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Kevin Seiler Mar 18
I’m moving away
To the far reaches of this world
For a black magic woman
Dark hair and darker eyeliner
Pale olive skin, crescent moon queen
She illuminates the shadows that fall in behind her
Her nails are long, colorful, and sharp
If she asked me nicely, I’d let her tear out my heart

The sweat dripping from our bodies as we dance beneath the flurry of lights and thumping of the bass
She takes my hand and guides me somewhere else, I’m enthralled by the devilish smile on her face

A cemetery by the sea
Haunting memories, gentle mists and a cool breeze
The salt from the Baltic’s washes ashore and collides with the smell of the moss and decay
Her eyes cast a glare on me that sends chills through my bones
A glance that turns lesser men to stone
The blood in her veins runs cold as ice
I could live under these stars, with this lady of night

She came out of no where, like an angel of truth
Pulling the shades open, and blinding my eyes
Revealing the secrets that you tried to hide
Because of her my soul felt like it was ripped into pieces
And now I’m beholden to her, for revealing that treason

I know so little about her
And I really don’t care
I want to trace the lines in her body, and take in the smell of her hair
Holding her softly and tender
As our lips connect for a moment, that we’ll always remember

The language barrier shatters as we let our bodies speak for themselves
We’ll make love until the sun crests over the fields
Tossing and turning like long lost companions intertwined
So come lay next to me, darling, I want you to be mine
Kevin Seiler Mar 18
There I stood
At the precipice of my existence
Staring out from the docks of my own mind
Towards the oceans of the infinite
Watching the the Sun of our love
Set, forever
Kevin Seiler Mar 7
A part of me still wishes you were still here.

So I could resent you for it.

And then roll over in the middle of the night  and wrap my arms around you.

Holding onto that resentment for dear life.
Kevin Seiler Feb 24
And just like that
In the blink of an eye
I’m back to solitude
In the cool darkness
Where the waters can take me
Home again
Kevin Seiler Jan 31
I am abhorrently uninspired

Words dribble from my mouth like burped up bourbon
I am boring, disheveled, with razor bumps all over my face
Bags hang low off the deep circles around my eyes
I don't even know why I go to bed anymore

My wardrobe is a combination of the mundane and the gifted
My hair has cowlicks that are poorly held down and combed out with pomade
That hair grows more grey every day, mocking an underwhelming existence wasted
My ears have gauges, my body has tattoos, and these things do nothing to ail my complete lack of styling, image or personality

I am a twisted amalgamation of things desired and things forgotten
A grey blob splattered with color is a grey blob all the same
I am simply another numbered ball desperately begging to be chosen at your local lottery

In a house with all grey walls, vinyl planking, and cheap decor
The blinds on my windows are dusty and broken, with no drapes to hide them
My home is like the apartment of a 20 something that has the funding to purchase easy to assemble makeshift furniture and cheap mass produced art
Incense and candles burn constantly to mask the scent of my impending death and the desperation in evading it
Kevin Seiler Jan 31
Lean back into my chair
Let the day wash away as the nicotine rushes to my head
Lick my lips and roll my eyes
What a great high
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