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Jade Welch Jan 2021
Your heart has been torn.
Shattered into pieces.

Yet still you are so fast to give it away.

There is strength in that.
Jade Welch Jan 2021
Selling my soul to strangers
For a love that never starts
Cannot lend me their words
On my pictures leaving hearts

Falling in love too quickly
With a man who knows me not
Am I coming off too keen
Does he know what he just lost
Jade Welch May 2020
Have I asked too much

Asking you to love me
I know it is a task
As am I

I'm a little lost
And I don't really get it
Why are we here
Why are you so close
Yet so distant

How could she leave you
All I can do is love you

Hold me tight and tell me
Tell me you love me
Jade Welch May 2020
I look at you
And I am home
The door wide open
Hinges need oiling
But that is ok
Because I am home
And the stove is on

Who left the stove on?!
Jade Welch Apr 2020
I cannot turn back clocks
Nor can I travel through time
So I smile when I think back
Not because you made me happy
But because I survived days darker than night
I have lived through horrors worse than those on screens
I have loved more than characters in books
And I have cried rivers longer than those surrounded by lovers

So I can smile really knowing that not all storms last through the night.
And I am alright.
Jade Welch Apr 2020
It isn't you,
It's me.

I have said it time and again.
Each time more relevant than the last.

Because it really was me.
My overthinking.
My trust issues.
My insecurities.

I know there are prettier girls out there.
They all want you.
And I don't even want myself...

So why should you?
Jade Welch Apr 2020
Who is this?
It is you.
It is me?
Yes, I am you just a few years from now.
What do you want?
To tell you this is not the way.
But, what other way is there?
Not his way.
But, what else, what other way?
Your way, the door way, any way but this.
Will it hurt?
Not as much as his way does.
But, what else, what other way?
The better way, leave a letter way, any way but this .
But what if he follows?
He will, but you can be strong, I know it.
But, what else, what is my way?
The strong way, do things wrong way, any way but his.
But, what if I can't?
What if I don't?
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