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Carlo Antonio Jan 2019
I know all too well what you meant when you said
That at times you didn't care if you died

Those words ripped through my heart as I remembered
Times I felt the same and silently cried

To be lonely when you're not really alone
Tears at the soul while you wish for true love
For a heart to share your life and your dreams with

Many nights I asked "what happened to my life"
Why am I cursed knowing what love should be
Yet I end up with a friend, not a wife
Is there no one in the world to love me?

At times I pondered what my life could have been
What if I could change a moment or two
And sometimes those thoughts of the life denied
Led me to reminiscing about you

How I wished I could recapture youths bold fire
Knowing my whole life lies ahead of me
With you by my side the world would be ours
Then the world changed memories to a dream

I wanted the dream so much more than this life
That sometimes I wouldn't care if I died
If dying meant I lived on in the dream
Of love's sweet embrace everlasting

And now out of the dream and faint memory
You're by my side and the world could be ours
Given a chance for that life of romance
We often wished for upon the same stars

How much better to LIVE our life in the dream
And to know the embrace we so longed for
And whatever life we have left ahead
With you is truly a life to live fo
Carlo Antonio Jan 2019
To think I spent so many years
  Lonely yet not alone
  Wiped away so many tears
   Where what once felt like home

Holding on to memories
  Of things that almost were
  A fragile fleeting tapestry
   Apparitions blurred

But now I've found my true soul mate
  Our seeds of love are sown
  Our futures harvest we must await
   Not lonely, just alone

One day we'll see our dream come true
  And share a loving home
  Hold onto me as I hold you
   Never again lonely or alone
Carlo Antonio Jan 2019
You whispered to my dormant heart
   And softly sang a song
   Of days forgotten long ago
   When I knew who I was

As I awoke I recognized
  Feelings I once knew
  Dreams I swore would never fade
  But fade indeed they had

New life you breathed into my soul
  Blood quickened in my veins
  My heart beat stronger than it had
  For years kept locked away

Excited now my mind was free
  To set a course it's own
  And not the stagnant dusty path
  It had been on so long

Dare I think you feel the same?
  Could our hearts beat in tune?
  Your song revealed a longing past
  I once assumed was lost

And as we danced with careful words
  Unsure of what may be
  We slowly began to realize
  Our love had never died

And suddenly a wondrous light
  Shown down upon our love
  Igniting feelings carefully saved
  In hopes this day would come

Now gazing into each other's eyes
  Across the digital screen
  The need, the longing and the love
  Is felt without a touch

Desire now consumes my thoughts
  To live the dream I once had
   My life's true purpose realized
  Spent in days loving you
Carlo Antonio Jan 2019
Hot breath on shoulders and neck
   Warmth to chills, bodies quivering

Moist, warm lips and tongues
   Trace patterns of awakened senses

Fingers exploring each other’s bodies
   Reading each other’s biological braille

Chest to breast, stomachs touching
   Legs intertwined, feet caressing

Whispering words and guttural sounds
   Speaking of desires to be or already fulfilled

I am in you, or was I always?
   You feel my heartbeat deep inside you

You accept me as a missing part of yourself
   As sensations blur between us

Where do I end and you begin?
   I only exist in you, and you in me

We are one
Carlo Antonio Jan 2019
Every garden needs the rain
Tell me how to ease your pain

Our love should not cause you to cry
Though distances between us are great
I feel helpless yet I must still try
To send love to help carry this weight

Please know that you're not alone
The seeds of our love have been sown
  Yet it's sad clearing old gardens known
  Recalling when the leaves did shine
  We plant a new garden, help it grow
  This garden is yours, and also mine

We must apply our lessons learned
From those gardens which did not thrive
To build the love for which we’ve yearned
To be happy and alive
And bless the sunlight up above
Shining on our new garden of love
Carlo Antonio Jan 2019
My love never wavered
   From the day I vowed my life and love to you
  Then fate took you away from me
    Leaving me not knowing what to do

So I looked for distractions
  To keep myself from feeling blue
    But it never helped me
    The only cure was to get back to you

Since that wasn't likely
   I found someone else to give my love to
     Although I thought I had found “her”
       Try as I might I could not forget you
But I know she'd be heart sick
      If only she knew
         That while we were together
            I wished she was you
Carlo Antonio Jan 2019
I close my eyes and you are there
Gazing at me with such love in your eyes
  And desire
How can this be?
I am just an average man,
Nothing special except the love I have for you
Which radiates from my very soul and gives life
   To a once disappointed heart,
A heart reawakened from the moment
It began to beat once more to the rhythm of yours
You who are truly a gift to me from the angels
To save me from twilight years
  I would have simply waited to die
But now rage against that good night
So I may taste all life has to offer
And then taste again
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