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I fear the thought of failure
my name written in the dirt
spat upon
Standing in line
picked out
like a painting
ashamed of what..
of who I've become
The mistakes
the bad things
I look back down
at my name in the dirt
a gravelly scribble
I grab a stick,

Your mistakes make you human.
Oh little Blue bird
shining light on my small world
blue streaks in the trees

Oh little blue bird
no vast array of color
brightening dark days

My little blue bird
sitting in your tiny cage
not to fly again

Fly little blue bird
the sky darkens in your wake
sadness following

Come little blue bird
for safe and sound you will stay
right here in my arms

Oh little blue bird
lying on the scarlet grass
eyes not opening
Don't go..
rid me of the dark memories that haunt my soul
shed those tears I cried so long ago, into the depths of my pillow
but only minutes have passed,
it feels like years...
the concept of time is lost on me..
Never ending
on   and  on
and  on  and
on  and  on
and  on  and
on  and  on
"are you alright?"
Noticing my red eyes
the silver tears
the small moments
"I'm not sure."
Cool and blunt
"Find it then."
leaving me
*Find what?
Nails on my skin
you pull me back
the only thing keeping me from death
you whisper,
don't go..
But you let go
my arm falling limply to my side
I shake my head slightly
and you nod
Tears streak down your red face
but you know
that I have to go

I remember,
looking up
I could see the shining stars
twinkling happily
out my old bedroom window
If only I could be as happy as them
Clouds cover the stars tonight
coating the world in a navy slur
But I hold this knife now
taken from my kitchen
hidden in my sock drawer
And I stand here
feeling stronger than ever
hidden so no one will find me
I can't deal with this
I don't care about the abuse
I know you won't miss me
I write this to inform you
that I was never happy on this earth
I might be on the next
No one will know
No one will care
So today I draw my knife
and I press it to my chest
as one for the billions
No one will miss me
My hand shakes
droplets of blood fall
mixing with tears
I have to
Don't worry about me,

**I'll be fine
From your BFFs (AM, BB, CC)
Don't go..
Everything you hope for
and everything you wish,
is as likely as a bicycle
being ridden by a fish.
Written by Elizabeth J,
go check out her page!
Why does everyone have a category?
put into separate boxes
but why do we need these "titles"
because aren't we all the same?
aren't we all the same stupid people?
the same stupid
****** annoying
that put us
into these categories as well?
So why all the TITLES
We r all the same, but different at the same time...
haHA Think about THAT
And yes I've posted a lot today...
keep up :)
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