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Odd life of insanity
Alien-citizens without right to amnesty
We clamour for the labour of our heroes past not to be in vain
Yet, we live in a free world like in jail

Heart of righteous souls, pierced
Blood of guilty souls, saved
Making life mysterious and ironical
The labour of our heroes past is in vain

Eight billion Naira project for RUGA
Despite Xenophobic attack and abduction
Coupled with starvation and insurgency
The labour of our heroes past is in vain

They promised to give the broom and umbrella
Now we are drained in water
we sleep amidst dirt and litters
The labour of our heroes past is in vain

The light from our candle is gloomy
Righteous blood is crying for vengeance
Odd life of insanity
Confused like ***** on rope.
         -'Bintan Ola

I am a black kettle
But inside of me is a colourless water
I sit on fire everyday
And they deny me of the dinning table

I am a black kettle
Albeit, people make me what I am
Yet, I wouldn't prefer to be in isolation
On the zenith of kukuruku's hill

I am a black kettle
Never judge me by my look
My dream and goal gives me the temporal colour
Inside of me is my natural color

I am a black kettle
But despite the litany of woes
I have a consolation
As long as there's an entity called washing and rinsing
I will always have my true nature retained.
     -'Bintan Ola
Behold the strength in your weakness
Which is capable of giving vigour to my membrane
Chlorophyll in chloroplast makes the green plant blossom
You make the smile on my face radiant

Come, let's mix the right nucleotide sequence of our desired RNA
And build the sequence of our desired protein
So that the expression of our gene
Will be the desire of friends and relatives

Amidst thousands, you're the only one I chose
Your hotness could denature enzymes
There exist a thousand of competitive inhibitor
But by the words of my mouth;
None would fit to my active site

I want to fly on your wings to the horizon
Regardless of the barbaric thought of men
For I know;
All unwanted functional unit of life
Will die by apoptosis.
       -'Bintan Ola
Like lilies in grassland,
The eyes find joy when it behold the beauty in you
A necessity; Unique work of nature

Like the air that runs through the lungs
You're a universe beyond mitochondria
Hyperbole lost its meaning on you
Because all descriptive words are understatement

Thus, let thy beauty be an appraisal and accolade
For other wonderful works of Olodumare

I clasp'd my hands in ecstasy
For you're the sovereign beauty which i do admire.
      -'Bintan Ola
The murderer and the murdered

There is a crime scene
Down the market square, beside a canteen
What do we say of yards of yellow tape?
And hope these flung wrappers do not indicate ****?

Pandemonium, my subconscious mind listened
Roar and uproar, as van mirrors glistened
Hellena is the name of a little black girl who was shot
She fell to the ground as blood refused to clot

Hope the shot did not **** her thoughts and dreams
Like balloons, squandered down a vessel's beam
She is not the only one whose mind has been blown
Her family screamed; "are we alone?"

Who will make justice descend from heaven?
So fast, such as at the count of seven
Kendrick is the name of the merciless murderer
Looking for a green pasture? Better be a laborer

My lord, I am guilty of my offence
Sentenced to lifetime imprisonment despite advocate's defence
On the clinic bed, Hellena coughed to life
Consciousness regained. Her dreams and thoughts came back to life.

          -'Bintan Ola

— The End —