Please my little heartbroken one,
Stop searching for love within his arms.
He doesn't know what love is,
His arms are not home,
Please notice this.
Stop looking for love in a man with which whom,
You can't even trust him to tell you the truth.
The one who will love you,
Will not need to lie.
If he's lying to you then say goodbye.
Just please pack your things,
leave cuz there you're not needed.
He doesn't love you,
Please why can't you see this.
He's used you for way, way past long enough,
If it hurts you this much,
Honey, it is not love.
Don't get me wrong,
Love is not all smooth sailings.
But with real love,
You BOTH work to keep things from failing.
Give some and take some,
Both 100%.
But whatever you have got now,
Has only created contemp.
Please find the courage and strength that you'll need.
From this toxic situation,
I pray that you're freed.
I can not sit by for one more idle minute,
Watching your tears,
You don't deserve this.
Deep down you know what I've said here is truth,
More honesty than he ever offered to you.
So please all I want in return for my care,
Is for you to just give up pack up and leave there.