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Daan Apr 2014
The other side of this medal is colder
not like it should. I had it all figured
out, the room always got much bigger,
now I'm saying I am not crying, smolder

away, burn till it's gone. Stages, now
I'm fighting tears, could have seen it
coming, saw it coming, lied to myself.

It's my own **** fault. By opening the
vault that is my passion and lending her a key,
it was not returned, thrown away and rejected.

I tried to make her happy, tried to neglect and
love her imperfections, many, succeeded, needless
to say, I was in love, she wasn't.
Daan Apr 2014
Her body is my desire, her thoughts
connected, more than one wire, admire
her feelings, rarely shown. And with lots
of protection, lots of walls and to inspire
every wake moment spend, thinking,
revising what to do, how to act. Mystery,
cryptic, intriguing riddle, almost blistery.

A special case, a pretty face, she expects
but does she accept with whatever complex,
proposal I continue? Nothing however checks.
She must be, kidding, riddling, skating.
As all, freud said, desperate for mating,
doesn't seem, blow off steam, let it go, I can't
enchanted. Challenging, intriguing.

Is this
Daan Apr 2014
When attraction is separated from
vision, true vision, useless, both of
them, you notice what is real, come,
I am this house, I am these walls, I am this bed,
flowerpetals, candles, a breeze, curtains visiting.

In search, in need, desperate, true love.
All this time is wasted, all along I was a fool, mislead,
by me. Clueless, fire's gone, petals gone, curtains revisiting.
They'll never understand, I wish they tried more.
I should not keep running, playing, if I'm not capable, not ready to score.

Low profile, high pace, beat, when plans are like a boat,
hours thinking, still it doesn't float, I missed a hole and now
I'm in a loop. Acting like I don't, failed acting, just denying somehow.
Why has always been the leader of my brain, not me.
I've ripped papers, shred them, killed moments, demolished them,
and most of all erased.

I got caught up with this taste
its fresh but backbiting taste, pineapple
as long as it's not kiwi.
I am not capable of letting go.
Everything means something.
I just try to make life into that movie, the movie that made you cry last night, because it was so romatically pretty.
Identity crisis, in may, in snow.
Turns out it wasn't over, it was dramatically horrifying.
I tried to make it look like a candle at his final moment.
Daan Apr 2014
Cookies in the oven, grass mowed, petrol, permanent markers
her hair.

Flowers, lavender and roses, wet dogs, even the barkers,
her hair.

Dinner ready, bacon barbecue, onions sizzling, fresh soup
her hair.

My sweat, my tears,
her hair, my fears,
morning dew, honey,
misty sunrise
I started sniffing her, she smells like watermelons,
freshly baked, with meatsauce.
And just a pinchy hint of basil.
Daan Apr 2014
If I can't talk anymore, stranger,
more like a stranger than before,
I think she thinks I'm like a bore,
a way to fill the time, no danger.

My mouth is full of food I can not
let through, my eyes are feasting on
this buffet that seems, growing, drawn
perfectly, but now it starts to rot.

It was a picture, an image, the food
is not to be eaten, it's taste is disappointing,
set to ruin my late night or morning mood.

Infinity is not enough, let me be right,
you make me lose might, only pointing,
and I will fight, with or without light.
This food party will end soon, better eat as much as I can
Daan Apr 2014
she knows, but not all, I decided
to call it off. She wouldn't really,
not as much as I do, not with passion.

Ice cold, how ironic, there she is,
sliding away, the dust blown in
my face.

I haven't cared as much for a long
time. time spent, planning, being romantic,
trying at least.

When it's useless, it hurts and it will
continue doing that for a while.
Will I ever smile again.
Daan Apr 2014
Sometimes you know, sometimes they do
sometimes they don't. I wish I could turn
it off, but only time is capable.

All this time, I could have known, to foresee
helps to forget. I'm stuck, situation unknown,
but similar, I don't want to stay awake.

Thank god for music, music wouldn't turn
it's back. Like hope has, and she has, and
my images have.
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