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Daan Jun 2020
Well, we all do. We swim around
in golden layered mud and when
our heads go under,
with rapid speeds, we attempt to plunder,
pluck our brains.
What brought me here?
Engulfed, no tears
are seen and no one knows
where those eyes have been.
Take more walks. At least every once in a while.
Because breakdown/crisis is always just around the corner
when you don't take breaks from swimming.
Daan Jun 2020
The origins of joy have shifted.
As if there's winters in summers
and previous sparkers of joy
now elicit bummers.

Snow's been building up for days
and there's not enough salt
for all the ways unclear.

The bad is worse, the good is grey
and I wonder if I'll ever have a say
again in how I feel. I wonder when
the sun will once again feel real.
It's a pretty down time
Daan Jun 2020
Up or all away, I have said
before I'm sad and don't know
what to say. Progress is slow
and focus shifts between bad
and just a little better.

It seems unfinished, what I
meant to contribute.
It seems uncertain if it will ever be.
It seems uncertain if I'm still even me.
Daan Jun 2020
As we develop,
come outside and
leave our scallop (shell),
we need a hand
in swimming through,
migrating as we do,
to the land
of our fate.

Depending on the time
of our departure,
our destinations
change. The range
is fixed betwixt
some viable
in less or more
and starting at the core.

During that journey,
some come together,
some leave forever,
others doubt whether
they are fit to stay.
Just remember to not
mistake this cutting
for decay.
Daan Jun 2020
When the climate becomes dry and cold,
when my hands and mind are slipping,
I do whatever's left to keep on gripping,
to stay on the line, even if it is on hold.

There's still chip shops, souls
and hip hops and soles to burn
on pavement or grass.
There will always be ball games,
small names and big days.
I see windows, I see doors,
I see mine and I see yours.

We're not doomed, well yet,
we're alive and as I've said,
there are sundays, there is sun,
still so much that can be done,
which feels nice when it is,
with my legs up and my head at ease.
Then I see, life can still be a softly soothing breeze.

I raise my glass and brows to certain teas,
we are blessed to have dogs barking, sweets
and care. I raise it all to some certainties,
laying down and tucked in in these blessed sheets.
Tomorrow is another day, my friends.
Daan Jun 2020
What's the use when we can't be
best or first, or last or worst.
The whole idea feels cursed
and bloated, just like me.

I missed my call to arms,
drenched my cream in ice,
fell for that which harms
and lost one leg twice.

Everyone can write, everyone
can paint and what is special
when you get to decide?

It's all indefinite repetition,
no upward or downward, it seems,
just spirals and attrition.
Well maybe, I don't know.
I guess praise should not be the only way to measure worth.
I guess it isn't.
Sometimes I just can't see the alternatives.
Daan Jun 2020
Ik ben geen sprinter, toch
loop ik vooruit op de zaak.
Ik ben geen loper, noch
horde, wel dat ik sprongen maak.

Want toen ik zag dat de been-
houwer de koe kouwer scheen
te leggen dan het kalf mocht,
zag ik dat ik in de verkeerde vriezer zocht.

Mijn kipkap is tiptop en mijn kapblok
krijgt het rap met de hak op stok.
Als ik wist waarom, keek ik niet achterom,
noch vooruit want dat is allemaal dom.

Ik kijk nu naar mijn voeten en daarna naar de lucht.
Het is hoog tijd dat ik van die laagte wegvlucht.
Ik zoek het hogerop.
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