Yesterday I could do it.
Today I can't
Yesterday I was awake, alive
Today my sleep comes easy, easy
It's easy to lay here and drift
To dream of better times
My friends, my supporters
They are tired
Tired of me
I ask for help
At every turn
I'm tiresome
In the beginning
I had a sense of entitlement
I still do at times
I deserve help
I'm a good person
What's happening to me is not my fault
But it is my fault, in part
There is always some truth
I did this to me, I know I did
But that doesn't change that I need
That doesn't change the pain
That I don't have the means to heal
I rise up, I take my meds
Like the good little adult I am
I go through my list
I need to call them....
Can I do it?
Not today
Can I do this?
I don't know