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Cerasium Oct 2023
The spark of darkness
Such wonder of mystery
Such sorrow and misery
Such pain and torment

The darkness inside us all
We feel the sorrow of others
We feel the sorrow of ourselves
We long for peace from the torment

We long for freedom to ring
We long for the light
We long for life
We cling to life as though needed

We wish for peace to ring
We long for life
We no longer wish to walk in darkness
But have a chance at redemption

A chance to grace love
A chance to end the genocide
A longing for life to blossom
A longing for loyalty to reign

A chance for life and love
A chance for liberty
A chance to sing in rejoice
A chance to be free from our torment
Cerasium Oct 2023
Thy spark of loyalty
Blissful as you are
The radiance of your joy
The infectiousness of your laugh

You are the bond of truth
You go with love eternal
For without loyalty
Love can never flourish

Thou flames of blue
Thou hue of silver
Thou cyan glow
Thou embers of gold

Thou shine so bright
For truth can see
No other but thou
Is meant for thee

Thy wishful longing
Thy wish comes true
For thou has gifted
Thou soul to thee

Thy soul is yours
Thy spark of love eternal
Thy grace of love
Joins with thou spark of loyalty

For loyal love is most true
It is protective
It is caring
It is that of a mother

It is kind
It is understanding
It is patient
It is graceful

Thou has proven thou loyalty
The playful fox of beauty
Thy slumbering angel
Thou heart of empathy
Cerasium Oct 2023
I am a free spirit
You cannot catch thee
I have no chains
No bounds placed on me

Running around and enjoying
All the scenes and scenery
Beauty is all around us
You just have to wait and see

Look at the moments
That peace are unto thee
The beauty and the sound
Just take a moment

And look to the sky
The clouds they form
Such magical designs
The earth so serene

The flowers they smell so divine
Their beauty and radiance
They can never be unseen
So delicate yet so full of life

Everything that you love
Holds you tightly through the night
Ensuring a peaceful slumber
And a bright new tomorrow
Cerasium Oct 2023
The angels hear the cry of the wolf
The tears run down the child's face
Fear takes hold and dissipates
For truth of life eternal grace

Peace on earth the holy part
Angels sing a ballad gold
Hear the cry of sovereign bold
Joy to all a hallowed song

See the beauty shine so bright
Heaven comes swiftly through the night
Singing songs of grace and light
Truth be told we are but life

We see beauty all around
Familial bonds they hold so tight
The angels cheer as grace sings her song
Calling back the ancient souls

See the beauty of her sound
Locks of golden red hue
The son calls all those souls so pure
Wishing for all to hear this tune

Come back to the light of divinity
Stay clear of the darkest night
Peace be still in majestic flight
Eternal grace and love of all
Cerasium Oct 2023
Throughout my life
I have seen love blossom
In many forms
Both romantic and platonic

Longing for a love of my own
Hoping to taste the sweet ambrosia
Of a love unbound by societal restraints
A love so true it surpasses gravity

It took so long to realize
That love is all around me
In the air we breathe
The water we drink

The friends we meet
The family that we cherish
The pets we take care of
The sunrise and sunset

We take the small moments
In our lives for granted
When these are the truth
They are the moments where love shines

So take the time
Smell the roses
Take in the small moments
And embrace the love unconditional
Cerasium Oct 2023
Belief systems are fundamental
There are many faiths around the world
With none that are superior or less
For belief is through the heart

Forcing another to denounce their faith
Is like forcing someone to remove themselves
Faith is as unique as the soul itself
Built through trust and adoration

We are all set on different paths
It's not a competition
It's not about supremacy
It's all about the heart's desire

Seeing is believing
That's what I was always taught
Yet there are things in this world
That the eyes can't see

The thoughts inside someone's head
The air we breathe
The love that links us all
As we are but one in the great scheme

We build and adapt
Growing stronger still
For the youth inherit the world
So why destroy it with a vicious blast

You may wish for your God or Goddess
You may believe in nothing
And that is your faith
Not to be forced but to be cherished
Cerasium Oct 2023
Faith is such a touchy subject
Some take it to extremes
While others stay meek and humble
Fighting for the right to coexist

Though your faith may be tainted
With hatred and malice
Look to the past and see
The hatred in your own heart

You say things are done
Out of love and protection
But do your words match
With your actions

Or are you removing your faith
By removing the chance for redemption
For the end of a life through disagreement
Does not state faith but contemptment

See how black your heart has become
See the lives you have destroyed
The pain you are inflicting
All in the name of falsehood disguised as faith

For to take a live in the name of faith
Is the opposition of truth in faith
You act in malice for your brethren
Turning into the very demons you claim to fight

Taking the power into your own hands
Claiming you know more than your God
Turning a blind eye to your so called faith
That turned your soul to molten ash in utter disgrace
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