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Daan Apr 2022
The short, the longing,
the waiting for belonging.
Wanting to, what no-o-
ne possibly can know.

Just sleep, just work,
just kiss, just smirk.
Don't judge, don't speed,
at times follow, others lead.

Listen. You can do what you feel is right.
All else, above, below, is beyond your might.
There is no one answer to life.
Go to bed in time,
wake up in time,
eat healthy,
move, talk, slow down, walk.
Create your roll to fill.
And try not to spill.
Goodbye and good luck :)
Daan Apr 2022
Grab your gripe.
Inspect its type.
Is it small enough to not need
any way around it?
Is it big enough to down your mood?

Bend the thought to see the good
that's hiding in between the lines.

Road works ahead?
A walk just might refresh your head.

Caught a flu?
A break from work
could revitalize you.

Stuck behind a slow chauffeur?
Driving slow is less expensive.

Try your own as research has shown:
bending the small affects almost all.
I tried to make a poem about an exercise I give to my patients. Because gripes add up to bring you down if you let them. Keep practicing and drive your attention to things you're thankful for.
Daan Mar 2022
I was hoping
I'd be slaying
bears for gold
at twenty-six years old.

I'm still playing cardboard
swords on socks with stubs and
watching cartoons on saturday,

You told me we'd be able
to do anything, no fear.
With heads on kitchen tables,
we all just want to disappear.
I'm hardly helping anyone right now.
Daan Mar 2022
You've cleaned your room twice
and arranged every knickknack.
The endless catching of mice
won't **** you the wolf pack.
Daan Mar 2022
If everyone took
a look at themselves
we wouldn't need bother
to judge one another.
There are some advantages to judging others and looking at their mistakes or your own. But these advantages are not enough to solve the mistakes and not worth the potential misconceptions. Be cautious when judging others, when is it going too far, when should I stop and look at myself. What can I change for the better? Then try, at least, to change that. That is our (my) responsibility, to be introspective.
Daan Mar 2022
It was not an easy choice,
to say the least, I'll add.
But as it seems, boys,
my chair's the best friend I've ever had.

We've been through the lot
together. As if my final fate
was to sit and stay up late
and make cognitions hot.

I did all a man does with his time,
from eating, beating, drinking,
sleeping, farting and stinking
to coming up with this dumb rhyme.

That's why you've won the prize, hon.
You're the best, my lovely strandmon.
I even work with you
Daan Mar 2022
Stuck, we float in viral.
We go up and spiral
bot, out of control.
We're locked down,
detached from the whole.

As currencies, letter z's,
maiden names, money in frames,
okay signs and cryptic mines,
we're all destined to an end,
sticky entertainment.
I'm gone
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