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Rat Mar 2020
She’s gone.

This room echoes
And it’s so much colder than before.
All my questions are written on the walls
They’ve gone entirely blank.

I have rubbed my own skin raw
Wondering where you’ve gone.
Rat Mar 2020
My toes are so so cold,
Here, let me press them against your spine.
You screech but you know you love me.
Rat Mar 2020
I painted hope on my face,
On the backs of my hands,
On my eyelids.

Don’t let me forget.
Rat Mar 2020
“I’ll be okay.”
I whisper it against the wind’s lips.
It bites back.
Rat Mar 2020
The definition of “content”
Became leaning into your side
Wrapped in your arm.
Rat Mar 2020
“Happy Birthday”
She says over flowers and chocolates
Apollo’s last masterpiece
Rat Mar 2020
It’s supposed to hurt.
This ache, this breaking feeling,
It just means I really do love you.
Rat Mar 2020
The silence of a night bus,
The artificial glow reveals everything.
We are the ‘ugly’ of this city.
Rat Mar 2020
Snow fell slowly,
It was ***** grey, like the sky,
Bitter cold where it met my tears,
Biting at my cheeks.

To me, with my heart in ruins,
It looked less like snow,
And more like ash.

God I’m going to miss you.
Rat Mar 2020
This bedroom feels more like a cell
But with every day, with all my effort
I am piecing it together.
Rat Mar 2020
I enjoy his company
My heart aches for her
What if I’m not ready
To move on?
Rat Mar 2020
The horizon blushed,
As we chased the sunset,
And I forgot what goodbye felt like.
Rat Mar 2020
Today it snowed both here and there
But it wasn’t cold here.
I never thought i would miss 17 degrees
Biting at my nose and cheeks.
Rat Mar 2020
My mother had a temper,
She carried her fire in her voice,
In her demands and her cries.

I do not have a temper,
But I promise I still carry her flame,
It lives in my eyes, in my step.

I know, I do not burn loudly,
But don’t be mislead,
I am made of heat and destruction.
Rat Mar 2020
I missed the bus,
And sat on the sidewalk while I waited.
It was dark, the city aglow,
I think I’m okay.
Rat Mar 2020
The moss covers the trees,
Like a thick cloak, a decoration
There is so much life here.
Rat Mar 2020
The sunrise was a blush toned haze,
Behind a great peak, this morning,
I’ve missed the absolutely joy,
Of seeing something so beautiful,
It steals your very breath.
Rat Mar 2020
His eyes capture the light and hold it,
Brown fires in his soul,
His hands are rough and calloused,
And his heart is worn.

Please don’t let this one hurt.
Rat Mar 2020
My step sprang down the sidewalk
The wind brushed my hair.
My fickle heart...
Feeling alive.
Rat Mar 2020
Stop caring, stop wanting,
Stop begging for someone to care.
Rat Mar 2020
My mother gave me demons,
But she also gave me a sword,
She showed me how to use it.
I’ll curl my fingers around this hilt.
I’ll carry it with pride.
I will not be overtaken.
I am a warrior.
Rat Mar 2020
They keep me entertained,
Smiling, laughing,
But I know that too soon...
I’ll be alone again.
Rat Mar 2020
My palms are still skinned from that time
I fell in love with you,
And my lungs still tell me sometimes,
They cannot breathe air that wasn’t once yours,
And my chest still echoes with sobs from the piece of your heart
I know you left sitting in my chest,
It’s carved across my bones, across my skin, in my eyes,
I miss you.
Rat Mar 2020
I dreamed of a storm.
It waited on the edge of the sky,
Dark and intimidated,
And struck when I least expected it.

I ran, but the sky threw stones,
That chased me into my home.
The ceiling collapsed,
Thank God I’m alone
Rat Mar 2020
The cars fade away,
The sun turned golden,
I want to touch the water.
Rat Mar 2020
I am stumbling blind
I know I can make it alone
I know I’m strong enough
I know I’m brave enough
But I really, really
Really don’t want to have to.
Rat Mar 2020
With a side of sorry.
I’ll do better tomorrow.
Rat Mar 2020
The saddest part,
Is that I know with every fiber
I’d let you tear me to shreds.

If only to make you feel better,
I’d offer my own devastation.
Rat Mar 2020
Let me bring you close,
Run my fingers through your hair
I’ll whisper sweet nothings
Press my lips to your skull,
Kiss the ache from your mind.

I know, it hurts.
Rat Mar 2020
9:17 am
I’ve never lost a mother,
But I watched my mother lose hers.
I know the devastation that lives
In your breath, encased
In your beating heart.

Words will never fix this,
But I will always be here.
Rat Mar 2020
I can feel the ache when I embrace you
Your chest moans against mine.
And I know the pain seeping from your pores
I press my lips to your cheek.
Rat Mar 2020
He told me he loved her
A stubborn, honest truth,
That I already knew.
Rat Mar 2020
I awoke, and his words were not
A cruel, twisted nightmare.
I deserve better
Than this.
Rat Mar 2020
I walked away
And I know I’m supposed to feel stronger
But my bones seem to creak now
And my chest sings hollow
And the breeze makes me shudder.

Feels a lot like weakness
Rat Mar 2020
Early morning haze,
You pull me closer, closer.
Is it me, that you want?
Or do you just need to remind yourself
You aren’t alone.
Rat Mar 2020
I had a nightmare about you.
A nightmare where you told me
You didn’t want me.

When I woke up close to tears,
Shaking in your t-shirt,
I knew you could hurt me.
Rat Mar 2020
I am raw, vulnerable as she brands me
In big block letters, across my open throat
Rat Mar 2020
You are the toiling Wind,
Your eyes are the blue sky, your touch the warm sunlight
I have seen the stars in your freckles, and the night sky in your palms
I know you often feel like you have no path,
And I know the fear of being lost resides around your ring finger
But I know you carry far more than a whispering breeze in your lungs,
I know that in your feet are proud gusts
And that your love is what screams at my window every night
You are the toiling wind
Indisputable, incorrigible, intense
And you are what carries me by my wings when I am too weak to do it myself
I know you come with clouds on your heels sometimes
But I also know you chase them off just as quickly
You are the toiling wind,
You are the gentle breeze,
You are the screaming gale,
You are freedom.
Rat Mar 2020
She rests her hands on my fragile shoulders
Pushes me down into the seat,
Her shaky breath tickles my neck
Her tears run down my spine
“Relax,” she whispers, “You’re safe now.”
Her nails dig in.
Rat Mar 2020
She look back at me,
And her hair is the pure sunlight
And her eyes are the vast sky.
Her cherry blossom lips curl in the brightest grin
And my chest aches something hollow
Something full.
Rat Mar 2020
The wind braided my hair,
It called me beautiful,
And perhaps in the wind’s eyes I am.
But when I looked in the mirror
I saw a tangled mess atop my head.
Rat Mar 2020
I had a nightmare
That I still lived in that house
Not with you, just in the same place
With the claw marks on the walls
And the tear stains on the ceilings
And not a speck of dust in sight.

I woke up in tears,
Screaming at the universe
I couldn’t live there, not again,
I couldn’t call that place a Home
Not with the ghost of a little girl
Stealing candy from the decorative bowls
Starving, but not for food.
Rat Mar 2020
I’ll feed her sweetness and vinegar
Brush her hair delicately.
I’ll clean her scarred body,
Paint her face happy.
She is me, and I am her,
And someone has to take care of her.
Rat Mar 2020
I miss her.
Rat Mar 2020
It’s 4am and neither of us has slept
But your dimples are winking at me
We twirl slowly in the kitchen
Chests pressed impossibly close.
Rat Mar 2020
The walls are tilting inwards
The floor is falling out
I am spinning just barely too fast,
Nothing to hold on to,
Nothing to catch me,
I want to close my eyes.
Rat Mar 2020
I am wavering.
My bones are not as strong as before
And my blood has run cold
And my skin is cracking with every move
And my hair has lost its luster
And my joints creak and moan,
And my heart keeps missing beats.
But they replace my bones
And wrap me in a thick blanket
And tape me back together
And brush my hair
And oil my joints
And fix my chest’s metronome.
They are keeping me together.
Rat Mar 2020
Stare at me out car windows
And whisper unpleasantries
I’ll keep dancing in the street
With hair aglow and eyes alight.
Call me madwoman if you like,
But at least I’m still able to dance.
Rat Mar 2020
His lips brush against my knuckles
His body curled around mine,
I don’t know who he is, it’s true,
But he feels like sunlight.
Rat Mar 2020
The sunlight is warm.
It presses the gentlest kisses fire can offer
Against my bare skin.

His hair is copper and strawberry
His eyes rich mahogany
And i know I shouldn’t.
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