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Daan Feb 2014
I don't want to be tangled again,
after hours of untangling, imprisoned
by my future, released by memories
of better times. Time spent, right or wasted.

There will never be enough. Drifting by
or speeding, ended on the same spot, held,
cracking nails and biting codes, loads of time
left, still, never ever will there be enough.

Moving on, different girl, different place,
same friends, different ways. Learning from
my past, still repeating mistakes. The stakes
were never too high, too frightened to try.

Hold me close, hold me long, intending to,
if not, leave, don't return, like these seconds.

Life's a lot like sledding, too bad there's no snow.
Daan Feb 2014
I've been walking for days, it feels like I
need to, I can't stop, craving the top he sees,
he cannot reach it yet. Passed by
some music, turning wheels even ladies

in high heels go faster. I take my time,
enjoy the journey, the end of the tour
I wish to reach is a blessing I so kind-
ly deserve. Still I keep my pace down,

steadily enjoying every single step I take.
This endless, infinite state of walking
is my way of living. I cannot love without
the wait, I cannot belong without a map

and a fixed route. I need these hopeless
days to survive my own **** mind.
When you have been on a trip like that, walking feels like forever and you think you can't handle it. But when you reach the end you are so glad you did it, and actually the whole trip was beautiful.
Daan Feb 2014
I feel you don't see things as I do
I try to understand, cut off, tru-
ly there must be a way to get rid
of scepticism, instead of looking

at the differences, noticing the
mutual ideas, shared, conveniently
without a reason.

Even if we can't, can't we just discuss,
I guess you think less of me,
lacking a certain level of mutual respect.
Respect on levels I enjoy more than hiking
I guess it's just my craving for liking
and being liked
You can be tigger, I can be pooh
even if we're not exactly the same,
I'll be your friend, if you want me to.
(If you don't let me try to understand you, make sure someone else can someday )
('hiking'==> cf another poem I made)
Daan Feb 2014
I'm a lazy man, yet taken care of.
I'd be able to fulfill the needs love
if I worked for it. I don't, lacking,
good or bad, no opinion. Cracking

the dresscode with a single pinch.
People react differently, in clinch,
with themselves, closer to a flinch,
saved, suddenly from this public lynch.

I'm leaving town, not because I can
not handle their judging faces,
not because my past action chases
me every wake moment. These cases

of pressure come in groups, it loops
and never ends, like despondent troops
I know I'm making a fool of myself and people will think I'm desperate and hopeless,
maybe I am, maybe I'm not, but I don't care, at least I'm being true, done with dresscodes.
Daan Feb 2014
More than just tanned skin over bone,
just the long brown hair on it's own,
that giggle when I try to look, manly,
like one who can be the man Leigh

desires to interfere with. Myth, mystically
beautiful, mesmerizingly enchanting, step
by step, gracefully, carefully granting
me another chance, glancing optimistically.

Her eyes, not caring about the colours, staring
across the hall, my nose can reach her forehead,
her taste in music, juicy yet elegant, in bed,
slightly humming along, god, she must be a dream.

She can just pick any guy she wants, a team
of athletes all at once, or just the one that lead
the journey to her lust and center. I misread,
excuse me for swearing, but the skirt she's wearing

is more than I can handle. Enter the room
without a hint of fear, she's near, like perfume.
When in doubt, always remember to not eat the yellow snow.
Daan Feb 2014
Switching rails, close ways of metal bars,
mails another, tension building, starting wars,
not intended, tendency to, trips extended
others ended. I can choose, pick a path

or walk aside it, I don't care, as long as
I get where I want to be,
with someone equally in trance,
both willing to commence,

I'll write for it instead of her,
in search of me.
Daan Feb 2014
The words come out wrong,
wishing seconds could be hours
still not enough
you must think I'm weird

I want to stop myself from getting hurt
all the time
all day
but I can't

Because you're so pretty, pretty unreachable
There's always another guy
I want to be that guy and not
Cause everyone hates that guy.

But you don't
You love him
why don't you love me?

It's like you don't even try
It has always been my
intended action
nailed on the spot

useless piece of uselesness
being useless and stuff
I have had enough
I want to leave daytime.
Step out, night into we go
studying, front row, below
average, passed, gone, missing

Why can't I accept it's gone.
Maybe it isn't?
that's what I'm talking about.
She must think I'm weird.

people don't like weird people
they only like people who turn out to be weird.
Daytime offers dresscodes
dresscodes nighttime loathes.

I judge but I hate being judged
I hate but I hate being hated.
I love but I don't see how one could love me.
If she doesn't, why care for anyone else
she doesn't
what matters doesn't
doesn't that hurt?

I not
be loved
day, why?

Though it is not 'ed, night brings light
it might not be too bright
but it's better than nothing.
I wish I was nothing.
I wouldn't have to worry
I worry a lot

I'm loved by those who I don't like
and love the ones that don't like me
Who is wrong here?

time, she is unreachable
and way too attractive,
loved in general
which shows you just enough to be of interest
to keep me going

yet not enough to let the night keep glowing.

If daytime is so bad, why not sta
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