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 Aug 2013 Bogle
Emma S
It's getting

I will miss it
Just like always
I will miss you

No more

There wont be
Drunk kisses with you by the sea
No more days that never turns to nights

That is what I will miss most
That never ends
 Aug 2013 Bogle
Emma S
What do you want me to do?
I can't just give all of me to you

What do you want me to feel?
I don't know if any of this is  real

What do you want me to see?
I don't know where we are supposed to be

What do you want me to say?
I don't think it matters anyway

What do you want me to hear?
I don't trust you please don't come near
 Aug 2013 Bogle
Emma S
 Aug 2013 Bogle
Emma S
Only four more days until it starts again
A new hell
Filled with new people

I can't wait to see all the eyes
Judge me from head to toe
I hate new people

They give you one look
And think they know

But in reality
They don't know
 Aug 2013 Bogle
We could travel to Paris
Then fly all around the world
Visit main sites
Explore the greater things in life

Or maybe have a picnic
Pb&j; with some pink lemonade
Just the way you like it
Soft kisses and tight hugs

After everything we can lay down
Cuddle as we watch the moon chase the sun around the earth
A sudden shooting star
But what more could you wish for?

 Jul 2013 Bogle
Megan Grace
I'm mad at myself
for believing
I could have
someone as lovely
as you.
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