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Chinny Maia Dec 2018
The way you smile at me
Baby you have got me falling
The way your voice washes over me
Darling you have got me drowning

The way you do what you do
Sweetheart , I just want to be with u
The way you love me the way you do
Honey, I just want you and only you

I don’t want no drama
Just want you
Don’t need no more trauma
Just want to love you

Because .. the way I feel for you
My love it’s only you
Just what I want ..

Only ... You
Chinny Maia Nov 2018
Can I ..
ask u a question ?

It took time for me to get there
I needed time to get here
So can I ?

Can you kiss me like that
Can I have it again and again
Can you hold me and never let me go
Can I?

Can I have it like that?
Can you give me some more
Can I hold on to that?
Can I

Can I touch you like that?
Can you never let go
Can I love you like that
Can I..

No more sitting here by yourself..
To love you I needed time..
But now I have all these thing..
Things I want to do to you
Things I want to ask you

No more waiting

Can I?
Chinny Maia Nov 2018
I’m laying here in bed
Thoughts of you filling my head
And I wonder
Where did you come from

Images of your face flash by
Your dashing smile.. o my
And I wonder
How did it come by?

Then I remember the feel of your lips
And your hands on my hips
And I ponder..
How I really want you for keeps

I hear your voice
And I can’t help but smile
I get all that warm fuzzy feeling inside
And I ponder..
Is this what they call butterflies?

I look into your eyes
And I see all the emotions inside
Filled with love.. warmth .. oh so nice

And I realise..
You are now mine
And always by my side

I don’t need to wonder
Neither should I ponder

You love me
And would always be mine

I have you now..
Yes .. to you..
I now surrender
Chinny Maia Oct 2018
The winds blowing through my hair
The glow of the sun , warm on my face
The sounds of the birds,
A melody in my ears

I look up and see You standing , proud , silent and tall next to me
Your handsome face cast in the shadow of the bright sun
I feel the warmth of your presence beside me

I loose myself in the scent of You
I squeeze your warm and caring hand that holds my cold and unsure one in it
You squeeze back .. in your silent way of reassuring me that you would and are always beside me..

I realise’s You

And I know I can now let out a heavy sigh,
A sigh that has been wedged in my soul
since I can remember...

I now know I have been found
I have arrived
I don’t need to search anymore
I don’t need to want anymore
No more yearning , tears or running

I have arrived
And it’s with You ,I have been found
I lay my heart in yours
For I know You  would keep it safe.. always

I have arrived
I am awakening..
I have let go
I am now ready for You...catch me
I have let go.. it’s just You and me

Now I know it has always been You
I have found You
You have made me , me

Chinny Maia Oct 2018
my brain to shut up

I need to weep
And just maybe curl up

I need to flee
Before I burn up

I need some glee
And alil cheer up

I need a new leap
And definitely a new me

Chinny Maia Sep 2018
I need to scream
I need to shout
I need to cry
To let it all out

I look around
I see no one
I turn around
I hear no sound

I need some warmth
I need a hug
Or just a voice
Or just a kiss

I want the sun
I need the light
But all i get
Is pain and fright

I need me back
But who is me
I need to know
Or just be free

I need me
Chinny Maia Aug 2018
I’m falling
Going down deeper in to this abyss
It’s never ending

This empty void in my soul
It’s so cold
This darkness called my heart
Hard as stone

I feel the emptiness
I feel the coldness
I feel the numbness

But all these are what make me
These are what complete me
I am now at home with the bleakness

This is now what I have
Me , my coldness and darkness
It comforts me
It soothes me

I am now at home with my emptiness
Please don’t feel bad
I love this numbness

I am one with it as it is now one with me
My cold, dark abyss
My stone cold heart..drags me deeper
I close my eyes and I keep going

I keep falling
I keep smiling as ..
I am falling..
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