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Carlo Antonio Jan 2019
I close my eyes and you are there
Gazing at me with such love in your eyes
  And desire
How can this be?
I am just an average man,
Nothing special except the love I have for you
Which radiates from my very soul and gives life
   To a once disappointed heart,
A heart reawakened from the moment
It began to beat once more to the rhythm of yours
You who are truly a gift to me from the angels
To save me from twilight years
  I would have simply waited to die
But now rage against that good night
So I may taste all life has to offer
And then taste again
Carlo Antonio Nov 2018
Souls forged together, then broken asunder
Seeking reunion for most of our lives
Hearts beat apart, yet in tune together
Sounding our rhythm of love
Eyes search for each other
Only glimpsing through memories
Needing presence to peer into the soul
Lips reminiscing a half forgotten language
In a dialect only we understand
Fingers craving the touch of our bodies
To play melodies of desire
Bodies eager to unite and be whole

To bring balance back to our lives
This love rediscovered
Demands we embrace

But for now we are apart
And we gaze at moon
Across the sea that divides us

And so we howl
While two teardrops fall
Which only you and I
Can hear
Carlo Antonio Nov 2018
Walking through a grocery store  
An ordinary day, nothing more

I'm reminded for a little while
When we held hands and walked a similar isle ...

Then waves of loneliness rip at my heart
I suddenly can't bare that we are apart

There in the store I almost cried
This is too silly, no one died

After all, we know we will find a way
To be together finally and forever, one day

And yet the "what if's" invade my mind
And fears I thought I'd left behind

Wishing desperately that you were here
To wipe away my silly tear

If you were here I'd hold you tight
And kiss you and make love to you throughout the night

But for now these dreams will have to wait
I should check out, it's getting late

I load the car, drive back alone

Imagining you're waiting at home

I deeply sigh as I walk through the door
Feel I could cry just as before

My once warm home seems uninviting
Without you to dance with the nights are not exciting

I put up the groceries, sit alone in the night
Then go my desk and begin to write ...

   "Walking through a grocery store ..."
Carlo Antonio Nov 2018
Are things what they seem
On your side of the screen?
Is the smile that shines for me
A brief reality
A respite from the pain
That repeats yet again
As the days of your life
The trials and the strife
The emptiness and sorrow
And a hope that tomorrow
Provides what you desire
And sets your soul on fire
And from out of the blaze
Rising above the haze
Seen from a brand new place
Of peace and lasting grace
Accepting what has been
And ready to begin
To make a brand new day
With love to guide the way
As the vise that bound your heart
Loses strength and falls apart
Releasing pressure from your brain
Making life seem wonderful again
And you find that your inner smile
Was with you all the while
The smile so often seen
From my side of the screen
Carlo Antonio Nov 2018
We travel through life as seasons in a year
And with the passing of each season
We reminisce what has passed

But in life there is a melancholy with each passing
For we shall never see that season again
As we travel toward Winter and eternal sleep

Until then we rejoice in the season we live in
Each with it’s own unique beauty
Each holding qualities unlike any other

Spring is over before we are mature enough to realize
What a magical time it is, where our foundation is formed
That most important structure, formed while we are the most naïve

The passing into the Summer of our lives follows storms
Which test that foundation and where the strongest and luckiest thrive
It is in that passing that most who will find love do so
Love which strengthens the soul and prepares us for life's challenges
Few find that love that lifts our souls giving strength for life's journey
Most seek for it and settle for what life sets in our path
And for fear of loneliness stop looking just so at least someone is there

Some find that true love but paths lead them far away
Never to find each other again, yet always wondering what might have been ...
And so we trudge forward simply surviving,
A lucky few thriving
And barely notice that Summer has passed and now it is Fall

My God, Winter is the next season!
I hope I tended to my gardens sufficiently
So I do not wither and waste away in this and my final season ...

But I chose the convenient partner who was in my path long ago
And never felt the connection, the strength that I imagined
Would make this journey easier,
Especially now, when the season grows colder
And although beautiful in its own way
There are signs of life retreating
And preparing for the sleep of Winter

I thought I had something, someone, in you long ago whom
I imagined to be that strength, comfort, and spark of passion
That could energize my soul and give me the warmth to thrive
In these last two most challenging seasons

Then suddenly, miraculously, again you are there!
And my heart beats as a young man's again!

Now these last seasons promise beauty
And even transformation
Because although my body exists in the Fall of its life
With Winter approaching
My heart, and mind, and soul see something else entirely
And I am am filled with courage and joy
No more foreboding
For I am truly blessed by you …
With a Second Spring
Carlo Antonio Nov 2018
I see you …
  Through the worries and the fears
  Insecurities and tears
  Lonely nights you needed love
  So much more you’re dreaming of

I feel you …
  Anxious for another chance
  To laugh and sing and dance
  You hug yourself and close your eyes
  As these thoughts simply lead to sighs

I hear you …
  And your barely audible cry
  Then  you wipe the tear stains dry
  Then prepare to face the day
   In a controlled and measured way

I know you ...
  I too felt all of these things
  And what disappointment brings
  When you ask "Will this be all?"
  And another teardrop falls

I missed you ...
  Over years of wanting more
  Wishing you'd walk through my door
  And while praying you were fine
  I'd wish that you were still mine

I love you ...
  Our tomorrows are now bright
  Together our souls are light
  Now our love is resurrected
  Because you see my love ...
    We're connected

— The End —