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Daan Jun 2014
Attention unclaimed, easily distracted,
along the way I may have contracted
some sort of disease, nothing to please
my set of emotions, set out to tease.

They say time heals everything, but
I'm concerned it doesn't, afraid to shut
my eyes, as it passes, someone loved
dies, next thing for them is to be shoved

into the hole of bitter forgiving and forgetting.
Time is only just a pain killer, not letting
pain control, still the actual disease keeps
spreading. Pain was killed and shoved into a hole.

When I remember all the loved ones, all
those parted ways, all who left before
their final days, I shut my eyes and stutter,
when will I fall, my blood be drained in gutter.
Show loved ones your love
before it is too late
Maybe it's necessary to feel pain, to live we must feel and not close off
so don't hate pain when it's there, don't let time do what it does
clean your mind yourself
and enjoy actual living

Don't wheep, make someone proud
Daan Jun 2014
we don't know and we never will
we can only try to make it last
the grasp came slowly suddenly fast
There is so much and I don't want to spill
It's stuck on a certain level, to take
it higher and firmly impact, make
you grow, I can only influence you though

It is like orange became green
the prettiest I have ever seen
combined to create one period of ease and understanding
a helicopter landing on my roof
there is no proof but I am sure
I guess I have to lure someone else into my trap
to sit on my lap and gently tap the feelings I have always shared
with words and silence
with stares and closed eyes
with the harsh punishment of being bound
being tied together
even better
being one

like green becoming orange, red and blue
I don't think I am in love with you
I just need you to be here or there
whenever I can no longer bear
the thought of being alone
into the wild
a comforting mild
hesitating care
don't you dare
to admit
that after all we'll sit behind screens for hours just to tell
if something once actually finished well
I yell
when I speak
I heard
Daan Jun 2014
watching me sleep, looking after me
when I wake up you are all I see,
a long shadow, wide and chilly
I don't know how long till he
has seen enough to conclude


It was strange and scary, how
I got afraid, but I accept it now.
When he was there I was sure
and safe, sound and so secure.

He left me yesterday, I saw him
slide out through the doorway
I didn't bother asking him to stay
I knew the chances were too slim

If he returns or not, even which is
better or if I really want, all that
it kept certain, is that I'll miss
every late night silent chat.
Don't say it, show it.
do you want to play a game?
scared in a good way
I admit
Daan Jun 2014
Wanting what we cannot contain
not needing what we easily refrain
now on I'll just wait and see,
and on and off it will always be
like magnets, turn around and attract
but run after and you get neglect.

If I pull away quick enough,
I'll be done with all this stuff.
Daan Jun 2014
You reek of sweaty tenderness
the kind with a soft and gentle touch
grabbing on to my nose pulling me up real
close much
like those
drips sliding
never letting go


The harsh colliding of such
small and delicate droplets gives my rivers soothing shivers
as the so called divergent waves bounce
back and forth
against the edges of each cliff around high and steep

Time after time
these drops
scared to leap




In the end, they're careless of it all.
If I had a dog I'd name him Puddles
Daan Jun 2014
Bears are dying, making place
for animals of another race.
Best at adaptation, best to survive,
I have never felt so alive.

I showed my drawings to my
mother, she didn't care, but acted
like she did and I don't care either
cause my picture is awesome.
That is what truly counts after all.

Don't compare to others, compare
to former self.

Ask yourself, am I finally my best?
Am I failing the final test?

Right now I'm rocking it, buzzing
like a bee, high on his achievements, making honey.
I could be anything I want to be.
Except for the best. But I don't want that, just me.
Maybe I'll be the best at something. The best at being yours.
Daan Jun 2014
Next time all will go as planned,
I'm looking for a brownhaired freckled mess
and I'm sure as hell not settling for any less,
at first she is a plane unmanned,
but when I have come along
she'll turn into the perfect chaos of a song.

I'll learn the tabs and learn to sing
We'll sit together, the season after spring,
just sit and lean and watch a scene,
as love is growing on and off the screen.
She loves me for my actions and my jokes
doesn't care for buff and bluffing blokes.

One who will be worth the effort
the one
who stays.

She starts, I start, we started something to make it last.
She will be my last.
If I reject you, I'm not worthy.
When something ends,
something starts.
After all I want someone who's more than just sum
of her parts.
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