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Chinny Maia Aug 2018
I miss u
I miss ur smile
I miss ur voice
I miss those eyes

I knew u felt it too
But I ran away from you
I knew u loved me
But I didn’t know how to

I miss u
I miss ur laugh
I miss ur smell
I miss those naughty chuckles

I knew u wanted more
But I wasn’t ready
I knew u wher certain
But I wasn’t sure

I miss u
I miss ur touch
I miss ur kisses
I miss those safe arms

Now lying in my empty bed
I look back and wonder what if
What if it was all in my head
Years gone by and now I finally see

I miss u
I think I loved u too...

I miss u
Chinny Maia Jul 2018
There it comes
Seeping in slowly
Sneaking in quietly
Sinking in deeply

Till it fills me
And I'm now heavy
I'm all dark and weepy
All cold and cloudy

The mist clouds me
The clear skies avoid me
The cold winds surround me
And I'm left with just me

This pain is increasing
The void is growing
The hollow is widening
My strength is leaving

I have nothing in me
The emptiness is drowning me
There is no more joy left in me
I am just left with the shell of what was me

Or is that now the new me?
Or have i just never been me
Or is this an awakened me
The cold n empty me

I dont know what this means
May be ..i have been left with this thing
Called ME.
Chinny Maia Jun 2018
It's heavy
I keep dragging it
It keeps drowning me
I can't take it anymore

This darkness is engulfing me
Its pulling me in..
All Its ever done is drain me
I'm exhausted..i give in

I know i have tried
But i am drained
I wish it could all end
All this's got me pained

I want IT to just end
Or mayb i should just end
I can't seem to get out of this bend
Or mayb it wld never end

Please i need IT to stop
Just make IT stop

I don't need IT any more

**** IT!!!!!
Chinny Maia Jun 2018
Take this weight
The heavy lead
Take this all
Out of my head

Take this pain
All the lost joy and dispair
I don't feel fear
Neither do I cry a tear

Take me to where
I can feel smthing
Take me there
To where i can feel again

Take it away
I need to stop being this way
Make me feel
Like a person
With feelings all happy and gay

Or just lemme have feelings
Take this emptiness
This hole
This dark void away

Just take it..
Chinny Maia Mar 2018
Love is not enough
You just have to walk away

It may be hard
It may be tough
But u would be fine
It's like finding a diamond in the rough

U dont have to stay
It's ok to walk away
Have no fear
Its ok to shed a tear

Because for some people
sometimes, most times
No matter how strong
Or how feeble

Love is just not enough....
Chinny Maia Mar 2018
U gat me thinking all *****
U gat my mind all flirty.. Or is it filthy..Hehhe
Mehn.. U gat me saying.. Yes papi

Wind on me baby
The way u move ur spine is alarming
U gat me blood all hot.. I'm screaming
Don't let go baby

Bring that body my way
U knw u ain't goin no where
Once I have got my way
U know u wld want to stay

Can't get u off my brain
Thought of u flooding my viens
Drooling over u...
I gat to have u

**** u gat me thinking *****
U make me want to be so naughty
Bring ur body this way
I have got plans.. That wld make u scream hey!!

O my.. Naughty naughty
U really gat me all hot n sweaty
I ain't leaving here alone
Come on..i knw u want more

Yes u are my Naughty lil secret
The one I cant regret
The one that i hv bn looking for
The one that always has me wanting more

My naughty naughty..
Chinny Maia Mar 2018
How did it go this way
Never thought u wld loose my love this way
It was literally just yesterday
And now u have gone ur way

How could we be so much in love yesterday
And we are complete and total strangers today
What went wrong... I need you to say
This feels like a unreal.. It was just yesterday

I close my eyes and play back everything
So it means all u promised..meant nothing
And here i was, finally letting down my walls
Getting myself engulfed in ur love, with all the flaws

I am in such shock, i cant even cry
My world is shook, my eyes painfully dry
How can you change in a blink of an eye
And not even spare me a goodbye

It was literally just yesterday
I lay in ur arms,
U telling me u loved me
Making me laugh
Mesmerising me with ur charms

But here i am
Standing here ..alone
Wondering where all the love has gone
What the hell went wrong.. So it's all gone
It was all here just yesterday!!!!

It was literally just YESTErDaY!!!!
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