the silence is deafening
the tendrils of words you wish to hear spoken but get nothing other than those glistening eyes staring right at you like you're nothing but a sad movie ending she just can't move past
you hope to hear something back, just one word but all you hear is that silence,
it screams louder than anything you've ever heard
because you can't hear it
it radiates within you, pulling at the very fibers keeping you together and slowly pulling them apart like a seamstress starting over on a sweater she couldn't get just right
it rumbles like the sound of the limitless expanse of the roaring ocean tides
drowning out anything other than the subtle breaths catching like a kid left in the cold for too long starting to sniffle and wheeze
you wish you could say something
anything to end this awful torment but even your words come out as nothing but a silent whisper
heard by nobody
you don't believe in a God but you pray for some sort of noise to come along and cause a ripple in this ****** up game of statues where you mimic each other
both desperately clinging to the little sanity left inside while internally you're breaking and you can feel piece by piece falling apart
just like the window on your neighbors old house when you threw that ball a little too hard
or when she said I love you for the first time and you felt the walls of your barrier crumbling away
replaced by a feeling you could never get enough of
until it stopped
she said it less
you're walls rebuilt
the distance becoming immeasurable
willing those walls to just come down
setting up demolition at the bottom of every nook and crevice of that ******* wall, trying to do the same to them as they did the Berlin wall
but after the smoke and ash clear from your mind you realize
that wall has now doubled, standing higher than you could ever reach past
completely isolating you in a way you never felt possible
and that was the moment you noticed most just how much
the silence is deafening.