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348 · Dec 2017
Brandan Johnson Dec 2017

Strong as a tree
Body structure
So appealing
Female body parts is something like the flowers that grow on trees
Brings life to the body
Sparks wonders n fantasy
Like a native flower plum tree
curves that man like  
is the different patterns and designs that grow on flowers
Catching ur eyes
U can feel the attraction

Feeding tht tree water is the compliments
Flowers that grow on trees is what I said before
life to the body
Something like the way women carry there selves

Ups n downs accures
Seasons n periods come n go

What u fail to understand
Is her mind
U never took the chance to understand everything that comes with her
Why she so shy
Why she never opens up
Why ur relationship always coming to an ending
Maybe ur not asking the right questions
Open her mind
Ask the question that matters more
Break her down
Check her background n stories
Get to the root of her
That's the key to the big red drum
Center of emotions lies in the chest
Between the lungs
Women are difficult
Yes we all knw
But learning them
Is worth it
Be more then the next men or the last man
A lot of guys fall n love with the flowers of women but not there roots
So wen problems come they run
Wen situations come there lost
Get to the roots of the flower tree
Watch n see how happier love can be

273 · Dec 2017
Brandan Johnson Dec 2017
Everything is a process
It’s how life evolves
So when Someone come along
And they seem like a challenge
Seem like ur not good enough
Never get down
If that person keep your head up
And show u ways of life
Understand that person is someone to work it
That person is Tryin with u
That person see something in u
That person will try to make u better
But if u dnt get that from that person

Then it’s simply they don’t value u as much as u care for them
Brandan Johnson Jul 2018
You can run but u can’t hide

You can run but u can’t hide from me
Is what my depression told me
Today i woke up feeling unsatisfied again
Last night i couldn’t sleep
So i tossed n turn
And layed lifeless
Look what love done to me
Look what people done to me
I stare in the mirror sadly
But u can see the anger in my face
When i ask
Why u let life get to u
I run to the marijuana trees and the drinks that make me feel ok
I smoke heavy
And When **** isn’t enough
I drink to **** off my worries
But when the bud and drinks affect fade away
My depression creeps and reveal
And tell me
U can’t run from me
I got a hold on u
U can’t hide from me
I’ll be there when theres night and day
I’ll strike harder when i getchu alone

No drug or love can realest  u from my grip
The more u care for others
The more u become vulnerable
And thts when I’ll hit
I put a spell on u
And I’m happy i did
Ur mind isn’t as strong yet
And i don’t thnk you’ll ever see your worth
I be little u and i find joy in tht
When your high
I wait to come down on you
And crush your parade of paradise

When people hurt u
I pour my depression on your scars like salt
When u start to believe
I’ll come visit your mind and spend a night
So u can feel me
Hoping my presents would be enough to do the trick to keep u down in out

There’s no escapin me
I am the teacher that told u couldn’t
I am the police who wanna **** u like i killed the rest who died to to depression
*** is part of ur outlet
To me it’s a gate way
To invite my buddies likes a party over here where u at
I help damage ur image
And stopped you from overcoming
I’m spreading and planning to conquer your body and heart and yes your mind
Until you surrender your soul to me
U can put up a fight
Or u can suffer
Both brings happiness to my life
So u know if u can’t hold on much more
Let your self go and let me control u
So i can use u to get to others
So i can keep u from reaching out to others
I wanna make u my slave until u die off like the dinosaurs
Your a plant to me
And your just like the others
Die like the others
Let depressions be the reasons
229 · Jan 2018
Daddies Lil Girl
Brandan Johnson Jan 2018
Daddy her
Daddy her to sing his baby girl a lullaby
I’ll never leave my baby girl
I’ll never leave a tear drop , whip em off
I’ll be here, my Love is here to stay
Daddy love u so much
Daddy going to get you a necklace
So you knw I’m always be with u
If that necklace break
Dnt worry, are connection can’t ever be broken
But daddy gone spoil you
I’ll just go get another necklace
Money isn’t nothing when it come to my baby girl
I thnk about your smile and your ways
I can’t stop smiling everytime we together
Dynisty -
Yo my daughter
219 · Jan 2018
Lost and found
Brandan Johnson Jan 2018
She was lost
Lost in her past
Her thoughts of the past hunts her
She was lost
Until one day, she met a gentleman
A man with morals and a heart
With a concession mind
A considered man
He was a man of respect and hope
that speaks from the heart
He would speak positive
And help solve complicated situation
Handles problems like man do
He put her first but never loss his self
After all it was him being him that grab her from her nightmare of her past
He washed away her bad thoughts
Feel them up with love
He like her
She feels him
He told her
I’m her to disinfect
Wash away your hurt and replace your missing pieces that broke from your heart
Love is stronger
I’ll show u
And he grab her by the hand and the rest
Was like a Cinderella story for her
He found the diamond in a rough spot
He was glade to wipe her off and polish
And watch her shine
She shine like never before
219 · Dec 2017
Write For Me
Brandan Johnson Dec 2017
Write for me

She said
Write me a poem
Write something just for me
Nothing u had before
Explain to me
She says there’s something about a man
Expressing his self
Express and show me
With your sweat words
How deep you care for me
Write for me
About me, watchu think of me when u hear my name
Write about how u truly feel for me
Write something that will fill up are gap of connection
I want your words to feed my stomach up with your love
I wanna feel watchu feel
See how you feel as i read and see your feelings so vividly
Will you write something nice for me
She said to me
Something mean full
Something from the heart
Only from the heart, it’s only right
Could u write me a love poem
So i can play it like my favorite song
Make it good
Good i smile everytime
A love poem,  just for me from you
Write to me and at the end
Let It say yours truly
Write to my heart
Write for me
192 · Dec 2017
We Could Of
Brandan Johnson Dec 2017
We could’ve  of been something
We could’ve  of been better then this
We could’ve  of been together like
Will and Jada
Or jay and queen B
We could’ve  of been a team
Me and u
Jordan and Kobe
We could of overcome and show the pple
She wishes she didn’t care so much
I just close my eyes and take a deep breath
With my head in my hands
I wish we could’ve  be forever

— The End —