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 Jul 2013 Bogle
Jill M Roberts
~ Losing Innocence ~
Why do we risk it all for love?
No matter how exquisite,
Passionate, wonderful it is,
We lose;
Whether we part for differences or in death,
We lose;
No matter how much we try to hold on,
Change ourselves or our other,
Govern and protect the relationship,
We lose;

Thus, why do we do it?
We do it for the moments that will reside with us,
For the craze and lust.
The fury,
The fervor,
The obsession, infatuation, excitement.
For the zeal, enthusiasm, passion.
We do it for us;
To penetrate over into,
Our partner.

Me and You,
We wanted it all.
None of the pain,
Just the good stuff.
Well, we had it.
The good, the lovely.
What a surprise!
But then,
As Always,
We lost.

We lost ourselves,
Our way.
The rhythm and balance
We perfected.
How did we not see it coming?
Stumbling on to a new realm.
One in which we operate alone.
The composition wrecked.
We smashed into that brick wall.
Afraid to leave,
I knew you wanted out.
Maybe a break?
You opposed it.
We could not come back from it.
I could feel the coming loss.
But not in the way I expected.

A trip!
To get us back.
The excitement could mend us.
It did for 72 hours.
Then the ultimate force of depature
Came upon.
In a small elegant English hotel,
You died in my arms
On a Saturday morning in London.
Thirty five hundred miles away from home.

The initial shock blasted my mind and body.
The detonation of torment pierced my soul.
Unadulterated suffering terrorised.
I lost my equilibrium and steadiness.
Embarking in an unknown world,
Where the dwellers seethe with agony.
A spot was saved for me there,
Where fumes suffocate.
A Hell on Earth
Where Innocence is Lost.
 Jul 2013 Bogle
Sara Ellen
 Jul 2013 Bogle
Sara Ellen
i lay awake in bed at night
wondering how you do
you are so far out of my sight
i need to start a new

these late night thoughts unravel before me
i scramble to show i don't care
but my words speak for my aching soul
amidst this lonely air

you have taken a little piece of me
of which you may not care
but that piece held my naive body together
before you took its share

lost in my thoughts
of this late summer night
the insomniacs stay awake
hoping we can survive the solitude of the darkness
to then give our heart a break*

 Jul 2013 Bogle
Gary Muir
the funny thing about time
is the way it grinds your bones to dust
while they’re still sitting in your flesh

we can all feel it,
we pretend we don’t, but we do

you feel it when you wake up in the morning
having dreamt of your childhood
and the sound of your sister’s laughter is still ringing in your ears

you feel it when you look up from a book
and its not your brother sitting in the chair next to you
but a strange fellow with a deep voice
and a nose that looks remarkably familiar

and strongest of all, you feel it when at the dinner table
your mother asks you what you’ve been up to for the past 18 years

see, the funny thing about time
is the way it grinds your bones to dust
while they’re still sitting in your flesh

just the other night, I pressed my palms together
and I called on a friend I hadn’t seen in awhile,
to ask where he’d been

he told me he’d been spending time with my father
because the man really needed some company
without his oldest son to talk to

oh and while I have you, he said,
your mother called
she told me to tell you
that your bed is made, if you ever want to come home
i sat down to write a poem about anything but love. i guess when you're running from it is when it hits you the hardest.
 Jul 2013 Bogle
Cadence Musick
hell, i know i'm a pain in the ***
i get angry just at the sight of a cracked glass;
because i don't like things that are inconvenient
and i don't like when you hide your feelings.
i become a dam with some poor fool's
finger shoved into the hole, while i continue
to fill with watery rage, until
flimsy fleshy fingers
stand no chance against
the current that is my fire
and i knock the silly fool
straight off his feet, and the streams rush, unhinged
right, bullseye,
into you.
 Jul 2013 Bogle
Skye Applebome
No matter how many times I plead for help, you always ignore me.

No matter how many times I beg you to stop, you keep hurting me.

And no matter how many times I vouch for you, you never care about me.
I'm in a really really hard spot right now. It'll pass. Eventually.
 Jun 2013 Bogle
Megan Grace
 Jun 2013 Bogle
Megan Grace
If you'd let me
I'd stay on your
couch and listen
to your heartbeat
until I couldn't
hear anymore.
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