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Jan 2023 · 439
the fall
If only you knew,
that I brace myself
each time you exhale.
With no warning,
I open my heart
with an attempt to
comprehend the
kaleidoscope of emotion
that will begin to pour out
from the depths of your heart,
leaving no chance of escape in sight;
inevitably consuming mine.
Forcing me to confront
all of the things
that I struggle
to keep buried.
Jun 2019 · 256
What does not **** me;
fuels me.

What knocks me down;
helps me get back up.

What breaks my heart;
is also the glue putting it back together.

All of my troubles;
are keys to my solutions.

Jun 2019 · 213
If only the people
that we care about
stayed as consistent
as the pain
in our hearts.

Jun 2019 · 842
I like to think
that i am not alone.
That if i needed;
someone would be there.
That my call would get answered
or my love reciprocated.
But i know make believe
is for children;
not the lost souls
who are just

Jun 2019 · 269
Sometimes what is required
is more than i can give.
For i have already given
all that i have.
Everything that i feel
is not always what is there.

It’s gravitational; undeniable.
Like the moon & the tide.

That not even the strongest
of currents
could bring me back.

May 2019 · 217
it is wrong of me
to say that I don't know death.
that I don't understand it
or know how it happens.

it is wrong of me to say
that I don't know death;

when I have been killed
far more than

Apr 2019 · 281
when I was just a girl,
still young & new to this world
i had envisioned,
what my life would soon be like.

the things that i would think of
they did not seem to be elusive
but to my friends,
they were exclusive
along with the rest of the world.

since that moment i've been searching
scouring the earth for just one thing
to again make myself feel whole.

to fill the empty in my heart
& find some light to spark the dark
but it seems that i've been looking,
in places i don't belong.

my soul does not know
how it feels to have a home
to be somewhere,
where you're meant to exist.

i hope that i'm not always lost
that one day i'll no longer have to walk
through hell & back
just to feel alive.

Apr 2019 · 183
if you could feel
just one thing.

what would you do in order to feel it?
what would you sacrifice to find it?

is losing your mind worth it?
Losing yourself?

if you're looking for something,
try looking within yourself first.

Apr 2019 · 280
you may not
find everything
that you have
been looking for.
if the only thing
that you
have found
so far is

you're already halfway there.

Apr 2019 · 143
I love sleeping,
really I do.

Something is so tempting about the dark.
When no one can see you,
& there's a thin line between
the shining stars & your scars.

I will always cherish the moments
when your body is quiet
your mind is loud.
As I wake up, each morning my mind resets.
Thinking things are different,
the sun clouds my vision.

That's the dark I loathe.
The one that makes you think today is better.

I was just dreaming.

Apr 2019 · 144
I have never understood it either.
Being alive, but unable to live.

Do not listen to the voices,
to their words.
My brain is a command center for all of my demons.

They know.

How to be dead, but able to live.
They live through me.

The thought is always on my mind,
how my mind is really not mine.

Apr 2019 · 115
Drenched in pain
yet we call ourselves free.
We swim in rivers of tears
& oceans of fear.
Using life jackets to keep us afloat
but the clutches of sin still pull us under.
We drift through time
living on borrowed hours.
One minute we are tough,
the next we cringe like cowards.
Our attention is given to wasted things
& to people who don't bother.
You think "you're alone"
over & over.
Where were you when I cried?
Where was that shoulder?
It is lost,
along with my mind.
Five years from now,
where will I be?

I don't even know where I am today.
Jul 2017 · 432
No Tresspassing
Isn't it ironic?
That you penetrate the
deepest & darkest
corners of my life.
When I swore you wouldn't trespass
in areas that are off limits even to myself.

Jul 2017 · 370
I've always wondered what it's like to drown.

Unable to breathe
gasping for air;
only to have your mouth & lungs fill with water.

I've always wondered what it's like to drown.
Then I met you.

Jun 2017 · 228
And just like that,
that part of your life is over.
And a new one has begun.
Good things happen
& bad things too.
No matter the impact on your life
even if your world stops
Time will continue to pass you by.
Apr 2014 · 337
She is hurting.
her lips dance a pretty smile,
while her heart calls for death.
She lives in fear of being alone
because that's all that she's ever known.
Her simple eyes are constantly swimming in a sea of salt,
and drowning in a pool of fear.
Her innocence is lost
along with her mind.
She dreams of being able to speak without her thoughts being restrained by shackles.
Every night, the moment she lost her soul plays over
and over again.
And each time she starts to feel, she is reminded of all the times she lost a piece of her heart.
The eternal silence in her mind
blinds her every chance to be happy.
She can't ever sit still because the last time she stayed in place
she lost it all.
There she stood as her life slipped between the cracks.
As she watched her happiness fade away
the light that was once in her eyes flooded down the drain like the soap you rinse from your body.
And she is numb.
A week after you left, I didn't know how to live my life.
I didn't know how to fall asleep or how to go to school.
I forgot how to simply be myself.
A month after you left, I felt okay.
I remembered how to fall asleep & go to school-but not without a fight.
I wasn't myself, I was different.
3 months after you left, I laughed.
I fell asleep willingly & went to school because that's what would make you proud.
I recognized the person in the mirror.
I was me-the person you made me.
It's November 27th & I am not okay.
I miss you & your smile & your quirky laugh.
The holidays have made it but you have not.
I remembered how to fall asleep, but forgot how to wake up.
It is November 28th- Thanksgiving & 6 months you've been gone.
I saw you in a dream last night, but then I remembered ghosts are see through-they do not want to be seen.
No one ever said you couldn't see an angel.
Aug 2013 · 440
Life & Death
Sadness thrives when you are most vulnerable.
It consumes you when you dwell on the past.
It wants to eat up your happiness,
So you can not feel it anymore.
It injects mourning into your soul,
So that is all that you feel.
I know that it is hard.
I will not say that I know what you're going through.
I will not say that I understand,
Because death has always been a subject that perplexes me beyond words.
I will say, that you will survive.
You must rejoice in the memories you have shared.
Not in the simple truth you are scared.
You must face reality so that you do not lose yourself in a fantasy.
He would want you to go on.
He would want you to remember all the times that made your life worth living.
Not the times that you feel you aren't.
Do not dwell in your sadness.
Live in your happiness.

May 2013 · 853
As a boy
As a boy
you touched many lives.
& as you touched them
they sprang to life
like a jack in the box.
You left people with the silent
thought that you were an adorable
little boy
destined to go far.
As a teenager
you touched many lives.
& as you touched them
they bloomed to life like a cherry red rose
in the peak of summer.
You left your friends with
devilishly fun ideas of
going to parties & staying out til dawn.
As an adult
you began to touch many lives.
& as you touched them
they rose to life
like an epiphany touched their inner soul.
You left people with the hopes of
new beginnings & happy endings.
But this time you left
it was for good.
& you were forced to begin again.
As an angel, you've watched many lives.
Everyday I live with hopes
that someday you'll watch mine.

May 2013 · 423
The Week After
I used to think you were
never around enough.
I took for granted all the times
you asked to go out
tried to have a conversation.
I used to think the time you had
wasn't meant for me
but more for someone of your desire.
I used to tell myself
"Next week we will hangout"
but now
there are only weeks filled
without you.
I used to think you were
never around enough.
But now that you're gone
I can see
how present you
really were.

May 2013 · 491
Love is a crazy thing.
It's crazy because it makes you crazy.
It takes over.
It invades your whole body.
It controls you and overpowers you.
You may think it's nothing big,
and your life won't change.
But it does,
and it will.
Everything will change.
Even in the slightest ways.
It creeps up and consumes you.
It will hit you like a freight train,
and it will leave you
stunned and paralyzed
from the memories of what once was.
May 2013 · 554
Summer Days
Summer sun,
winter air.
Here we are together,
standing there.
Hands intertwined,
i feel your heartbeat close to mine.
Our sweet laughter becomes one,
just the same as the starry July sky & the blazing summer sun.
When i get cold you wrap me in your arms,
& quickly take me away from all the worlds harms.
You walk me home like the gentlman you are,
then you kiss me beneath the the moon & the stars.
It's getting late & your mom expects you home,
you kiss me one more time & it's time for you to go.
You leave me standing there all alone,
but the feeling follows me all the way home.
Even when you're not close,
between our two heartbeats i feel yours the most.
I am lost in your beautiful brown eyes,
even though im staring at the big blue summer sky.

May 2013 · 900
I want to inhale you
like the sweet smell of rain
as it drizzles down upon my window pane.
I want to crave you
like a smoker craves a cigarette
he cannot afford.
I want to search for you
like a child searches for Santa
on a late Christmas eve.
I want to take your placidity
like a gentle wave breaking on the sandy shore line.
I want to consume you
like a thousand beautiful butterflies in your stomach.
I want to leave you speechless
with nothing left to say.
I want to take your breath
like the moon takes the day.

May 2013 · 464
Im shaking,
as this feeling of
depression sweeps over me
Just like the ocean
one big stretch is all i can see
Nothing helps this feeling go away
believe me when i say
"It's here to stay"
I'm so used to the pain by now
my body just goes numb
It's like an
and tornado
all rolled into one
May 2013 · 411
Life's a trip,
what can I say ?
You get hurt,
move on.
Your heart breaks,
sew it up.
Misunderstand something,
get the truth.
And when people tell you something,
try believeing them for a change.
It might open up some great opportunities for friendships, relationships,
or just a chance at a great life in general.

May 2013 · 614
The goosebumps you give
spread like a disease
The words you say
enter my bloodstream
Your gentle laugh
punctures my heart
Your vivacious smile
makes me weak
The things you do
infect my body
The way you move
captures my soul
The way you make me think
sends me on
a never ending battle
heaven and hell.

May 2013 · 481
Time moves on
and so do you
While i just lie there
like an untied shoe
Each word you say
with the sting of a whip
Afraid to move
afraid to trip
Speech impaired
heart is drained
Your voice can remove
even the slightest pain
You own my heart
like the words of a song
There is no way
to right this wrong
You sold me out
to save yourself from falling
When i whisper your name
i know you hear me calling
As i still wait for you
here by the phone
My life perishes away
like the skin on a decaying bone

May 2013 · 544
3 a.m.
Sometimes I think
If I had planted
Roses instead of
part of me
wouldn’t constantly be blown away
with even the slightest
of breezes.
Or maybe every time
I wished
for you to love me back
I wouldn’t keep
losing myself.
I should’ve known
that no flower
especially one as beautiful
as you
would ever love me
she is a June Peach
and I am nothing
but a
mere dandelion,
and with every chance I get
I’ll wish for you,
then you'll disappear.
While she blooms more stunning
each and every year.


— The End —