There is a beach on the shore
Where the sea will hit the land
A place where two words become one
As the sea and land form sand
And on this beach the waves will crash
And the shells will echo back
The wind will blow, the salt will smell
As you see the firmament's crack
The crack of red, blue, and yellow
The streaks that color the sky
The birds that glide so high above
That make you wish to fly
But on this beach is one great thing
It astounds me most of all
It's all the sand, each individual grain
No matter how big or small
It's size doesn't matter
It sits on that beach
It's unique all on its own
This is what it will teach
Though the grains so numerous
Are each a single unite
No units are the same
Each differ a bit
This is astounding, the variety here
The shape, color, and shade of each
It reminds me of an experience
That all happened on the beach
How each grain of sand was all in place
And then I ran across its surface
Some sand stuck to my feet
Some moved along, it all missed the race
The sand was there, then gone, then back
It left, was present, and absent
Some sand remained true to the end
Some came and went here and there
Some sand showed strength by clinging on tight, others showed weakness
Both showed power
Though one shows reason
How close does the sand stick to you?