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(From kindergarten on)

Adeline (very cute)
Angélique (for a while !)
Marine B ( had a true smile)
Elise (wrote her name on a few tables)
***** D (great, beautiful and nice with me)
Eline (first time feeling butterflies)
Andrea (out of my league)
Wendy (asked a friend to ask for me....)
***** C (saw myself in her)
Léa (made me feel important)
Chloé (made me laugh)
Alessia (best first time one could ask for)
Manon (loved meeting you at that exam)
Sara (played the game with me)
Anastasiia (taught me how to love)
Jade (me if I was a girl)
Marine (never got your name)
Mélissa (made me stop worrying)

(Sorry if I forgot you, I drink too much)
Welcome to my hall of fame
La face cachée, et ta pensée contre moi
Je me dé-rîve, encore une dernière fois
J'ouvre la carte du monde et je te vois
Au coin de rues qui ne t'appartiennent pas

Les echos de la fugue te tiennent par les bras
Dans l'ombre de tes maux, le moindre de tes pas
La tête haute, avec pas toutes les idées claires
Le jour se lève, et toi tu danse avec ton âme

Tu cours toujours mais tu n'as pas de fuite
Tu vois l'amour comme un autre nuage
La vie se flanque d'un bien joli naufrage
La cloche sonne, et la messe est dite

Tu ris. Tu souris
Mais surtout tu baisses pas les yeux
Tu vis. Tu remplis
Tu m'en fais perdre mes aveux
La nuit, tu oublies
Qu'il ne manque qu'un pour être deux
Tu luis, tu survis
Surtout tu baisses pas les yeux

Encore un peu, je ne me lasserais pas
Au fond tant mieux tu sais, la vie m'a offert ça
Car toi et moi, c'est jusqu'aux portes de l'au-delà
De la mer d'encre dans laquelle on se noie

Donne moi le choix d'une vie ou juste d'une bouteille
Et je t'assure au moins promettre monts et merveilles
La nuit est longue et mes sens en éveil
Les rêveries se perdent dans les mystères de la veille

Tu cours toujours mais tu n'as pas de fuite
Tu vois l'amour comme un autre nuage
Et puis tu planes, t'absorbes le paysage
La cloche sonne, et la messe est dite

Tu ris. Tu souris
Mais surtout tu baisses pas les yeux
Tu cries. Tu vieillis
Et j'aime bien te croiser quand il pleut
La nuit, la folie
Nous dit qu'on fait de notre mieux
Ainsi de suite
La vie se raconte d'un ton pieux

Tu fuis. Tu prie
Mais tu ne baisses pas les yeux
Tu plie. Tu scies
Dans ton propre brouillon de Dieu
La nuit, tu tries
L'évidence du faute de mieux
Tu gis. Tu brilles
Et je ne baisserais pas les yeux
*** I love french now ??
What is obvious to you
Is not to me
And frankly I don't know
This has to be
That's why I won't
Do what you tell me
Because it's really not
Obvious to me

Surely the truth
Is far beyond me
Maybe I'm wrong
And words aren't free
Epiphany may come
Another day
A misunderstanding
In the way

And I don't know
What to believe
There might not be
Right ways to live
But beneath the point
It all seems
To lose oneself
Into common dreams
I could have known you
But I wasn't myself
A book far from view
To be left on its shelf
Forgotten memories
Of what could have been had
Out of place reveries
No more dreaming to add

I don't know who you are
But I tried to learn
Afraid to go too far
In the distance I burn
Out of nowhere and back again
Another friend lost
Let's meet nobody then
Make sure no one is crossed

We are the same
Just as everyone else
We keep things tame
Lest we fall as ice melts
And drown in the expanse
Of the void between souls
Timidly yearn to dance
With our own kinds of fools
It's not that hard to say hello
Life is like a less persuasive kind of dream
Things feel they are yet sometimes only seem
Making wonder if there is some real what to know
Or could it truly be there isn't any how
Why are others and might they be made up ?
Under the spell or all drinking from the same cup ?
Still mostly spent looking after new holes in context
Colliding words in hopes some turn out to be what was next
Everything can be imagined but not ever be grasped
Whatever else could in no way be more than swiflty gasped
Not my language, not my problem
Edit: typo
I stay in the forest
Because there is
Nowhere else to go
I look out of the trees
And nowhere seems
To be the way

I think it's for the best
Not knowing where's
Where death will grow
Let time calm and freeze
Natural dreams
Cast you away

I know my way out
My path inside
Is out of mind
Through misplaced words
Cluttering thoughts
And seas of white

I wander about
Somewhere to hide
Nothing to find
What never comes up in records
And what oughts
To be out of sight
Want to learn how to talk to trees ? Stay alone with them for a while
How long does it last
When it's forever
Rolled into the past
Running a fever
True colors, broad cast
One day as ever

All together, done
When another eon lies
Folding into none
Lows and highs
Whispers of old stone
Buried in the skies

Past time paralized
In incessant news
Eternal life sized
Waves of letting loose
Surfaces incised
From current abuse

Whatever goes back
Whatever waters away
Slips into the cracks
Only a matter of day
Some days cut deep
Most are lost to sleep
"I had no idea ! "
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