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Crashlandings Mar 2014
Why is it that every time if see you my heart aches
There's just that empty feeling that can't be replaced
And my body starts to waste
Even seeing photos of you or hearing your name kills me
Crashlandings Mar 2014
The lillies you bought me are fading
Our love is pushed away,
Out of sight
You'd rather have a newly sprung rose,
Where the bee's come uninvited
rose adores being the ******,
And you join the buzz,
lillie watches from the side,
No one can see her sad petals drooping
One by one the beautiful petals wither and die
rose's sharp thorns dig deep into your flesh,
Epiphany takes over your body,
rose's honey is bitter and fake
lillie's gone all thats left is the empty vase,
You were too late

**disregarding ist he most painful sting you could have gave
Crashlandings Mar 2014
As you looked away
You poured in too much
It was unnoticeable at first

You were unaware that
you had changed everything
For everyone

It cooked differently
It smelt differently
And tasted differently

Maybe if you weren't so careless
And aware of your actions
It would hurt less

You've turned everything bitter
But you could start over
And make things work

But instead you chuck it onto the heap
Were it rots away with all the others
That you gave up on
You shouldn't have given up on her
Crashlandings Mar 2014
Even though everything has Changed
No one dares to ask how I am
They know to well what the reply would be
As the water drains from my eyes
No one takes a second glance
As the shadows tease me
No one stands up for me
And as my heart is ripped from my chest
No one stitches it back

*I am just left with an empty black whole
Filled with hatred and sorrow
I only wish you knew
Crashlandings Mar 2014
Every touch
pierces my pale skin

Every word
Hits my ear drum

Every look*
Sends a sword deep into my heart
Inserting your sweet poison into me
Not wanting to let go..
Crashlandings Mar 2014
"I'm scared"
I can't let go,
The thought of not being
together is daunting me,
But it has to be

"I'm scared"
My hands grip on tight to you
My eyes flood
And my body shakes
But still I cannot let go

"I'm scared"
He whispers back to me
"We will be fine, I love you"
The words mean more than,
They ever had

"I'm scared"
His hand loosens,
"Goodbye, I'll miss you"
Kisses my forehead,
And walks away

"I'm scared"
All I can do now,
Is watch him walk away,
Into the distance, alone
he doesn't look back

gone gone gone
Why are hearts so easily broken?
Crashlandings Mar 2014
The part of my heart was still missing
I looked up at the dancing leaves at the blue sky
As if I might find reassurance there
My heart seemed to struggle in my chest
Fighting my ribs
The rows of trees towered over me
And my mind was fogged with grief
I pushed my lips together not letting anything out
But the anger sprayed out of me
As if a thunderstorm had just begun
The terror took over my body as the lightning struck
But it cut off just as quick as it hd begun
His stare stopped and he carried on walking
Not noticing that his hazel eyes had scarred my heart once again

*why, why, why

— The End —