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410 · Nov 2015
Love matters
Classy J Nov 2015
El fuego making me loco, burning desire illuminates within me man. Heart full of passion with a mind that second guesses everything because it doesn't want to be hurt again. Difficult relationships, heart on my sleeve, but as I look at the future of what me and you could be,and when I  look I don't see pain. Progressive steps towards the same goal, am I crazy, because society deems me insane. They say we should just make love without giving a crap about it, but love is more than that. Love is intimacy, intimacy isn't just ***, it's about getting to know the person who may be your future wife or husband. Our love is worth more, your love is worth more, and I don't think that us not making love yet is whack.  Love a word used for anything nowadays from food to pets, the word has lost it's meaning in this world full of demand. I don't understand this, all I know is me and you, and that's all that matters.
407 · Dec 2014
Long Journey
Classy J Dec 2014
long journey ahead, but it will be worth it in the end
finding what you've been looking for all this time
many routes to choose from, decisions decisions
looking and waiting for some kind of sign
through the fires and the storms
when we make it to the end, we will celebrate with some whine!
402 · Oct 2016
Be Your Own Hero
Classy J Oct 2016
Streets are throwing a ruckus, clowns creep in the alleys; man I don’t think that it is even safe anymore for us? Valleys of shadows, no love in the ghetto's, economy is crumbling so excuse me for not being able to be mellow. Corrupt politicians, with missions of evil, man I would rather go to hell and deal with the devil. All about competition, all about attrition, to get people’s blind undivided submission. Millionaires with power over the poor, news is depressing, but yet people want more. Where are you batman, where are you superman, what has happened to this society man? Where are the heroes when the powerful people make us feel like zeroes? Where is God, where is the fundaments that established us, where can I find a escape pod?

No immigrants, yet we all immigrants, full of mischievous infamous vigilantes ******* out the life of the innocents. What have we done to deserve this wickedness? How do we get out of this predicament? Because this **** is getting ridiculous. Gorillas shot to death, Isis threats, are we destined to end up like Macbeth? Who cares about success, when you don’t have access to excess? Don’t think about it, just buy another white and gold or black and blue dress, and then have it repossessed. Nevertheless I digress, I just feel like this **** needs to be addressed!
Terror and fear have we fallen back to 1939, forever to be devoured by despair that clouds up the sunshine? How I wish to see the sunrise, how I wish that instead of hating each other, we instead choose to become allies.

Not buying what the world advertises, I won’t compromise otherwise I will become de-stabilized. I won’t become antagonized, I won’t be hypnotized, I won’t let myself become a piece of property that the government can control and monopolize. My paradise will not be had if I get caught up in propaganda, I won’t be warned to be silent like some kind of Miranda. I know my rights, I won’t be treated like mice, and I will roll my own dice, and will face my price. I know that this economy is on thin ice, and that minimum wage in some areas are going up which then leads things to become overpriced. Just hold on, stay strong, sometimes life will go back and forth like Ping-Pong.

Up’s and down’s, some stay idle where others run towards the crown. Time to stay headstrong, time to start getting along; it’s just one small step for man in the words of Neil Armstrong. This is where we belong, come together and rhyme along to my song. Try to change life for the better till we die, you will never know unless you try. Don’t fear the baton and the gun; I will fight for what I believe is right just like Milan. You can **** the man, but you can’t **** the dream or the idea, don’t get caught up in the cream, cut up that visa then run wild like a cheetah. All kingdoms crumble, be they can be rebuilt, life is a gamble, but I chose long ago to no longer let myself wilt. I have no guilt in being me, and I know right now it can be ******, but when we make it through I believe we will be happy
395 · Oct 2014
Be the difference
Classy J Oct 2014
Never know what's really going down, never know what's really going on, and if you ask, they say theres nothing going on. Is that really true, or is something deeper; more secretive going on. They might have been abused by their parents all their life, or maybe they have started taking drugs. They maybe got a kid with some girl, maybe they joined the gang just to be accepted, or to become a respected ****. You'll never know unless you get real, you should be that friend in their lives, when things are going good or bad. Be that difference in that persons life cause you never know what they're fighting, and when you help them through it, you'll feel glad. Be that difference, be that change, help a brother out, don't be so strange. Yeah be that difference, be that good friend, don't be so selfish because you can still bring that change.
393 · Jun 2014
Classy J Jun 2014
What is Life? How do we determine what it is? How do we feel? How do we taste? Why do we live? Why do we die? What is our purpose? Who knows the answer? All these questions, yet it seems so obvious or simplistic to some, where as others it is all blurry as fog. Is religion right? Or is their nothing out their. I found my answer, how about you?
391 · Dec 2014
sweet pain
Classy J Dec 2014
chocolate almonds melts in my mouth
eyes closed savoring the rich taste.
those around vanishing, as it melted away;
desiring more, choosing another, round, sweet.
never had anything tasted so good;
than the bitter sting of pain
as I bit my tongue; blood poured.
down down, drip drip, down it goes
sobbing; tears to fill a river bank.
my mother rushes in and holds me
holding me tightly, then kisses my head.
saying your alright, let me look at it;
would ice cream make you feel better
I nod, tears still in my eyes
387 · Feb 2016
Classy J Feb 2016
Cold alone afraid, no light to brighten our way, just set in our ways, cold have we become in this age. Cold, we are cold to people. Cold, we are cold to ourselves. Cold, to the world. Scrooges' we've become. Heart full of distain. Vain and ill intentions cloud our judgement. Cold attitude, so high we are, can't see beyond our own noses. Cold love, hate forms up. Tensions rise up, offensive attendees who don't see how they are offensive. Cold war, waiting to push the button for M.A.D. Nuke city, don't look pretty. Petty of how we've fallen out of what was once semi-peace. Guns dominate, youths are indoctrinated. Propaganda violating human rights. But it's ok we are the good guys. Yeah Right, we all evil, we have all gotten to entitled to see we are all actually the same. Cold days, cold nights, all we want to do is fight, that's just not alright anymore.
385 · Sep 2016
Classy J Sep 2016
Walking around with socks in Croc's looking so fly, with my expensive Starbucks and saggy ears from the extensions I put in a couple years ago, I wish that in my youth I never strived for getting high. I wanted to be cool with a man bun and ugly tatts, had a beanie cap but I could go back I would never let myself do that. Wife beaters, sometimes with preppy jeans or short, I was styling but now I find myself in court. I could never find any good jobs because of the stupid **** I did to fit in, I'm scarred to go to jail, and I know that I'll be a **** buddy to all those perverts looking at me with their demonic grins. Why did I roll with what society and my friends were handing out, and now I'm in a jam and I know there's no getting out. Groupies always riding with me, but now none of them are here to see me, alone with no way to be free. So much regrets, how did my life end up in such disaster, I can blame my family and friends or God even though I know I'm just as much to blame for this calamity, and that I can be somewhat of a ****** cheeky *******. Toxic, this whole thing is just so toxic, and I'm so sick and I know it just how it goes, even though sometimes I know that I can be as stubborn as a brick. Only seeing **** from the bridge of my nose, didn't give a **** about purity, I just slept with a whole bunch of hoes. Smocking ****, drinking a whole lot of jack Daniels and Hennessey, popped some Molly's, man I swear every time I did I felt like I was in the land of Disney. Looking back at my life is so dizzying, teacups go round and round, circle of life, and in the center of it all I was a god, I was king. Self centered and self afflicted, I couldn't handle my problems so I did drugs and now I'm too addicted. So toxic, but I can't stop it, I have tried to become clean but eventually I would always run back to it. Chasing a dream, face all white from all the *******, and its all the same, thinking I was a real g when I went to the ******* and made it rain. ***** all day, ***** all night, till I ran out of money, and all of them flew away from me like they was a runaway kite. Toxic, I just was so ****** up, thought I was so tough, but when it came to defending myself I couldn't buck up. Faded phases, just a maze rat running through all of society's test mazes. Peer pressure, societal pressure, intoxicating my mind, but what I'm left with is nothing, I must have been out of my mind. Adult crimes, adult decisions, not some punk kid anymore with no restrictions. Don't define yourself by what others do, just be you and do what you want to do. Everyone makes mistakes, don't do anything you'll later regret and I know its hard but I believe you can cut through all the worlds toxic filled snakes. Life isn't fair nor is it equal, and we are not a perfect people, but with perseverance and hope we can have a good sequel. Change happens, life moves fast, but if we keep in the toxins that are killing us and this world we won't be able to last.
Classy J Jan 2017
Why does this world always have to put things into categorization, why does this world group races with over-generalization? Got frustration with these creations that one is superior than the other people, that they consider others as nothing more than mentally ******* mutations! By my calculations are we not all a combination of blood, bones, and muscles with circulation? Then people have to wonder why there is so much aggression against segregation and exploitation. Can I get an explanation? Generations of education making the eradication of other people look like some much needed liberation.  Just an over-saturation of propaganda wouldn't that be a human rights violation? Corporations assimilating their ideals into our homes, shouldn't there be an investigation?

So much discrimination against certain associations, don't worry if you got a problem with it you feel nothing after they fill you a bunch of medication! Can't speak up otherwise you will be eliminated or re-indoctrinated. Is all this a secret agenda used to manipulate us and keep us cultivated? Raising our kids for their initiation, and starve us till we die so they can use our bones for the foundation. In the time of desolation, fools we are to not have done anything to stop the devastation. Fabrication orchestrated by the federation sending out misinformation to the population. Claiming it to be true, draining any attempt at revolt till we are black and blue. Brutality everywhere man is there even morality left or is this the new reality?

Is this nothing but a conspiracy? At least that Is what I  get from all the eyes who be looking at me weirdly.  Maybe it is just an overtly over-barren theory, maybe I have lost my mind and have entered into obscurity! So let me put on my aluminum hat, and buy ten thousand cats. Labelled as crazy, maybe I am shady when I had a baby with your mommy. Don't hate because I wasn't the first one to pluck her daisy, after all I'm zany and on so much drugs that everything is so hazy. Afraid of what I'm becoming, brain has decayed, oh hey did you hear something? Oh look here comes the CIA, and all they will tell you is the I have gone M.I.A.
383 · Apr 2015
Eternally Lost
Classy J Apr 2015
Through pastures, through dreams, through journeys, throughout time. Lost in limbo, no where to go for all I know it could be a eternity, but I think it would be quicker for me to lose my mind. Thats if I haven't already lost my mind. NOw I wait for something or someone to come and get me from this HELL!
381 · Jul 2016
Time to Work out
Classy J Jul 2016
Got on my Nike's and my sweats and classy T-shirt, blasting my music bout to blast off, so please beam me up captain kirk. Roger that, watch your back, building up a movement and then i be putting it on my back. Running away, no man I'm running towards, I came to make history I don't give a crap about Grammy's or Oscar awards. So political, when you get in the business, but I'm a independent rapper with a unique style, I'm underated but awesome like Nintendo's ness. Time to get out, time to work out, can't hold me back, if you mess with me I'll turn you into a pelt. Scottish blood, native blood, french blood, English blood, imma ethnically cleanse you all like I'm a flood. Going hard, getting strong, while some people smoke bongs I spent my time writing these songs.

Mayday, make way, for classy j the future class be destroying anything in his way like he doomsday. Time piece, time to make my peace, feel like I'm on top of the world, grooving and singing so much you think I was a star in grease. Moving on up, movement is **** tough, but i be been known for persevering through it even though it may be rough. Touch down, make them scream make them jump, life is like a box a chocolates yeah I got that from my one of my favorite movies forest gump. Time off, nah man I'm timing in, man it feels so good to feel alive again. I'm having the time of my life, yeah working out is totally worth it, I'm so glad I did not end my life. A little bit of positivity never hurt, changed the style a little bit but I still got a mouth of a murk.

Undalay undalay ese, que pasa hombre, I love mexico man, drinking all night, till next thing I know its already Sunday. Oh crap, I got to get to the flight, even though I got a wicked hangover and don't completely have any sight. Party time, making them rounds, bouncing through every town or city, leaving boring people at the pound. Give me the crown, never see me coming like a RKO, come in the ring and I'll be like Muhammad Ali and with one hit the bell rings as a result of a tko. Free styling every time I write these raps, I can do this in my sleep, yeah you definitely don't hear this kind of rap anymore that why I woke it from it's nap. I was born with it, its one of my many gifts I bring to the table, anything is possible if you believe you are good and able. Locked and loaded, revelled and scolded, don't put my name in italics boy, for a real man's name is bolded.

Time to work out, time to get out and actually live, in the world there is a lot more take then there is a lot more give. So turnt up and ready to have a good time, so turn that music up and bring out some fancy whine. Positivity and negativity, yin and Yan is what I deliver to thee. Good meets bad, but what happens when the immovable object meets the irresistible force, searching for answers, going into the matrix man, yeah I'm getting plugged into the source. Teaching you how to dougie, hip hop and contemporary is the way to go, danced all night now I'm all groggy. Tripping out, drinking energy drinks, cause when I party I go all out. Its funny how as a teen I never had to many friends and never got invited to party's, it cool though because now I get invited to them, and you can bet that a party with me is saucy.

Hitting that one two step, nay nay every day, dancing is such a work out, tell that to your mother the next time you go down by the bay. I could rap all day if I wanted, man I'm on fire, you bet your **** i be going 100. Inspired by tupac and biggie smalls, Canadian born y'all, my rhymes are as magestic as Niagara falls. Back to the subject, working out a message to give to my public. To sum up this rap, stop being so negative, work out, get out, and make sure you take less and instead try to increasingly give.
380 · May 2017
Off the Grid
Classy J May 2017
Don't know what people see in me, for I live my life vicariously. I'm as hypocritical as the Pharisees, but people can't get enough of my blasphemy. As dark and twisted as alchemy, but at the same an enigma that doesn't give a **** about his salary. As long as I pay those bills, as long as I keep it real and as long as I make it over that hill. This is real ******* rap yeah not that wanna be Taylor made **** that is really is just stuff you got from the gap. Yeah my **** is the cream of the crop, because it's real ******* hip hop. So bring on the special vintage scotch because it's time to celebrate because the future class is top notch. Yeah classy j what more do I have to say besides I hope I influenced you or made your day. Tip of the hat, not a big fan of cats, ruined my 64 console and till this day im still not over that.

I know that it didn't intend to but oh sorry no excuses when you wrecked my Nintendo. Wish I had a bulldog because they are so cute and ugly and lazy now that's my type of dog. Sorry went off topic, but my mind is like a tangled web or rubics cube so **** it. I hope it's evident that I'm eloquent but also subsequently prominent with puzzlement and pinch of classically gaudy fundaments. Got a primate mindset to ******* in some playmates. But I'm still broke so I just stick to **** my jerky while snorting some coke. So delusional from smacking **** that is medicinal.Isn't it typical how hypocritical that I'm as blind as Saul but now I'm a new man and changed my name to Paul. Now I'm steadfast and ready to surpass and trespass all these typecast rappers that won't last and if you don't believe me check the forecast.

Classy j broadcasting live from the greatest country alive. This just in, hip-hop just got its flow revived, for the under rated second coming goat has finally arrived. Going on a pursuit for happiness, because I haven't found it yet and every time i do it comes the same way it came instantaneous. I don't want to die without making my mark, and I don't want to go out until I discover the light in a world so dark. I want to see this worlds beauty, and maybe find a soul mate who is also classy. Before I do I must clue in with who I am, because if I don't deal with mine now how can I deal with another's,  because I want it to last and not have to cry in a corner screaming gosh ****. Got to be patient even if I don't find it till I'm ancient. Got to believe in the big guys plan, and when it comes to love I'm a traditional man. I'll ask for the fathers blessing but if I don't get it well he won't be invited to the wedding. Oh I didn't mean to offend my friend, right.. **** that **** don't waste time on mending relationships so when I say it's the end it's the end. Don't come again, don't want to hear you bargain, not going to downgrade myself to your style of jargon. Keeping up? Good just want to be reassured that you haven't misunderstood my obscured hood laboured bars that just occurred. Amid my off grid message I hope you continue to support me, because if you're  a true fan you know I don't do this **** carefree.
380 · Sep 2019
Savage Land
Classy J Sep 2019
Thick-muddy roads around some sick cruddy homes.
Drugs flowing in toe by toe.
Water’s running dry or poisoned,
Just waiting for the Vultures to show.
Institutionalized woes, seen in droves.
Internalized hatred making each other foe’s.
Systematic destruction killing everything we know.
But that’s the way it goes,
In the savage lands where people lose their very souls.
We in the savage lands, where things are running foul.
With some not realizing we never really got rid of the white cowl.
I don’t care what you have to say!
Things aren’t ok, ok, ok!
Don’t you see racism is still alive today?
Uh, education? What education?
After 100 years of attempted extermination.
Forcing their indoctrination, lock us up,
Isolating us from the rest of the population,
What’s that called again?
With missing and murdered indigenous women.
Yet the police take so much longer in their investigations.
Confiscating children out they homes,
Calling it salvation.
It’s like a third world country out here man!
It’s like we living in Damnation!
But that’s just the way it goes,
This is the savage land, where people have lost their very souls.
We in the savage lands, where things are running foul.
With some not realizing we never got rid of the white cowl.
Yeah, so I don’t care what you have to say!
Things aren’t ok, ok, ok!
Don’t you see racism is still alive today?
378 · Oct 2019
Hero’s & Foes
Classy J Oct 2019
Hero’s and foe’s.
Assigned to roles.
Hero’s and foe’s.
Where Divide and conquer rules. (X2)
Verse: 1
Uh, check it!
Centripetal force coursing through the veins,
Mixed with henny, speeding through multiple lanes.
Rudimentary devil, spewing coarse language defying parental guidelines.
Villain of the century, swooning hearts whilst dismantling traditional racist designs.
Such craftiness, isn’t it wild?
That our worlds filled with such nastiness.
Bringing truth brought forth from past experience.
Yet people still look at me like some incompetent child!
But I’ll continue fighting,even if I end up like John Coffey from the Green Mile.
Plunging propaganda down the toilet,
Expunging paraphernalia that has left us exploited.
That’s why you shouldn’t underestimate an apple.
Classiness defiled, how vile, engulfing youth into the Bermuda Triangle.
Barracuda coming for ya,
In order to scramble the status quo.
A hero seen as a foe,
Misunderstood like Edgar Allen Poe.
A hero seen as a foe.
Misunderstood like the edge lord shadow.
Hero’s and foe’s.
Assigned to roles.
Hero’s and foe’s.
Where Divide and conquer rules. (X2)
Chaos stems from abuse of power,
That will burn us like a fire power up flower.
But once that power is stripped away,
All your left with is scared little cowards.
So, why do we continue being submissive to these rat *******?
Why don’t we question their status of master?
That wasn’t achieved but ascribed to fit dominant factors.
Making slaves of those they deem as common denominators.
Thinking they are the Luke skywalker’s of the story,
But are actually the Darth Vader’s.
Thinking those oppressed will simply forgive them if they say sorry.
Well, sorry but come back when your ready to change policies.
Ready to change racist terminology.
Ready to tax the wealthy and give it to the rest of our struggling economy.
Ready to make the curriculum honest.
You want our trust.
We want laws and legislation to not be racist and biased!
Ultimately, we are calling for justice!
We should no longer be foes.
Don’t ya know?
It’s not to late to become a hero.
Don’t you know?
We are all just misunderstood like Edgar Allen Poe.
Don’t ya know?
We are all just misunderstood like the edge lord shadow.
Hero’s and foe’s.
Assigned to roles.
Hero’s and foe’s.
Where Divide and conquer rules. (X2)
374 · Jan 2016
Classy J Jan 2016
Overdosed on my sin, got myself all twisted up in idiosyncrasies, what happened to that boy who sang in the choir’s musical symphony?  Don’t understand it, I try to move forward but I can’t move, stuck in my ill prison, used to get vision, but now I am apart of a knew subdivision. Falling angel, why was it wrong to question this universe, now religion treats me like I’m Lucifer. Testing my niceness, can’t they see that I just want to be left alone; offended offenders just can’t let it go that I just want to go at life on my own. I always used to ****** analyze my friends to improve their self health, even though I was a ****** that just couldn’t analyze himself. Comatose patient there is no escaping this life that may just have an eternity to go, sorry but I don’t know if ok with that amigo.  Inconclusive theory’s saying that they are factual, searching for facts in a world full of extortion in a system run by cannabis animals. Ticking away the time doth go on with or without me, to be or not to be in this desert wasteland we call reality. Really why should I bother being politically correct, ***** those formality’s, with my fiery vengeance just like scorpion; fatality. Complicated overrated everyday living got me feeling dizzy that I’m starting to fade out, just checked out of my self conscious because I’m just so burned out. To early to late, heart vs. the mind, darkness vs. light, comatose feel like a ghost that has just lost hope with its current host.
373 · Oct 2016
Inner Soliloquy
Classy J Oct 2016
So far apart, separated at the heart, how can love end when it was just beginning to start? Darted towards a possibility, is this divinity, because seeing you I knew we were meant to be, as if it were destiny. Writing down my feelings, heart is going faster, yeah girl you certainly got me reeling. Call this an inner soliloquy; I thought love was just a fantasy, until what used to be just me later became you and me. Future Class, security used to be as thin as glass. Never took a chance, never searched for romance, never really gave anything a second glance. Classy J, I remember when I was starting to lose my way; I remember thinking life was grey. That all stopped when I met you, so for that I have to thank you.

Never minded my beautiful mistakes, you helped me fight all of my inner demonic snakes. Before I met you I never opened my hearts gate, I am so thankful that you have become intertwined into my fate. Without you, I don't think I could've kept my head on straight; who would've ever thought that I would find myself the perfect soul mate. No more stress, no longer a mess, because I found access to the happy express. Nesting my head upon your shoulder, you support me like a boulder. As we grow older I promise I will never leave your side, because no matter what my love for you will never die, don't have to worry, my love for you I won't ever try to hide. Though this may be a soliloquy, I hope somewhere you are listening to me, don't need to be right next to me to know how I feel for thee. I love you; I want to be with you, no matter what, I will do everything I can to be with you.
372 · Apr 2015
Society is Death
Classy J Apr 2015
Society a failure in the highest so sad whats going on, death, ******, racism, sexism,etc. Are we supposed to just live and die or is there more to this life? Dumping garbage on 3rd world countries, why don't we just shoot it out into outer space like Futurama. Plastic is going to be the end of us, oil is going to ruin our water, but no one really cares. We just to busy with us, entitled people we have become. Got are head so far up our own *** that we don't see the reality we are living in. Are we destined to destroy one another? Are we destined to live out a monotonous life? I just don't know any more.
369 · Jan 2021
Gink Raid
Classy J Jan 2021
Peace to sensei,
Coming to you live through airwaves,
As I wack off to ******,
Going on my own personal crusade,
Breaking walls like a man made out of Kool-Aid,
Like Muhammad Ali my flow is like a butterfly,
A war torn zealot that delivers like a pizza guy,
That thinks of your girl while he cream-pies.
Going in like it’s D-Day,
Call it a Gink Raid,
Hit em with a AK,
Shoot em down easier than slippy,
Slice a ****** up like it’s child’s play,
Call me a real killer like Chucky,
Hear the sirens Blair,
Oh **** gotta find a getaway.
Faster than a red hot chilli pepper,
To the cops displeasure.
Going underground like I’m master splinter,
Relaxing, steaming hams like Skinner,
Until I come up with a new plan,
That is truly evil like Mr.Sinister.
That would make a metal man,
Like Victor Vaughn approve of her.

This is a Gink Raid,
Carpe Diem,
Seize the Day,
Where human nature is displayed.

This is a Gink Raid,
A death parade,
A unpinned grenade,
Where human nature is displayed.

Times ticking closer to Doomsday.
Everyone always acts tough till it’s judgement day.
Crimes picking up, got things going sideways.
Rick Grime surviving bundles of zombies.
Simon says we better run away.
Shame gambling doesn’t pay.
Never know what lies in bouquets.
Semi-automatic bullets dance like ballets.
Piercing through flesh of desired prey.
That fall gently like flowers on summers day.
Death, an embrace none can escape.
No time for breath, when faced with fate.
Can’t hit the breaks.  
When rates have high stakes.
It’s war time, where peace comes from hate.
That takes lives for humanities sake.
A foolish pride, that existed since we were primates.
A sacrifice of blood, for a slice of cake.
That hooked crooks like bait.
Adversity is something we create.
Internally; suffocating us like restraints.
That keeps us in a sheepish state.
That innately generates,
A division of race that isolates,
A segregation which discriminates,
That dictates which traits.
Are more dominantly quaint.
That got us repeating history that betrays.

This is a Gink Raid,
Carpe Diem,
Seize the Day,
Where human nature is displayed.

This is a Gink Raid,
A death parade,
A unpinned grenade,
Where human nature is displayed.
366 · Apr 2015
why are we here
Classy J Apr 2015
Big world tiny people left to find out why were here
Psychos', revolutionary's, reactionary's, anarchy
Fighting each other, this is one mad world
Money is power and power is control but it doesn't last long
There is always a fall, pride is destroyed
What is truth, does it even exist?
Have many theories and ideologies but what should we believe
What does it mean to believe? What is a feeling? How do we know what it is? Have many questions but no answers or so we know if we know anything at all. Is it all some conspiracy or is life just something that can't truly be processed because we only use 10% of it.
366 · May 2017
Embracing The Absurd
Classy J May 2017
Wickedly Waco classically gaudy ******, thee future class coming at you with lyrics so perfecto. Que pasa me llamo es que, me llamo es como, me llamo es Classy J ese. No me es no Español, I'm just classically gaudy and I drank a lot of alcohol. This is no ordinary cypher, and no hidden messages in my raps to decipher. It's just real **** that anyone can roll with, and I here to become such a legend that a million years from now I become a myth. No ***** to give, and I'm not here to apologize or forgive as I'm here to live. Life is cruel yeah that is the rule I learned, and you don't just get respect as it has to be earned. It's a dog eat dog mentality, and im still sticking to the excuse of being a victim of this reality.

Self righteous self involved and self indulged, so selfish but thats just humanity for you but at the same time we feel like we can judge others but we hate to be judged. The things that make me go hmm, but Im also human so that means I'm also part Baffoon. Sometimes I want to hide in a cocoon or fly away to cancun. Trying to be successful in ruin, just an outcast like aloy I have to find my path and surpass the proving. Not many believe in me, but as long as a few do that's all that matters to me. Only got so much life to live, so I have to make the most of it and put in as much passion in my music because I want to be proud of the product I give. Striving to get bigger, and I'm building up a movement that no one can hinder. Longing to know where truth lies, because all I can see right now are true lies. Half hearted promises be ******* with my emotions, because I'm so caught up in all this ******* commotion. Losing love for people, losing love for myself, losing sight of the sequel because I'm so caught up with the constant thoughts of killing myself.

Depressed and stressed and I'm not sure how much more I can be pressed. My uncle recently committed suicide, and that made me see how much pain it's gives others and made me see it from their side. Angry and confused, wondering why or how and what made him do what he did and sometimes those feelings can't be ever diffused. The pain of life sometimes feels unbearable but I have to keep reading them parables. Maybe I'm hysterical confiding in the pages of the bible because sometimes you  have to try turning over the tables. What's my prognosis doc? Well it says here your precocious and need to focus on what you want because you cant make it appear with hoccus poccus this is real life you have to walk the walk. I don't follow the flock because I'm not like other folks that keep looking at the clock and confine themselves in little cults. I'm embracing the worlds absurdity, and i am a ****** absolutely but yet truly also a brutal hard hitting squanchy anomaly. Going on a journey for Szechwan sauce, and buy a cake from the cake boss. Because why not? If nothing really matters why should I do a melancholy job until I rot? I just want to be something else isn't that something else to strive to be unlike everyone else. So if you're like me come along on this classically gaudy ride, because why should unique misunderstood ******* have to hide?
366 · Apr 2016
Classy J Apr 2016
They are telling me to have a mentality of hakuna matata,but if really knew me, I like things to have a little heat to it like sriracha. No chakra for me please, for I am real, I say things as is, not to crazy about starting off with the story of the birds and the bee's. That **** is some true b.s, for real man, awkward talks can get thrown out in the trash cans. Kumbaya my lord, I can't handle these foolish people that conspire with their idiotic deeds, they must be full of a bunch of ****. I proceed to take out these exceeds, that pray onto beads like some kind of cult or creed. What the **** is wrong with us, hanging onto lost values, no wonder it's so easy for you to say in God you trust. Gentiles and philistines lined along with their hypocrisy, is there a way where we can cure this disease. I speak about real deals, to eventually help this world fully heal. Although no body wants to hear me, maybe I am just not speaking clearly or maybe everything is becoming to **** weary. Where be the hope, where be the believe, offended offenders roasting each other as if they are beef. So what makes you have the authority to tell me to chill and sing kumbaya at camp, when people are struggling to get some food stamps. You have no idea, to blind and privileged entitled bricks, you are the reason why future generations will continue being privileged entitled *****. No time to take a chill pill or check all the haters emails, it time to be real it's time for our society to finally begin to prevail. All hail no one, we are all equal, no one is more great than the other, everyone is one with one another. Oh brother, did I just say something that makes sense, because your looking a little tense, playing the defence.
365 · Jan 2021
Misrelating Tale
Classy J Jan 2021
Misrelating Tale
Gotta prepare for war, like I’m Daniel-son.
Train every day with that wax-off, wax on.
Mister Miyagi flow, that hits like a Jeff Hardy Swanton Bomb.
What has the world become?
We unleashed the sword,
So, what was done can’t be undone.
But what if this narrative could be un -spun ?
Would we right wrongs?
If we rebuilt foundations,
Would our nation remain strong?
To return a triumphant king like Aragon,
Or be stabbed in the gut like qui-gon?
But as def squad says we’ll continue on till the break of dawn.
For this is the way of the mandolorian.
Some days one gotta switch sides,
From the autobots to deceptocons.
Fighting foodons, blasting brains like I’m jimmy neutron.
A Lightning nuisance, that’ll static shock the electrons.
That may interrupt ones...
Constant flow of info from dendrites to axons.
After the battle is won, grab some schezwan.
Project soul of foul human individual cretans.
Not everyone can be as polite, as the bear named Paddington.
Gotta call the ghostbusters to extract some Thetans.
Rest In Peace to Egon.
When **** hit the fan, gotta know how to swim in the deep end.
Treating each failure like it was a lesson.
Everyday I battle against anxiety and depression.
Let’s just say I know what’s it’s like to feel less than.
Got my heart crushed like some croutons.
And have had to attack on my inner Titans.
And just when you think I’m defeated,
I go super saiyan.
Schooling it like I’m Piccolo and it’s Gohan.
Let’s go son!
I Will never lose my head like a dullahan.
For I ain’t got not time for 99 problems.
Gotta open the third eye to see past illusions.
Got to change the qualities of the composition.
Keeping stressors relatively small no matter the opposition.
Gotta emphasize the light like you painting an impression.
On everything and everyone that may come along.
A perspective can turn curses to blessings.
Can take one’s trauma and use it as a weapon.
To change the cycle of ones disposition.
But that being said,
One can’t predict everything like the Simpsons.
For the world’s more controversial,
Than the ending of the Jefferson’s.
360 · Sep 2016
Time Zone
Classy J Sep 2016
I know I can’t change my past but I can change my future, you don’t need to go back to the past to understand your future. We are definitely in a time zone, and the time zone is what your opinion is on life, so if you think your life going nowhere, you just want to end it with a kitchen knife, or living is flourishing, you can’t wait to being happy for the rest of your life. Yeah time to forget and forgive the prequel, this is a time to start your sequel. Yeah, bad life to good life, good meets bad, bad meets evil, time to make a new life, forget about the prequel, and time to make a new sequel. Young, new, and free, we have just fought in the war; we have found the key to survival, the key is how we survived the blood and gore. The end is coming, yeah it has just begun, man I telling you the truth when I say it’s not going to be fun. Yeah Liars, haters, fakers, and money-makers, we all are going to die but we just waste our lives watching some basketball featuring the Lakers. Time is my enemy, it definitely is not a friend to me, and I used to be a faker because I used to hide my true self, which you could not see. Yeah, we will one day be the land of the free, but for now we fight, we fight for our rights, and if we die don’t worry cause we’ll be dining with the king that night. Yeah, time keeps getting faster, I may be an inspirational speaker but I would not consider myself some Pastor. I was a hot head, but now I have cooled down a notch, but there are still times where I have to bring out a bottle of scotch. Yeah from hopeless to hopeful, from pain to happiness, from hate to love, we are set from our cage like a peaceful dove. Time’s up, what’s the meaning for our lives now, what did u do in your life which made u really proud, we like to be the change, the difference, the one not a part of the rest of the crowd. We sing and we shout, but when it comes to being the bigger man we just stink like trout. We stay our masked self’s from reality, we can’t be ourselves so we strike out and get a lot of fouls, we lose the game which feels as bad as a fatality but that’s just reality. Man I know life aint fair, I would know I’ve been there, but we have to get bracken before we are renewed, man our lives can be kidnapped by evil and feel sorry for ourselves and we just give it a movie title like taken.
359 · Jun 2014
what am I?
Classy J Jun 2014
all around, no sound, but I feel. I can feel cold, I can feel warm, I just go on whispering. Through the day I can change patterns, without any hesitation at all , I just goes on whispering, yet I has no mouth to whisper from. what am I?
Classy J Oct 2015
Let me begin by saying ***** Harper, ***** Mulcair, and ***** Trudeau, they all corrupt, well to be fair they are after all political. I don't know how i'm going to vote for this upcoming election, because all the people running for prime minister are all a bunch of white dudes that are such ***** kills. They are so bland but they think themselves so high in demand, those cocky hypocritical ****** are hilariously cynical. As a native I know I really should vote, but when none of the applicants give a crap about my people, I might as well spin a wheel. For real nothing is going to change, I feel like nothing matters, that it won't matter if I do vote, and i'm not the only one out there that feels that way. I want to be proud about my decisions in life, but this is one decision I don't know if I should make. When less than 40% of Canadians actually   vote, that is not good; like compared to people who go watch ****** movies, there is still a higher percentage of people who show up to watch it; so it be more productive for me to watch fifty shades of grey. I think something is wrong with that, people died so we could vote, I am not trying to be a baggy blow hard, but if you don't vote, I believe that is a crucial mistake. Either way the choice is truly our own, we have to live with the decisions we make, whether it be good or bad.
353 · Feb 2015
Heart of grief
Classy J Feb 2015
love runs down the river of life
rebuke these rivers of love for all it brings is pain
worlds and realms all collapse because of love
hatred darkening moods and souls of men
hardening even the most somber of man's hearts
how it saturates our conscience, to do things the mind can't control
leaving all in misery and woe
inundating all of society till it crashes down
what is the meaning of love and hate bearing down on our emotions
leaving us in dangerous states
352 · Oct 2016
Word play
Classy J Oct 2016
Classy came, classy continually and confidently game. Future fame, fan fever is frantically and fanatically insane. Mr. Maniacal making machine like maneuvers, knocking down all these rappers who are no more than bootleggers. One to monitor, rap game I have just commandeered, don’t give two ***** if I become popular. Baa, Baa, Boom, better make room, no time to go to the restroom, it’s time for hope to bloom. I will literally die if I can’t help change this demented land, not here to command or demand; I’m here to expand and give struggling people a hand. Power will throw a fit if you try to abuse it, not a time to split, for giving up is the worst crime to commit. Time to make the fire run wild, time to leave all things holding you back to be exiled.  I know it’s not exactly a walk in the park, I know that making a change in your life can be as hard as hitting a target in the dark. There are seasons that are bright, there are seasons that are dim, there are people who bring light, and there are people who are just grim. Is there such a thing as good hate or bad love? Could there be such a things as determined fate or sad dove’s?

Are humans just wise fools? Are we truly kind, when we choose to rather be cruel? Life is bittersweet, not happy even if you’re in the master suite, not happy because we all secretly feel we are not complete. Painfully beautiful, awfully lucky, bountifully barren, oh how much I love living in sweet agony.  I tried to whistle in the dark, but people are a wreck they need some real fine tuning, they need more than just one little spark. As all eyes start to loom, as I slowly tame all the shrews, as I continently battle with all these thoughts filled with gloom. You need to have some real big long teeth to get through some ****, its takes more than wit, if you don’t commit; you will lose all of it. Saucy punctilious wenches, so dicey, so spicy, just inches from reaching all your potential senses. Reaching the very edges of what is possible, living in a time that has done what was once thought implausible.

Sometimes I wish I was a Solomon with some of my decisions, sometimes I just forget to put my foot in my mouth, which usually leads to head on collisions. I have an ambition, before rap I never had a position in society, but now with this transition I got some notoriety.  Never wanted to be in the spotlight, I just wanted to write, I just wanted real freedom and equal rights.  Here come the dots, what, you kidding, you aren’t seriously thinking that some humans are actually modified robots? Hustling so hard, you can call me Rick Ross, rhymes so fresh from yours truly: The Classy boss. Getting between the cracks like dental floss, cutting through all this corruption as if it were moss. Strong and steady, this is not a gong show, so please don’t bring out the confetti. If you want to be healthy you best eat your veggies, if you don’t want wedgies learn how to fight because life isn’t nice and sweet like cherries or strawberries. Time to be edgy, so it’s time to get rid of all of your teddies. Jaded by all of the junk, jealous insecure jocks aren’t worth your time, so don’t be afraid to let loose your groovy funk.
348 · Mar 2017
Everyone is responsible
Classy J Mar 2017
Absolutely augmented am I? Truly demented and ****** fallen angel from the sky. Perpetually increased cries of voices be off putting my choices. Am I devilish and in need to repent? Maybe that's what they meant when they said I was heaven sent. Greatness or mistake I don't know because right now I'm walking in the darkness. Feels like I'm climbing a mountain without a harness, and I don't know how I can maintain my posture and strength much longer without a harness. Getting distracted and impacted by obstacles, for I found out the hard way that I'm not unstoppable or invincible. Mind ran off because it's despicable, how predictable that our kind has become so feeble.

Yeah that's right we have become feeble isn't our kind so predictable? Despicable minds running off to la la land, and when that happens we don't know what to do so we put our heads in the sand. We are not invincible nor unstoppable so be cautious when you come across obstacles. Harness your inner strength and maintain your posture, don't become a monster. Don't get caught up in the darkness you are not a mistake because I believe we all have some unknown greatness. Maybe that's what they meant when they said we were heaven sent? Even though we are always in need to repent but that does not make us devilish in need of some punishment. We all make choices and we shouldn't be putt off track by deceiving voices. Long to be a angel and fly through the sky and never have to worry about pain or constantly wanting to cry. I am truly augmented but if I keep my head up and focus on where I'm headed I will overcome being tormented.

Moonlight wanders, and all I see fields full of flounders. Eeriness looms and it blinds my sight does this place spell my doom? Blood for blood everyone ends up a dud, so much confusion that my eyes are starting to flood. What is justice and how can I trust this, because I'm paranoid that everyone is as trustworthy as a judas kiss. Who determines this course of action, and why are we separated by factions and why is there nothing but rigged elections. Where can I find protection, because the people who wear the belt of correction and order is full of corruption. Separated from my brothers, and I'm subjugated by my country to go out and **** my brother. We are all one, but none of that matters it's all about who got the biggest guns. I thought I was the issue, but I'm just a product of a system misused. Am I responsible for my actions and how can I be responsible when I witness the same thing but I also have a horrified reaction. Never signed up, rights I had to give up, how can I speak if before I speak I get told to shut up. People made equal, but because people are flawed we have made a system that is anything but equal. We are the same, but you think I'm insane and speaking in vain.

Vain speaking with insane thinking, are we not all the same and does this life truly mean anything? Equal system made by flawed people so does that even make us equal? It's ok if you go up and try to shut me out, I won't give up, I'll even sign up if it my message gets out. Reactions will be horrified but people similar to me won't even be surprised. Misused system just a product of a bigger issue, we are ****** up for sure. Guns get bigger, rich get richer, poor get poorer. Brother subjected to propaganda to **** another brother for we don't know what we do so please forgive us father. Corruption full of supposed order and correction, so if that's the case who do I run to for protection? Elections rigged and we're separated into factions so what is our course of action. Kissed by judas by untrustworthy persons, I think I'd rather chop off my *******. Flood beginning to enter out of my eyes, how can I keep this up in a world full of lies. Confusion is abundant for us duds, so caught up in that vengeful mindset of blood must have blood. My mood spells out what I chose to see, so that's why for longest time the worlds lie is what I believed. Walking into flounders field wandering in the moonlight, trying to muster up the energy to keep up the fight.
345 · Jul 2014
The Friend zone
Classy J Jul 2014
Friendships are good, except when you have a crush on one of your friends. That's when things get... interesting, confusing, frustrating, comical, awkward, and sometimes if you have enough patience and time things right you might get to date that friend. The only thing that makes things worse is if your friend/crush is already in a relationship and doesn't think of you as a potential boyfriend or girlfriend. Or if they don't swing in the same ball park as you, if you know what I mean.
345 · Jun 2015
Don't become the bitter man
Classy J Jun 2015
Bitter at the world, bitter at life, bitter negative miserable unfair life. How is a man supposed to be positive when the **** hits the fan. Sorry for himself, sorry that he even tried to keep on breathing, sorry that he can't express any feeling. Selfish and arrogant, can't see past the tunnel, too bitter to look at the good, rather he looks at his past and present circumstances. Doesn't believe he'll have a better future,people say God has a plan for his life, but he would rather sulk in the darkness, instead of looking in the light.  Truth is he has lost faith, he has lost hope, he needs help from something to cope.  It's hard to get rid of bitterness when you've been in it so long, only the strong survive, so he needs to come along. Otherwise the only road left is the one to destruction , which will eventually lead to death. My advise is don't become the bitter man, stay on the good path, never lose track of who you are.
343 · Feb 2018
Minority report
Classy J Feb 2018
Minority Report
Causing heinous acts with these verbal attacks, the future of class bringing the heat to this **** because it's ******* wack. Living dangerous ******* infamous, and I got thoughts so dark deep and callous. Heart filled with malice because thats what I gotta do to achieve my dream of living in a classy palace. Writing **** so obscene, sometimes I don't even know what the **** I mean you know what I mean? Head believes itself to be in atlas even when in reality it's sleeping on a **** soaked mattress. What do I gotta do to garner a buzz, do I got I gotta rap about drugs, *******, shiny cars and make sure you know how much I hate the ******* fuzz? Underground mindset vs mainstream *******, but rap needs purpose again so you'll bet I'll defend it. All lot of yawl get to easily offended, and those folk are a bunch of self righteous pompous entitled airheads. I got to fake myself which degrades myself, so maybe that's why I can't stand myself. We're all just hypocrites and parasites draining happiness outta life, and we're all idiots that lack insight of how we're the ones really responsible with how we view and treat life. Maybe I swear too much because I actually care too much, and I think one way we get common sense back is if we give ourselves a quick slap or punch. Maybe it's too late, maybe we waited too long and now there's no longer an escape. Is it all just fate and are we no more than bait? Maybe this world is one big joke and we're the punchline, and it's only a matter of time before we run out of time. The world is a cavity maybe that's why the truth aches, and truth is such a tooth ache and we can pretend it's not there but there's no mistake. Oh **** what a ******, we are just puppets to corporations and media and religion man this **** is a bother. Freedom will never take place, and each politician is basically the same because power corrupts no matter the race. Face it we are mice in a maze, and most countries run on the consumerism craze. Oh geez oh my, I think Karl Marx would probably cry. No such thing as equality, but we're all equally ****** undoubtedly. Majority of crimes being young white males yet minority's are the majority in jails, man that's a ****** ordeal. Colour coded mindsets where black is evil and gloomy and white is pure and beautiful. Why is that and why do we still use it like why hasn't anyone changed that? Creatures of habit, creatures so savage, creatures that need to be managed or branded. All apart of categories, and it sickens me that this is reality and not some twilight zone story. Before people can get to know the real me they negatively view me, for I'm just a primitive Cretan that bums lighters, smokes, alcohol, and their wives but that is such a fallacy.  I'm demeaned a criminal the day I came out coloured, society put out a minority report out for me and nothing I could say or do would've mattered. Over-generalizing my being, and it's pretty ironic that some call me an illegal alien.
341 · Jun 2016
Pain won't last
Classy J Jun 2016
Rejuvenating a heart thats is aching, a new path I'll be creating. Getting up, not letting the pain keep me down and isolated, **** other hatred, not going to intimidated by self infatuated num nuts that try to get me all irritated. There are different seasons we go through, nothing last forever, and I believe that you and I can get through this painful endeavour. Rising like the stars, strengthen our resolve, not going to run towards quick harmful solutions like drugs and alcohol. Keep on trudging even if you think your exhausted, you will never be alone, you will never be forgotten. Don't let the lie's circulate in your brain, pain is only temporary, don't end your life, there is a lot of positives to living, you just have to keep on getting through the pain writing terrain. If I fall your there for me, if you fall i'll be there for you, friends stick together no matter what each other may be going through. You shall have victory, just keep holding on, just keep going because life is a marathon. I know it seems like you never going to get a break, that your nothing but a mistake, that your not standing on very solid ground and that everything is beginning to quake. Just keep remembering and believing that the pain won't last, life is what you make it, just keep strong and I promise you'll have a blast. Day after day, some shine, some rain, I won't worry because I know in my heart that everything is going to be ok, even though at the moment there is some pain. Broken down, broken hearted, feeling like death, just concentrate and take a moment and take a breath. Strained and pluckt, drained out of positivity, trying to keep it together when your drenched in negativity. Open your mind, be limitless, don't hold onto stress, clear your mind don't over obsess. Pain won't last, time moves on, you are more than your predicament, love yourself, and keep being a phenomenon. wake up, rise up, see what you're made of, find true love, find your peace and fly into the sun above. Life can be a bit of a *****, because if it were a **** it would be easy, this is a journey man, it's bound to get more than a bit breezy. Turn around, 360 scope, don't look back, just keep on going, and if your in some rough waters, just keep on rowing. Like dory, you just got to keep on swimming, so what if you keep on missing your target, just keep on swinging. Pain won't last, do what you got to do, there is no need to slice your wrists dude. Pain won't last, your going to have that breakthrough, you just have to believe that you can break through that pexiglass.
341 · Jun 2015
Human Disease
Classy J Jun 2015
Cold world, with a gold lust, with a heart stuck in the darkness of greed. There is no escape from the envious world. Greed is good, they said, but everyone accepted that the reality was something else. They, the inhabitant stirred as the search for the other had begun. What existed before was forgotten, buried in a past, buried away which was accepted as a good thing. For most, the impulse; the need to have others feel one another's need was elfish as well- can't they feel what I need?" Can't they know what I am thinking? All they do is think of themselves! Those who I have hired to invest my earnings for me, then they go and spend my profit for their own profit. How dare they take a slice for themselves, rob me from what was mine. What kind of deal is this? Cruelty begets cruelty, I guess this world and I have one thing in common we are a disease!
340 · Jul 2016
Classy J Jul 2016
Left, right, left,right, we stand to fight, marching on, burden strong, heading on into the night. Waving flags, can we be saved, ravished human beings that we face, what side is right, where is the moral compass, is it for freedom or is it more than that, I don't know so I keep on trudging on into unknown space. Make your strategy, stand your ground, making rounds, shattered hearts, prepare for missiles for they are inbound. Detonate, hesitate, is this really necessary, will this war every end, at this moment things are looking scary. Remember your drills cadets for this is real life now, no time for rest or sleep, just keep on going and wipe off the sweat from your brow. War hinders on the belief that we must extinguish this threat before it takes us out, once your in you can't get out. Battlefields, mind games, will we be the same, will i be able to live with myself because i'm not sure if this is even humane. Pulling me in like a maelstrom, some don't even have a choice, they are forced to defend their country, so that when it's over we can hopefully come back and rejoice. Just keep going left, left, left, right, left, so nervous that I am strained and think my throat is in my chest, I am so bewildered and i'm not thinking straight because I am just so stressed. Keep going soldier, that what they say, that's what they have instilled into my brain, because if we win we'll have everything to gain.
340 · Mar 2016
Walking towards death
Classy J Mar 2016
Desperate human being walking around feeling like he aint worth anything. Opening doors that makes things worse, but he is hurt, so consumed in the mindset that he hates everything. Walking around with no intent on where to go, feels like he has no purpose, he feels like he is just a demented individual. Walking closer to death, starting to think about drugs and alcohol to cure him, even though he knows it''l make his life more grim. Second time that has been this close to committing suicide, he's not feeling alright, he is not sure what to do, there is a fight in his mind telling him to decide. He can't stay in the house, he wants to get out, not really sure what life is about. So he goes on a walk in the cold and dark night, trying to stay in his right mind but it's a tough fight.
339 · Aug 2014
why dads?
Classy J Aug 2014
why dads?
Men, or should we even call them that. So many of them diseased, they cheat, steal, ******, ****, and betray anything that breaths. Their are good one's out their but they usually die young, or they are married, etc. Fathers are the one's that usually abandon their kids once they leave their soon to be ex-wife for some other women. Men are suppost to be the authority figures but they abuse that power. They start wars that are pointless, they thrive on greed that will get them no where when they are close to death. Why is the world so cruel, well you don't have to look to far to know the answer. When I grow up I will not become this disease, I will not keep the pattern going any longer, cause it's time for someone to be a man, might as well be me.
338 · Jun 2014
decieving addiction
Classy J Jun 2014
im just so addicted, I keep trying to get out, but I always fall to temptation and that quick high. I always talk myself into that dark situation, it's so deceiving, it looks so good but it just makes life hurt more. It leaves me stuck in a muck, I need some help, before I get lost in my deadly desires. I need a savior, who will help me get out, before I end it all. Why do I do this to myself, why do I long for something that harm's me. Why do I always feel depressed, this guilt keeps weighting on me, I need to get out of this mess.
Classy J Dec 2016
My passions seem to be nothing more than dreams; but from my dreams are not thy passions derived from? I have many passions but from what I hear they are unrealistic. The same supposed realist's that say that everything in life came from an explosion from nothing. If nothing can create everything, cannot my passions or dreams become real? However even if I do achieve this and everything I ever wanted; what then? For I have seen those who may have everything and still feel as though they had nothing. So what is our value or the value our possessions or achievements? And how can those with nothing look like they have everything? I believe this question to be the question on everybody's mind. And I do believe only a few know the answer. My question to you is this very question?
331 · Oct 2014
open your eyes
Classy J Oct 2014
Truth confided in lie's and conspiracies, trust is earned not taken, falsity in idealism, so much drama to fill an ocean. Bound by forces we don't fully understand, feeding into our mediocre society. Getting brainwashed, having this life of our's ****** out by distractions, not looking at what's really going on in our world. Spoiled, entitled, selfish, stubborn,greedy people we have become. What happened to us? What have we become? Who are we really? I don't have all the answers, but just like you I have a lot of questions.
328 · Sep 2015
Classy J Sep 2015
RIZN is a place to be to chill out,
its a place for those to find what their asking questions about.
RIZN is a place to be to hang out,
its a place for those to talk and shout.
RIZN is a place to know about the Saviour,
man if you don't agree to that,
you better change your behaviour.
HE forgave you from your sins,
now you got God's favour.
RIZN is a place to meet new people,
now you can start a whole new sequel.
RIZN is a place to dance and sing,
to let the whole world know that you love the King.
RIZN is a place to play games,
its a place to read about people like Matthew, Mark, Luke, James.
RIZN is a place to learn from the experience of the leaders,
its a place to be ok with yourself everytime you look in the mirror,
without worrying about someone calling you a queerer,
RIZN is a place to tell others about your life story,
to one day be baptized in the main church for God's glory,
RIZN is a place to glow in the dark,
so it leaves you with a fun and impressing mark,
RIZN is a place were you can express your good opinion,
not make you into some zombie minion
RIZN is a place to expand your horizon to new views,
so your not some story in the breaking news.
324 · Jul 2014
With the Wind
Classy J Jul 2014
where the wind blows I shall go,
neither here nor there or any where,
I am neither low to the ground or high like the sky,
I just drift along with the wind floating ever so peacefully,
I never stay but I may come back again SOME DAY,
I go with the wind not against it,
I am what I am,
Neither here nor there or anywhere!
324 · Sep 2016
Lost In Misery
Classy J Sep 2016
Wretchedness voided away from happiness, sulked in the sadness, is this normal or is this madness? Desolation of the separation, melancholy conversations, what ever happened to having affection? Torment, my life feels dormant, heart aching and broken, needs some reassortment. Depression, mind suggestions, is this just apart of the natural selection? Anxiety seeping out, it's like I'm caught up in a whirlwind, that I am just desperately trying to get out of, but the darkness has trapped me within. Misfortune has been afflicting me, got me addicted to thee, blinding me from seeing how I should be. What a messed up ordeal, wondering if any of this is truly real, if you can relate then you know how it feels. Deprivation, reeling in onslaughts of frustration, hoping I can make it through this tribulation. Hardships, wanting to blast off in my star ship, already passed the point of brinkmanship. Woe, that's how it seems to go; temptation got me wanting more and more. Don't know what I'm here for; is religion truly no more than lore? Such anguish of these demons that I’m to tired to vanquish, not normal so should I just be banished, some times I wish I could vanish. Trouble; walking through the rumble of what used to be stable, sometimes I think happiness is just a fable. I'm in a state of dejection; need to find out what's wrong with me, so I go to the hospital for a C-section. What a painful delight, passionately barren, as all eyes keep on starring through the night, can you imagine? Twinge of pain, give me a syringe and put it in my veins, so gone that I don't care how much of myself remains. Left astray, life going down the drain, negative attitudes leave me seeing everything as being vain. Absent minded, set adrift, thank you bad memories I really like to be reminded. Hidden wayward unredeemed soul, thought he was a genius when he was a fool. Not meant to be foul, but I am looked at like some kind of ghoul. Kiss Goodbye, can no longer cry, missed chances to make up for all my lie's. Oblivious, all things in life are frivolous, what once deemed pretty are now deemed hideous. Trying to be found, trying to turn this around, I no longer want to live in this pound. What will it take to become safe and sound? How long before I can stand on solid ground? How do I become world renowned? How long till the world treats each other as equals, how long till I'm no longer disowned? Am I the only one that feels alone? How long till I am out of this combat zone? Don't want to explode, in survival mode, but it's hard to move when I am carrying a heavy load. Loaded up with issues, loaded up with problems, loaded up with offence, maybe that's why I seem pretty tense. Trying to look through other peoples lenses, using all of my senses, building up healthy defences.
For this rap I wanted to only use words that could connect with the word misery and that is why this one is a little dark. But I wanted to better my writing and I feel like it hits home.
323 · Dec 2014
lose yourself
Classy J Dec 2014
Don't lose yourself even if you have doubts, cause they can't understand how it felt, when you got beat up and got a lot of welts. Some of you think if you got to church you'll melt, so instead you just keep doing the same stuff and when you fall you have no one to cry to for help. But guess what?... Jesus knew how it felt to get beat up and have so many welts. Before He got killed, he got on his knee's and knelt. Saying Father, "they do not not know what they have dealt." He died on that cross for you, to heal all of your welts. So when you fall, He is there to pick you up.
320 · Feb 2015
price of addiction
Classy J Feb 2015
Burdened, afflicted, addicted, caught up in thoughts of somebody's affection. Heart broken, life wasted, pain is the only thing left to hold onto. Why or is there even an answer? Had plans, had dreams, but now there faded only in my memories. Brain dead, living lifeless for the rest of what we call life. Price of addiction is a deadly one.
319 · Dec 2016
If you only knew
Classy J Dec 2016
Gates of my soul for the longest time forgot to be open and glow. Broken and battered from all the years. That all changed when you walked in, but I don't know if I have the courage to tell you how I feel. What do I have to lose when I have nothing left to lose. If you only knew, if you only knew that I haven't felt this way in a long time. That  moment when your smile lifted my spirits and brought hope back into my life. If you only knew what I think of you. When I was low your presence kept me high. If only you knew how much I find it attractive when you are so nice to others and look at things with so much positivity. If you only knew that like you I want to make this world better. If you only knew that even though we don't really know each other; that in a heart beat I would move a mountain for you. You make me want to be better, you make me see the world clearer. If you only knew that I never had the courage to ask you out. But no more, I can't risk losing someone so precious again. I can't live another second being too late to ask this time. If you only knew how hard it is for me to build up my courage. But I promise that when the time come I will tell you.
313 · Aug 2019
Classy J Aug 2019
Unsure on what to do,
Unsure on what to say,
Before you go,
On your way.
A way apart from me.
Wish I could count the times,
We almost said goodbye.
I thought I changed.
I thought wrong.
That is true.
My life’s a zoo.
Caged in like a monster.
But I don’t mind.
Because for All my life that’s how I’ve been defined.
And I can’t lie,
When I say I don’t deserve sum of it.
But  six warning shots to the head and back man.
That’s more than just corporal punishment.
It’s astonishing that I’m still around.
Like a holy cow please don’t eat me.
Ripping me apart with all them critiques.
Yet we stuck through it.
Yet you keep me going.
Instead of throwing in the towel.
You gave me the courage to keep on my dark night cowl.
But now,
When things are going great.
And I admit I made one big mistake.
That’s on me.
But baby don’t you see.
I’m not complete without you there for me.
And right now I’m alone,
Next to the phone.
Hoping it rings,
And this fall can turn back into spring.
Thinking of the things I would say to get you back,
But I’m,
Unsure on what to do,
Unsure on what to say,
Before you go,
On your way.
A way apart from me.
Wish I could count the times,
We almost said goodbye.
You thought I had changed.
You thought wrong.
That is true.
I was unfaithful to you.
Free from my cage.
Where you can fly far far away.
But you don’t mind.
Because all your life you struggled with how you were defined.
And you would try to hide,
Yeah you would try to lie,
That you were doing fine.
But we both knew there was something between the lines.
And I guess I pushed to hard,
And you kept your heart on guard,
And I guess you and I got tired of it,
And we were over each other even before we actually split.
I guess love can quit.
I guess words can stick.
Stick right through our hearts.
I think I would prefer getting ******.
For that would only break my bones.
Because right now there is a hole in our souls.
That I tried to fill by cheating.
I wasn’t thinking.
You were at your mothers,
And I was out drinking.
I know that’s no excuse.
But I hoped we find a truce.
Instead of all this heartache.
And I wish I had the rights words to say,
But I’m,
Unsure on what to do,
Unsure on what to say,
Before you go,
On your way.
A way apart from me.
Wish I could count the times,
We almost said goodbye.
But today it looks like goodbye is the only option.
313 · Mar 2020
The Needle
Classy J Mar 2020
Verse 1:
Strictly speaking with these IV stickens,
I’m not a fan of incisions,
For in the past it was a means for sterilization,
So, I can understand why so many are iffy with vaccinations,
After all, why should we believe that it doesn’t cause autism?
After all, my people were lied to before, which lead to devastation.
Growing up in a system intent on extermination,
Growing up in a environment filled with racism,
Growing up in a nation that sees my people as an infestation,
As an inconvenience that deserves damnation,
With people telling me to go back to my reservation,
Like, I can’t even go shopping without being seen as a villain,
Getting followed or patted down for investigation,
What did I do to deserve being put into this prism?
It’s like a prison,
Trapped in a country torn apart because of colonialism.
And if I succeed is it because of my hard work or is it based off of tokenism?
Just a pat on the back for corporations,
To showcase that they are indeed all about “multiculturalism.”

They tell me to inject the needle,
The same ones whose ancestors slaughtered my people,
They tell me to inject the needle,
The same ones who continue to oppress my people.
They tell me to inject the needle,
The same ones who don’t give a **** about my people.

Verse 2:
Yeah, the same ones putting pipelines through indigenous land without permission.
The same ones that stand against Wet’suwet’en.
When the Supreme Court has already found in favour of Wet’suwet’en.
So, why is Canada still using RCMP as a means of attrition?
So, much for reconciliation.
Getting told to check our privilege from an ******* who is a heteronormative Christian Caucasian.
Making over $100,000 dollars and using $900 tax dollars towards subsidization.
So, dear Jason Kenny how about you check your ******* privilege!
The fact that people voted a idiot like you in is depressive.
Especially when the NDP was way more progressive.
Reducing the conservatives selfish expenses.
Like private jets and golf courses,
And putting some of that money towards social services.
Instead of lining their own pockets like the conservatives.
Yet the right wing media biased and undermined these great changes.
And now that they are in power they are cutting social services.
Now that they are in power minorities and natives are again facing persecution.
Now that they are in power the world once again favours heteronormative Christian Caucasians.

They tell me to inject the needle,
The same ones whose ancestors slaughtered my people,
They tell me to inject the needle,
The same ones who continue to oppress my people.
They tell me to inject the needle,
The same ones who don’t give a **** about my people.
Classy J Mar 2015
Field of dreams, stories untold, memories to come to be cherished.
Pipelines clogged with muck and grease, waste everywhere, its spilling in the streets. lie's and deception, are we truly free? Garbage city, dumping waste on country's that are not our own, it's not a fictional story or movie anymore. But we are so got up in the good life, should we get this or that, then we get bored of it and throw it away. But have you thought about where it goes, or how those things get made? Its the one of the reasons why third world country's are poor and in pain.  We take for granted everything that comes our way, greed is a dangerous thing. It makes it more about you than anybody else, the person you want to help is yourself. But don't worry we still got time, we have to change quick or our entire world will die.
310 · Jul 2019
Still Standing
Classy J Jul 2019
Alright look.
I know I started off as a villain, with my head stuck up in the ceiling.
Yeah I was fiending.
And under the control of demons.
Can’t lie I was a heathen.
Struggled since day one, was blue in the icu, doctors doing everything to get me breathing.
Me and momma was once on welfare, with rice being the only thing we could afford homie.
Some days I can’t lie that I was wishing every day that I would suddenly drop and die.
Because use for the longest time,
Life wasn’t worth living.
Grew up with gifts that defy all reason.
Thinking I was some demon.
Used to have faith that could split the red seas wide open.
But I grew up broken.
Clouded in anger and resentment,
That lead to unhealthy habits for coping.
Spent years wasted wallowing in my depression.
I was so suicidal man,
It’s like I was imprisoned.
Unable to process all of my emotions.
Which lead to over analyzing everything, and constantly stressing.
But too prideful for suggestions to get me out of my dismal settings.
Always second guessing.
Wondering if God created the wrong person to complete his vision.
Why was I given this mission?
Why do I have to learn these tough lessons.
For I’ve been bullied,
I’ve been beaten,
Ive been abandoned,
Betrayed and defeated.
Yet I’m still standing.
Yet I’m still breathing.
I even once Had a knife to my heart,
Believed that everything was falling apart,
Wrote a goodbye letter and everything.
But my mother helped believe that I was actually worth something.
And my pain wasn’t for nothing.
And I’m still standing.
Yeah I’m still standing.
So Throw all your stones,
It’s ok,
Break my bones,
But I won’t break.
Say what you need to say.
I’ll still pick up my cross every day.
Yeah I won’t break.
For we’re not granted another day,
So I got to make the most with what I have each day.
And at night I get on my knees and pray,
Praying for our world because it’s in such a disarray.
With chaos and confusion,
Ain’t no where a peaceful place to stay.
But that’s okay.
For the Lord never once promised that life would ever be easy.
And when my time finally comes,
I know my pain will be taken away.
For I’m still standing.
Yeah I’m still standing.
So, Throw all your stones,
It’s ok,
Break my bones,
But I won’t break.
Say what you need to say.
I’ll still pick up my cross every day.
Yeah I won’t break.
309 · Sep 2014
Taking off the mask
Classy J Sep 2014
Man people try so hard to please others, they will do anything for your attention; but why, why do we have to care what others think of us? Maybe your parents are divorced and they hate each others guts and push you to the side. Maybe you've been bullied far too long and you just can't handle it anymore. Maybe your parents died and you lived in a foster home and went from place to place. Maybe you do it because it's our human nature.  I don't know your reason but everyone has their own reason. We try to hide who we really are, cause society and other people  dictate how we should look and act like, but who made them judge? You are perfect, but you have to believe your perfect, you can't let people's lies dictate who you are. It's time to take off your mask, it's time to show your true colours. Some of you are saying but what if people don't approve? You know what... so what? So what if people don't don't approve, you will only ever be you, and they will always be themselves. You can't please everyone, it's impossible and tiring on yourself.  Take off the mask, I won't judge, because I know the pain, I understand. Find those people who like you for you, cause those are the people you should be with.
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