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Jun 2023 · 153
List of hate
Silver heart Jun 2023
it’s too late
I’m full of hate
the lies trickle down my tongue
Just like honey
Bitter not sweet
Sticky like the blood
Icky like ink
Fueling my rage as I turn the page
My list of hate,
Silver heart Jun 2023
No in the Webster Dictionary is described as
:An act or instance refusing or denying by the use of the word no,
What they fail to mention is that it’s so dam hard to say, and even harder for some to understand  
Yes, no, maybe so?
Well no, I mean I want to, you know what yes.
No thank you, no I don't want too, not I'm not comfortable, no not interested, no please leave me alone
Feb 2022 · 224
A parents forgetfulness
Silver heart Feb 2022
I sit here and listen
Listen to them argue
Listen to them complain
And I listen and hide my pain,
Why must you argue?
You argue as to why I have to stay
Do you not enjoy my company ?
I’m told constantly to quite down, and behave.
I try and I try,
But I’m so full of all this rage and pain.
It hurts, but you constantly remind me that we’re all in pain, and that I’m “okay”
But hey I have food, water, clothes and a house
I have no reason to complain, or at least that’s what you say.
Warning ⚠️
Something I love about being able to write, is that I get to choose who sees this, and I get to hide who I am, here I can relate to people without judgment.
Something that has always confused me is the “love” of a parent, you see they say they love you and will protect you, but they don’t realize that they are the ones that cause you pain,
I love them, I really do, and they love me, but they forget to realize I’m in the same room, or that their “joke” hurts me as well, it shouldn’t be called a joke if only one finds it funny,
Jan 2022 · 1.1k
Smiles in the rain
Silver heart Jan 2022
“I like smiling in the rain” I say
“Why?” asked the sunny day
“ No one can see my pain”
I say as I sit and smile, my pain dripping off me disguised as this beautifully deadly rain.
Rewrite was edited, used to say
"I say as I sit and smile while my pain is disguised as rai "
Jan 2022 · 163
Smiling in the rain
Silver heart Jan 2022
“I like smiling in the rain”I say
“Why?” said the sunny day
“No one can see my pain” I say as I smile and let my tears be disguised as rain on this wretched day
It’s kinda rough, I just thought about it right now while journaling..
Dec 2021 · 423
Silver heart Dec 2021
They wish things would change
This is what I have to say
You wish for it from afar
Yet you never travel far
What you wish for isn’t easy
Wishes aren’t granted so easy
If you want it for a day
Then be ready to pay
Nothing is ever free
Nothing is ever guaranteed
Dec 2021 · 128
Silver heart Dec 2021
I always loved reading ,tho my preference always changed,
In a book every chapter, every page, every verse, is disparate
We all have that one page,
The one that makes us laugh or cry
The one you can spend a day examining and and memorizing every little word wether it be a trouble free word or a bewildering word,
And you can’t, turn the next page, but you must,
You hope it’s the same as the other, but it’s not
You hope it’s about them living happily ever after, or that the dog made it home,
Only to find out that it didn’t …
And you can’t go back.
Dec 2021 · 119
Words in the wind
Silver heart Dec 2021
Almost, a word with so much meaning,
Oxford describes is as,
not quite; very nearly.
It might not mean much, depending  on how you say it.
I’m almost there! 5 more minutes!
I’m almost done with my work,  
But it can also be
I almost passed
They almost won
They almost survived
We were almost lovers.

One word can change everything, a yes, a no, a I love, a I hate.
Words are the strongest thing, yet we throw them around as if they are a feather and we are the wind.
Oct 2021 · 228
Working on it
Silver heart Oct 2021
We’ve all heard life is like a box of chocolate and in some cases it is.
You don’t always get what you want
it’s always a surprise.
there’s the bad and the good,
it’s bitter, salty and sweet
it doesn’t last long
Oct 2021 · 87
Princess who
Silver heart Oct 2021
I’m not a princess, I don’t need a knight in shining armor to save me from a dragon or wake me up with a so called true loves kiss. I’m not a damsel is distress looking for some man to save me.  you may be wondering “if I’m not a princess then what am I” well there’s one word to describe me and that is a queen.
Oct 2021 · 103
Silver heart Oct 2021
To many a penny doesn’t hold much value, they simply look at it and  think that it’s worthless
“It’s just a penny” many say,  
But to some it’s not
you see a penny could mean  a hot coffee on a chilly night
A bus ride home
Somewhere to stay for the night
Or some new clothes
You see to someone who has everything  a penny might not have a lot of value, but just because it’s worthless to you doesn’t make it worthless  to someone else
I would rather have a penny than an empty pocket
Oct 2021 · 102
Silver heart Oct 2021
I wonder and hallucinate
I am not content with the unknown
I dwell on the past even if it brings me great sorrow
But it also brings me some satisfaction,
Well I’ve already seen the past, it is no longer in the hands of someone else
My greatest  fear is the unknown, and I know I’m not alone
I wrote this when I was way younger, didn’t realize i never put it out there, it might be hard to understand, but if you do well then you do
Oct 2021 · 389
Silver heart Oct 2021
I wonder and hallucinate
I am not content with the unknown
I tend to dwell on the past even if it brings me great sorrow
But it also in some way gives me satisfaction for the past is the past and it is not a secret
The unknown truly is my greatest fear as well as others.
Can you understand this?? I feel like it may be confusing
Oct 2020 · 106
MY ocean
Silver heart Oct 2020
Dear J, TT
You were my ocean
You were lovely, mysterious, but also dangerous,
you hurt many, but not me.  
instead of sinking I floated, you holding me up.
Sometimes I wonder where would we be now?
I know you hurt many and that’s why I had to let you go.
God brings people into our lives for many reasons,
Where you the right person at the wrong time?
or where you just a lesson?
I feel so confused, did you actually care for me or was I just another game?
I knew you where bad even for me, but my stupid self just couldn’t stay away,
I knew you had a past as does everyone else, yours worse that others.
But still why does some part of me wonder about you?
I don’t know my feelings for you are they good, bad?
Those couple of months I started feeling beautiful and loved. I thought it was because my life was getting better, but now that I think about it, was it you?
I know I shouldn’t  feel this way for you,
You where no good but I can’t help it.
I will never know the answers to these questions for they are to be hidden and locked up where no prying eyes will see, o how I wished this was just a dream.
Sep 2020 · 102
Silver heart Sep 2020
The sunset is similar to a individual every sunset is different yet still so beautiful and unique as the next one,
the sunset means a new memory made, a new life created and a old life no longer there only it’s memories.
Sep 2020 · 85
Silver heart Sep 2020
Often people judge a book without even reading the first page
They look at the cover and judge it by its appearance
The most desired ones are the brand new books the ones In perfect condition, not one bent page.      
then there’s the battered book,  used so many times that’s it’s falling apart and after a while they are just thrown away, titled damaged and unfixable.  
but then someone finds its and after some love and time it looked almost brand new, yes there are still some creases,  for the past can never be fully erased, but other than that it appeared new
And you see  
I’m not really talking about books I’m talking about humans
Yes you’ll never be able to truly erase the past
But with some love
Someone who was once broken and said of no use
Can become someone new
Sep 2020 · 75
Part 2
Silver heart Sep 2020
People say they love God but you can love the creator but hate his creation
God is about love and joy not hate and anger
In a couple of years these event will be memories but only stories to our children until similar events happen again because lord knows things do not change that quick
But we must never forget that we can change the world I hope that one day we Gen Z can help our world for the better yes we may have made some mistakes here and there but we are human we make mistakes
Sep 2020 · 89
Part one
Silver heart Sep 2020
Ever since we were at the age where we can actually understand, we never thought  that anything like this would happen. the only time we heard about it was in our history books..
It’s funny how only a few years can change a child’s innocence, back then all we had to worry about was getting good grade, all we ever wondered about was if Santa was coming, and all we fought about was not being able to go to the park.
But now we constantly worry if we are going to make it thru the next day, all we wonder about is if our world will continue to change, and what we fight against is for equality and basic human rights
We have to fight to make a change
If we don’t our world will never survive .
in our world full of hate all we do is discriminate..
People say all the time
“I wish we had more people like that”.
“I wish this would people would change”, but instead of wishing be the change be the Person you wish was in our world
Sep 2020 · 98
Silver heart Sep 2020
They will be memories to us but only stores to them
Rest In Peace to all the fallen
Aug 2020 · 92
Just a dream?
Silver heart Aug 2020
We shared so many magical moments
So many memories
We went thru thick and thin
We cried, laughed, and loved
Yet we are so far apart
I still wonder do you ever think of me
Do you still have love for me?
Do you remember me?
Or am I just a blurry dream
Too painful to remember
You hurt me and I hurt you
I sometime wake up and hope it’s just a dream and that you still  love me
But then I’m hit with reality and just like that your gone
Aug 2020 · 74
Silver heart Aug 2020
Suicide doesn’t end depression
It just passes it to someone else
Aug 2020 · 200
Silver heart Aug 2020
F is for faking a smile
I is for so many insecurities
N is for never happy
E is for everything hurt
People say I’m lying when I say I’m fine but I’m just telling them in a way they can’t understand
Silver heart Jul 2020
Please sir don’t hang up the phone
you don’t know what its like at home
the bruising
the burning
I’m hurting
he left all these scars he left me alone nowhere to go no place to call home.
Jul 2020 · 108
Today not someday
Silver heart Jul 2020
I see a lot of people say maybe someday.     
 I hear a lot of people say "o I wish things would change"
  I see a lot of  people say "I wish there were more people like that today"
But this is what I have to say  
Be the change you want today
Jul 2020 · 105
Come back to me dear
Silver heart Jul 2020
the world’t not so lovely anymore...
I won’t hurt you like I did before
You were there for me when I needed you 
 ten thousand days, ten thousand years I live on for you I love you dear and that’s the
  come back to me my dear    
the worlds no so lovely without you anymore   your smile like the sun  
Your eyes like the sea
All I know now is misery
Jul 2020 · 114
Silver heart Jul 2020
At age 6 he wanted to be a superhero
At age 8 he wanted to be a constructor
At age 12 he wanted to be A football player
At age 14 he wanted to be well liked
But sadly at age 16
He didn’t make it
Rest In Peace
Anime smarriti
Jul 2020 · 110
Arima galduak
Silver heart Jul 2020
At age 6 she wanted to be a princess
At age 8 she wanted to be a veterinarian
At age 11 she wanted to beautiful
At age 13 she wanted to feel loved
But at age 15 she wanted to be dead
Rest In Peace
Arima galduak
Jul 2020 · 113
Is it just me?
Silver heart Jul 2020
Is it just me?
Is it just me or do you also feel that after a while of feeling so much pain you become numb?
Is it just me or are you too only capable to feel sadness and nothing else?                                  
is it just me or is every smile faked?            
is it just me that feels like I’m not living, but just slowly dying? 
 is it just me that notices that no one even cares to notice the ones who silently cry out for help?
Or is it just me, am I the problem
Jun 2020 · 95
Silver heart Jun 2020
Life is a adventure
You will never know what happens or what will come out of it
It’s full of twist and turns
Good and bad
But at the end it all leads to one thing or another
Jun 2020 · 127
Warning ⚠️
Silver heart Jun 2020
He gives his head a shake
And yells I’ve made a big mistake
But now it’s too late

he has a promise to keep. 
Tormented with nightmares he never sleeps,  
Revenge is a promise he will keep.

He rises from his cursed bed
With thoughts of violence in his head
A flash of rage and he sees red
Without a pause I turned a fled.
Warning ⚠️
Jun 2020 · 179
The aching and broken heart
Silver heart Jun 2020
Whose heart is that? I think I know.
It’s owner is quite sad though.
It really is a tale of woe,
I watch her frown. I cry hello.

She gives her heart a shake.
And sobs until the tears make.
The only other sound’s the break,
Of distant waves and birds awake.

The heart is aching, broken and deep,
But she has promises to keep,
Until then she shall not sleep.
She lies in bed with ducts that weep.

She rises from her bitter bed,
With thoughts of sadness in her head.
She idolizes being dead.
Facing the day with never ending dread.
Jun 2020 · 101
Silver heart Jun 2020
We all deserve a chance
So I will stand here
With a fighting stance
And fight for those who don’t have one chance.
Jun 2020 · 160
Sticks and stones
Silver heart Jun 2020
Sticks and stones will break your bones,
But words will alway hurt
Your bones can heal and be renewed
But words will forever leave a scar
The bones will mend and become stronger but not your heart
So do your part and have a heart
And cause no harm
Jun 2020 · 108
“It’s funny”
Silver heart Jun 2020
It’s funny how you only think of me when you need money,                                            it’s funny how you think I’m some dummy, it’s funny that I’m worse everyday                                 It’s funny how you make me put on a play and act okay                                                   yeah and it’s funny how I have no say, but hey like you say “it’s funny that I’m not okay”
Jun 2020 · 192
Hidden Heroes
Silver heart Jun 2020
When you hear hero you think of people like Superman, Supergirl, Batman, and Spider-Man there are so many stories about how they defeated aliens and robbers but what about firefighters, police, doctors the army and many more why aren’t there any stories about them I mean they save people everyday but they get no fame no headline so we have to remember the hidden hero’s because they are our hero’s
Silver heart May 2020
All we ever do in this world full of hate is     discriminate...                                     
 Age, ***, race everything and anything.  but why                                
  I don’t understand
there’s already so much hate yet we just add more.          
    stop the hate it’s not to late
May 2020 · 106
Who is truly the bad guy?
Silver heart May 2020
We are told that the hero is the good guy the one who stops bandits, put out fires, and wears a cape,  he has all he could ever want, but the villains they are always portrayed as crazy, heartless and **** of the earth,  but what if the only reason they’re seen as the bad guy is because we choose to only hear one side of the story.
May 2020 · 99
Silver heart May 2020
When you hear the word Hero you think of someone who has had many great and heroic achievements but when I hear Hero I hear a lie                                                       what if the reason the hero is the hero and the villain is the villain is because we only listened  to the hero’s story and not the villain.                                                         ­      so who is the real villain ?
Apr 2020 · 119
Silver heart Apr 2020
The most painful feeling is when the person we made memories with are now just a memory but it’s up to us the share those memories we only get older if we stop living so live and tell people the stories.
Apr 2020 · 101
You aren’t worthless!!
Silver heart Apr 2020
You say that I’m not worth It and that I’m not perfect and I know I don’t deserve this I used to ask myself “why do you say I’m worthless and blame it on me because I’m not perfect but here’s what I’m going to say  yes I’m not perfect but that doesn’t make me worthless because I serve a purpose.
Apr 2020 · 128
The unspoken rules.
Silver heart Apr 2020
I once knew a girl, she was smart, kind and beautiful, but now she is gone she learned the truth about about our world the only way to survive is to follow these rules:

1. Act perfect no one likes a broken thing.

2. You can easily be replaced you are a object that serves only to please others.

3. say your okay because it doesn’t matter what your going thru they must not know you have a weakness.

4. Trust no one because they can easily step over you once you can no longer be of use.

5. There is no way out not even death.

6. Be as pretty as you can that’s the only way you will make a living.

7. Ignore rule 6 you can’t make a living even if your beautiful the only thing you can be is a doll that has no freedom.

8. You have no freedom we are like puppets.

9. Never take of your mask or you will surely never survive.

10. Dreams don’t come true.

11. There is no TRUE LOVE.

12. Being yourself is a death wish.
13. NEVER forget you will NEVER be okay.
⚠️⚠️⚠️Read at your own risk, warning this is very negative, I wrote this because it’s full of things I’ve heard people say (even adults$ to children or things they’ve portrayed ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Apr 2020 · 107
Broken girl
Silver heart Apr 2020
I see a broken girl all alone waiting, wishing someone will notice that’s she’s not okay,  every yes I’m fine is a scream for help  but no one hears  because she is worthless they say she’s has no purpose .
Apr 2020 · 110
Silver heart Apr 2020
My hearts breaking there’s no mistaking
Once again you ask if I’m okay and I lie and say yes but if you look closely you’ll see a broken girl who once had dreams, but now they’re  shattered and soon so will her heart .
Silver heart Apr 2020
A lot of the time people say they are in love but isn’t the real reason they think that is because that person hurts them less,  love is described as someone never hurting you, but look at us has there ever been a time where someone we think we love has never hurt us? Is love real?
Apr 2020 · 115
The veil of darkness
Silver heart Apr 2020
I sit here watching you shine like a million stars we’re sisters yet you shine while I’m left to gloom when will I be the star light instead of the veil of darkness?

— The End —