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989 · Dec 2013
Collin Nuetraal Dec 2013
when time starts to slumber foward
a revealation too great to walk
perseverance spirals into a void
of confusion
clocks tick backwards
but your mind wanderes in the future

a time in the future
a moment in the past
an hour of the present
the channeling of fate

sometimes everythings just perfect
the music is sweet to the soul
the body wants to move
a tear of joy

after winter is spring
the trees dance and the flowers smile
the spring sings songs of peace
silence in the loudest of heights

a time for dreadfulness
a time for raving
a time for  serious thoughts
a time for plurfect

its good to not judge
acceptance of time as it is
peace is when you understand
you don't need to understand

a time for experiencing
a time for understanding
936 · Sep 2013
high in blues
Collin Nuetraal Sep 2013
stories in colour
sentiments in blue
the negative gravity of a hue
playing foward in realities
helpless to say, it feels real

blue sentiments
i need words in pink
i am out of compliments
dark, gloomy and thick

when did i become like deep sea
why did i wander away with the waves
its only been a minute it seems
but the cold never seemed to have ceased

blue sentiments
why aren't they green
like trees i would bare fruit
like fruit id be sweet

but im not

im salty, like deep sea
why such blue vibrations
828 · Nov 2013
until dawn
Collin Nuetraal Nov 2013
burdens are loads of weight
shoulders were made for carrieng
emotions are within
only the soul can carry the heavy feelings

sentiments make what the external cant
the external is perfect
too perfect for the heart to comprehend
by the soul, the heart cries

real tears are better than a crying soul
a wet face has less pain than a dry spirit
dead I lie on the scorching desert sand
its my inner thats feeling the burn

breathe strokes get shorter every year
the weeks are not as long
the sun does not rise anymore
when again will the eyes of my soul see dawn again
787 · Dec 2013
Collin Nuetraal Dec 2013
when time starts to slumber foward
a revealation too great to walk
perseverance spirals into a void
of confusion
clocks tick backwards
but your mind wanderes in the future

a time in the future
a moment in the past
an hour of the present
the channeling of fate

sometimes everythings just perfect
the music is sweet to the soul
the body wants to move
a tear of joy

after winter is spring
the trees dance and the flowers smile
the spring sings songs of peace
silence in the loudest of heights

a time for dreadfulness
a time for raving
a time for  serious thoughts
a time for plurfect

its good to not judge
acceptance of time as it is
peace is when you understand
you don't need to understand

a time for experiencing
a time for understanding
702 · Feb 2014
Collin Nuetraal Feb 2014
As neutral as the sun, giving light to all

In the midsts of confusion
on the streetlights
clang prints of the lost
where matters meet opinion

trouble is inevitable as the hours of winter

happiness is pruned by sharp summits of standard

Summer blooms like blossoms of bliss
that meet the trees whom kiss the skies
a shock of relief that blesses

As the drops slither along the green fields
whom are wet
and are dancing with the north winds
and sing as the wild mumbles sweet sounds of soft

A million ages of neurotic entertainment
a thousand and four hundred
skyscapers bend like feathers over the lives of us
inequality strikes logic
littered fields of sense moan disaster
but no one's listening...

The cosmos reasonates to us, within us
as beautiful as a storm of clouds
as sweet as peace
the universe pleads to you to let it seize you
as easy as tripping over the truth
is finding life within you

As neutral as the moon, giving light to **all
Everyone would be perfect if everyone did not support either side of anything, we all are the children of the universe and concepts should not divide what was made undivided
689 · Sep 2013
Collin Nuetraal Sep 2013
as i sat wondering
under an apple tree
as i sat wandering
waiting for a certain moment to be

answers come and go
they fade away with my thoughts
can i not contain these visions
i would not exchange even one for millions

as i sat wondering
under an apple tree
as i sat wandering
off with the smoke of the trees

ting ting
tick tok
how do i change what i cannot

please time relax
i need to figure out what this moment ment
give me this moment to smile
i'll pay you your seconds back

as i sat wondering
under an apple tree
i took a breathe
the air was sweet
559 · Nov 2013
Collin Nuetraal Nov 2013
the state of nirvana
without attachment
without the cable
the robot lies unawaken

the state of nirvana
being detached
being without
the man breathes without currency

the state of nirvana
attached to datachment
forever free
the soul can never be bought

the state of nirvana
state of being
being oneself in perfect condition
as you are

the state of being
solely existing
the state of nirvana
528 · Nov 2013
Collin Nuetraal Nov 2013
in the mornings it blooms
open are the windows to my peace
flowers sprout in the interior
mushrooms pattern along the sidewalk

the sound of swirling echoes through
the thc trees speak in mellow volumes
the walls are hue
they speak of a gloomy truth

the temple of my peace
rest your burdens upon the carpet outside
walk in with your eyes blinded
walk no more

the preacher of my temple speaks
with peace one is complete
without one is broken
and inbetween one is unfound

peace sings louder in her temple
even louder in yourself
with peace we walk out seeing
peace for oneself
peace for others
511 · Sep 2013
theres a sun
Collin Nuetraal Sep 2013
its night in the forest
its day in me
the sun shines in me
and i shine to the peoples

some of the peoples make it dark
some illuminate the dark
the way we think makes us what we are
i listened and now i am part

lightworkers unite
let our words ignite
the dead and dry
the confused and blind

theres a sun in me
and a sun in you
408 · Sep 2013
it never even started
Collin Nuetraal Sep 2013
when i began with my journey
i forgot to count my first few steps
iv walked a distance now
and im clueless about my road ahead

when did i start
thinking about myself
i thought this was about my destination
the months say twelve

i say no
how could it be december
i never witnessed the snow
''maybe you did, but you were never awake until september''

my journey
when did it start
i dont remember leaving
there are no memories of any part

me has been the subject
the journey has been the discussionist
why not the other way around
why am i not making my own journey

when did it start
how could i know when it will end
when i didnt count my first few steps

i may not see the journey but im on it
i may not see the gates but theyre are not that far off
i may not see nor hear the father standing by the destination
but i know he is by the gate

im almost there
but when did it start

— The End —