and at the water, bouncing of the moons reflection
of a light no stronger than their love.
A beam, a ray from way and far above, reflected twice, and
once more in eachothers eyes. A blink too much,
an imperfection, adored some more, signs of affection.

His hands sliding across the surface, followed
by her grasping touch, afraid to be alone,
extased by being with one another. Until
the shattering of every single bone, they will
remember, briefly, with such passion. Every
single ember burns again.

Leaning on his shoulder, enjoying his smell.
Just simply looking, regarding facts, you can tell
everyone acts or wishes to, achieve this state.
Silently, breathing in your shapers air, releasing all,
the offers just to dare and make this happen.

Saying something, even your name, would be
too much, quietly masquering the blush, softly
giving in and opening up to your most desired sin.

They think the same, their love is parallelled.
They are both ahead, both too slow, both have
said and both do know. They both need to be held.

I lost my sense along with your attention,
lost my goal and did I mention, that you'll
regret the signs you did not send, regret
the decision, turning down a chance to blend
your strings with mine, attached, but ofcourse,
you did decline. I could have done more, you
should have done more. My feet are still sore
from walking, running, pacing, strolling, wandering, straying, browsing, playing, sprinting, squinting, flinching, failing, giving

Collarbones are closest to my pain, fingers recreating
what is never to regain. Slowly turning, drifting, insane.
Realising that it's over, telling myself it's not, lying.
Stuttering b-be-because I, I'm crying, reading poems
to cry some more. Writing to keep away the bore.

Not a step was taken, though time'd have to be moved
to awaken and restart, recurring simple matters because
they meant the most. Love is not brought on silver platters,
it is deserved, in both ways, not in one.

She's gone for now, but she'll return, come back
sweetly just before the storm gets loose.
Before another storm sweeps me from your grip
connecting hip to lip and tongue to song and sing
and dance for this new chance.

If it's your glance or that of someone else, whose
turn it is to learn from how he sells, tells how
insecure I am and 'll always be. Finally,
set me free.
I'm afraid to be alone
I'm afraid I'll be alone, stay alone, be cut off of these imperfect perfections.
Assure me.

'You are trying to **** me, woman'
Daan Sep 2016
The conditions have changed
the setup however has not.
Daan Jun 2019
Even practice takes practice
takes practice
Daan Apr 2015
The fuzzy bear was lying there,
A gifted toy, once bringing joy,
Because its memory caused pain.
Times were shared, his eyes repaired
when one time his owner got too rough.
Somewhere a child is crying and his life seems tough.

A frizzy kid took off the lid,
The lonesome stranger, once in danger,
Because what once caused him to be perilled
was expelled by anothers love
You say that doll is meaningless,
but you know you could not handle losing it.
Daan Dec 2016
My thoughts are more or less devoured
by that time my tea went sour
not a single hour
passes without it crossing my unfortunate mind

Yeah I know I have been kind
and I know you don't really care.
But it's a heavy cross for me to bear.

I know I will be sane again
and that I can be your loving man.

I just wish you hadn't made that joke
cause that's the moment wherein I broke.
Daan Apr 2014
It's like taking a new route, walking
another path than before, not knowing
What might come or be or what is growing.
Don't be scared, let your eyes do the talking.

Everything I see is different, like when you
read a book you have never read before,
you've seen those words, you're quite sure,
but not here, not where you'd expect them to be.

I have seen it all now it's their turn to notice me.
Hoping I won't ruin it by something that I'll do.
I've never talked to them but I know I'll like them too.

I keep calling myself brave, every day, for trying
this but inside a little part of me is surely dying.
And if everything goes wrong, I'll definitely end up crying.
Daan Jun 2017
I fell from stairs, at once I reached the ground.
My expectations, full of bruises, left me mesmerized,
when I saw my skin intact,
I knew what my prediction lacked.

I made no sound, my mouth kept shut,
a lot was taken in, a lot also was not.
The pain, however insufferable it may have seemed,
had all at once again redeemed beyond what I had dreamed.

My life had changed by change I do still fear
yet no longer do I stare excessively
at the fear that still resides inside of me.
Outside or on your sleeve,
Daan Sep 2020
Je stuurt me hooguit eens per jaar.
We vinden dat allebei niet verkeerd.
Als ik maar een duimpje reageer
wanneer onze vriendschap is verjaard.
Daan Feb 2015
I tell myself to care less
about losing to someone else
and start winning for myself.
The biggest treasure a man can find
is sudden knowledge of his own relief
and elation, happiness, money or relation
or the broken being benching by brothers before baffled
Get well soon, my broken tragedy.
I lost the need to project my point of view onto others long ago.
forcing things will only cause reactation.
Daan Jul 2016
In the midst of rings they danced.
At night, when grey with all its might takes over.
In fog and mist and smoke and clouds,
at places surrounded by mossy trees and crows in crowds,
the cornerless figure of nature grows.

I saw them.
They were as in trance.
I fled because I didn't know their dance.
Daan Jul 2022
Are we ageing differently
compared to those before us?
Are we more or less desperate,
crushed, lonely and exasperated?

Living at our parents' houses,
the young folks home,
the pre-retirement home,
the pre-home home.

Consumerism was probably a lot
more pleasurable without the ethical concerns. Wars were probably hitting less close to home and further from our wallets.

Money is expensive and twenty-six is old enough to have your very own depression. Am I doing everything right?

There's kids on apps with more success
while I'm working, from home, my pre-home home, alone for way way less

Is it me, our time, my age or this wine?
That got me feeling
At least I used to have an alter ego, an easy character to play. Now I have to be me.

So green, the planet less,
so inbetween.

I've definitely played myself ;).
Daan Dec 2019
De beste feestdagen behagen
ons met warmte voor elkaar.
We mogen onze dikste truien dragen
en alle cadeautjes liggen klaar.

Als mooie liedjes duren ze niet lang.
Maar voor het eind van de plezieren
hoeven we niet bang te zijn.
We hebben immers het geluk
dat we samen mogen vieren.
Daan Apr 2019
Er zijn één miljoen mieren
per persoon. Zo veel
vloeiende dieren
bestaande, voor zo'n
helft, uit water.
Toch zit uitgerekend
het uilskuiken later
in het parlement ten troon.
Artikel 13 met natte vingers
Daan Sep 2022
Ik vond pukkelpop maar niets.
Het fijnste was mijn vrienden
en hier en daar artiesten
die net niet naast de micro niesten.

Ben ik zo ver ver-wei-derd?
Fijn, ze wel te zien, helaas niet even mooi
als de grammen foto's met van-alles in de plooi.

Zullen we volgend jaar gewoon zelf tesaam camperen?
Mijn kleine oortjes zouden dat vast beter verteren.
Daan May 2019
Are you sensitive? Are you a tad
nervous, maybe? I am glad
you are aware, pleased that
you do dare participate.

Tell me, are you crazy,
are you out of your mind?
Tell me, are you lazy,
well-hearted, are you kind?

Why are you struggling to keep up the pace?

Probably because you're juggling while trying
to tie your shoelace.
Daan Mar 2014
If only your eyebrows were more prominent
passion drives to glow, sparkling, sliding,
creating cold dust, floating for a while.
Twirling, curling, turning, flying, twisting,
my eyes were hooked, not only because
of how you looked. It's what you did
that made me oblivious of all else.
Even though your rating would be high, I would
never judge you.

Judging on my sense of sensing,
we will never winter sport together.
Mostly because of me, the weather
and because you're better.
I hate myself for that.
Daan Apr 2014
The other side of this medal is colder
not like it should. I had it all figured
out, the room always got much bigger,
now I'm saying I am not crying, smolder

away, burn till it's gone. Stages, now
I'm fighting tears, could have seen it
coming, saw it coming, lied to myself.

It's my own **** fault. By opening the
vault that is my passion and lending her a key,
it was not returned, thrown away and rejected.

I tried to make her happy, tried to neglect and
love her imperfections, many, succeeded, needless
to say, I was in love, she wasn't.
Daan Feb 2020
As I sift through hoards of mails,
unlike letters, starred, it fails
to entice me. As the windy gusts
provide the necessary background noise,
it suddenly derails.
I've seen too much, it all disgusts
me how we
drop our scales into the pan
and scramble,
nitpick or devour anything we can.

I am thankful for the eggs I eat, the bread and jam,
I am happy to see 'you've got mail' even if it turns out
to be spam.
it is what it is
and doing with what you have
is worth a try
Daan May 2022
I had some trouble leaving bed
with all these thoughts inside
that big old scruffy head.

The negatives, catastrophes, doom,
made up stories, what ifs, all made
me anxious to have life resume.

The basics may be well repeated, healed.
From an insiders perspective
the flaws aren't always that easily revealed.

Because of the repetitive side
of the problems I face, day in,
day out, I try to hide,
I try to shield others from the bore
inside my swings.

I asked my mom if I was fine
and she said sure
and as soon as the meaning of that word
had reached my dreary core
I discovered
I was fine once more.
Keep going, everyone.
Even if it's a battle every day.
We can keep getting up.
Be kind to yourself, love yourself.
Loving yourself is forgiving yourself for struggling,
encouraging yourself to keep going.


(sometimes it's the same battle)
Daan Jan 2019
Wake up, get up, eat,
wash, brush, work, repeat.
Every day, more than half of your day,
all days, lost.

The cost of a childhood is paid
as soon as your first responsibility is made.
I struggle, never asked to be born,
I juggle life decisions
just to see them drop and hit the floor.

I seem to have lost my ability to care.
Will I ever wake up from this manic nightmare
Daan Dec 2019
Something bothers
so I dig,
something others
see as big
might not be
the same for me.

Power lies
somewhere in between
what's not and is
able to and seen.

The why's are not what they might seem,
are not as tall as you might think.
The reason is always on the brink
of defeating purpose in a race,
of being discovered. Yet when you
deem it less in value, all will fall back into place.
Daan Jun 2020
People, asked to stay in, are drinking
Boston tea in the streets.
Eyes are tearing, mouth-covered
swearing represents the thinking
of the masses. The divide between
the classes, aware before or not,
is still only seen
because the cellphone shot
is shared and liked, awarded and rated.
What was never really loved has now
become hated. We're not really sure how
but, sick of all the lies, the nation's turning lawless as the president cries because twitter didn't find his tweets flawless.
It's a sad time
Daan Sep 2014
Kick me, push me, make me cry,
I deserve a special ******* way to die.
For what I have done, what I have sinned.
The one thing that I do deserve.

The in between, step ladders, a door
without a mat, like saying you're not
welcome in my home or in my life,
poor you, succeeding anything you strive.

Struck, by lightning as they say,
we all have experienced something that
changed us in a way. They have trauma's
they have fears, to think I brought you only tears.
They have dangers in their past
important lives, or lovers that did not last.

I had you.
Daan Feb 2020
Een floppy disc, een video, een dvd,
wanneer gaan zij eens met *** tijden mee?
Het verandert meerdermaals per week.
Mijn functie houdt vast overmorgen
al niet langer steek.

Mijn stick is slap, mijn ballen
zijn een floppertje,
ze zijn zo laag gevallen,
ze spelen terug verstoppertje.

Word geen vijftig, word geen tachtig,
wees de waalse taal slechts gebrekkig machtig.
Voor advies moet je bij mij niet zijn,
ik draag ondergoed van Albert Heijn.
of calvin klein.

Er rijmde niets op aldi
behalve de achternaam capaldi
of 'hij is te smal, die...'
maar dat is voor mij niet echt gepast.
Daan Jan 2017
At first you want stuff,
set goals, nothing is enough.
You see things you don't own,
wonder how they got there,
how it could have grown.

You're there now, don't care, now,
you thought you needed,
safely conceeded
and admit,
this is not where you want to sit.

You leave it, left it, gone, it's tough,
you feel so small and all is rough,
romanticize the whole,
only see the good parts
forget the reasons you left.

The only thing you have is safety
because this place is predictable,
this phase is not going to change,
right here, you're in control.
The hard part isn't getting over,
time will help you leave the rover,
it's actively deciding to make things happen.

Narrow focus, looking too closely
makes you miss out on things,
takes away your wings,
reduces chances, oblivious to glances.

Widen, don't expect it all,
open, don't be afraid to fall.
This fear is not a cure but a cause.
It makes you reconsider,
uncertain, unsure, you pause.

Get out there, don't forget,
just do things, learn, accept regret,
get out there, live as all, not knowing what you want to be.
Explore, you don't have to be sure,
adventure, growing, striving, pure
attitude, luck and gratitude
for all you took for granted
while you laid there, hopelessly, falsely endorsed
fearfully, pathetically wanting
things from others who aren't to be forced.

For god's sake, man, be fearless for a while,
hone your style, wear your smile
only when true. Roll with the punches,
take the kicks, all you need to do is
Stop that,
I used to
but I don't want to
Another step
well done.
Finally knowing, understanding,
in a while, they'll say:
"He stuck the landing."
That won't matter though,
you're the only one who has to know.

-I know it's not well written, (or tl;dr)
I just had to get the message through.
Daan Dec 2013
I'm not sure which one of us is native
to this country we are trying to found.
But we just can't understand eachothers
words, even signs are easy to misinterpret.

Linked but not knowing, just guessing,
looking forward to caressing, blessing,
every way that helps us find the other
half. Our plans, needless to say, creative,

aren't working for a single bit, but you
don't seem to care, then why should I?
Looking back to those days I had to count
every single second, waiting for reply.

Fire the interpreter, we have no further need of
him, we'll just make up our own ways of tongue.
Daan Mar 2015
Your wretched eyes were truly
speaking, so very struck by the unruly
life you lead. The tears were wrinkles
and the shine your unreal smile.

One moment were these lines
in crossing. The best of signs
are those so very soon forgotten.
Because in a moment of distraction

you vanish in a crowd as loud
as screams your eyes emitted.
I'd do all to make a smile appear,

a real one, meant and felt but not
intended. Spontanious in the heat
of the moment would your pain be.
I just haven't met you yet.
Daan Feb 2019
Who determines what we read
when the medium is the seed
and the message and the plant,
when we feel we scant, we can’t

deliver our intended products.
To be too honest, it is bullocks

to get your knickers in a twist
over this, when this is just for you.
When all you seem to do to you seems just for you,

what are you supposed to do.
What am i supposed to do? I told myself, advised me
to pick my own sense and purpose, when

my service is or turns surplus.
Have you ever felt surplus to yourself?
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