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3.7k · Aug 2016
Reaching Radical Acceptance
Bill O'Bier Aug 2016
path leading
to radical acceptance
originates with a pause.
Stepping out of your solitude,
promptly let go of fear-driven reactivity.
Embracing and accepting all of your being,
surround yourself with the warmth of loving kindness.
Begin now to forgive yourself and others again and again.
Know that your capacity to be completely open brings wholeness.
         There  are no formulas for navigating  all of life’s situations.
Listen with your natural intelligence and wise heart then,
by breaking out of the old confining patterns,
freedom and healing are yours to hold.
As awareness to truth deepens.  
show gratitude to life
that is now
open for
1.4k · Aug 2016
Bill O'Bier Aug 2016
Self esteem and confidence waning
I begin rebuilding from the inside out
A kaleidoscopic renewal emerges
Living only in the present
Experiencing thoughts and feelings but not judging
a new life algorithm is set in motion free from fraud and deceit
Gratitude authentic like magic abounds
Humility brimming up - wonder bubbling over.
To pass on life’s truth is my duty
Reaching for my manifest destiny
a new cosmology lies ahead with abundance
where everyday miracles are treasures
Moving through a life changing event
1.3k · May 2017
A Ballad for Bessie Smith
Bill O'Bier May 2017
The winter I turned twenty-two
I was down as down could be,
Then I heard this sultry temptress.
Croon her soulful songs to me

Miss B. became my sweet soulmate,
I loved her from the start.
That sultry singing empress -
I learned all her songs by heart.

I sang the blues and harmonized;
Played her tunes both day and night.
I connected to the passion
that within her burned so bright.

As time went by, I learned to stop
and thank the stars on high,
To love and laugh, and let life flow;
Like my soulmate in the sky.

Bessie Smith - I've Got What It Takes (1929)
Jazz and blues vocalist Bessie Smith's powerful, soulful voice won her countless fans and earned her the title "Empress of the Blues." Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee on April 15, 1894, she began to sing at a young age and in 1923 signed a contract with Columbia Records. Soon she was among the highest paid black performers of her time with hits like "Downhearted Blues." By the end of the 1920s, however, her popularity had lessened, though she continued to perform and made new recordings at the start of the Swing Era. Her comeback and life were cut short when she died on September 26, 1937, from injuries sustained in an automobile accident outside of Clarksdale, Mississippi.
822 · Aug 2016
Bill O'Bier Aug 2016
Flaws teach us
Not to judge others
To be stronger
To love the gift -
Without the wrapping paper
749 · Dec 2016
Time to Pause
Bill O'Bier Dec 2016
Calm follows autumn’s amber sunsets.    
Daydreams linger in the shadows.
Evening songbirds wait
for cues to serenade;
as we take time to pause and reflect.
Each of us can benefit from learning to pause mindfully. Pausing gives us an opportunity to clearly see the desires, wants, fears or anxieties that are driving us. It takes a mindful - pause to reboot ourselves from the rote mode to proactive engagement with life.
586 · Sep 2016
shimmer and shine
Bill O'Bier Sep 2016
billowing curtains
sunshine streaks through open shutters
my spirits soar
When we focus on the sunshine in our
lives, the darkness quickly fades away.
513 · Nov 2016
Whispers in the wind
Bill O'Bier Nov 2016
The nights breath stirs,
as I struggle to erase
the sins of the day.

I hear whispers in the wind.
Your voice - joy to me once,
lingers now like shards of glass.

I panic when you speak,
pacing back and forth,
in search of holy sacraments.

Slowly, the night grows bolder.
Unafraid, it opens its mouth,
and swallows me whole
498 · Aug 2016
A Ballad for the Naysayer
Bill O'Bier Aug 2016
Negative people with naysaying notions
are sad and unhappy with themselves.
they suffer inside with sorrow.  
When we look beyond their pain,
we see strong roots of fear;
the fear of not being loved,
of  being disrespected.  
To them, the world is a dangerous place.
How can we best deal with their despondency?
We start by responding with kindheartedness
We take responsibility for our own happiness.
We manifest and role model positivity.  
As we practice these behaviors, we obtain humility.
That we find it difficult to deal with others’ negativity
suggests there is a seed of reluctance within us.
Realizing that we must accept our own skepticism,
We are free to gain the understanding and compassion  
we need to create emotional maturity.
Emotional maturity - refers to our ability to understand, and manage, emotions. Emotional maturity enables us to create the life we desire. A life filled with happiness and fulfillment.

Naysayer-a person who habitually expresses negative or pessimistic views.
Bill O'Bier Jan 2017
she sings soft and sweet
as sunlight shines through her soul
sorrow's shadow shifts
I sing my sorrow and paint nature with joy...Joni Mitchell

Roberta Joan "Joni" Mitchell, born November 7, 1943 is a Canadian singer-songwriter and painter. Mitchell's work is highly respected by critics, and she has deeply influenced fellow musicians in a diverse range of genres. Rolling Stone has called her "one of the greatest songwriters ever", and AllMusic has stated, "When the dust settles, Joni Mitchell may stand as the most important and influential female recording artist of the late 20th century". Her lyrics are noted for their developed poetics, addressing social and environmental ideals alongside personal feelings of romantic longing, confusion, disillusion, and joy. She is one of my most favorite artists.
474 · Oct 2016
Dream Fragments
Bill O'Bier Oct 2016
Life exists in fragments, and out of those fragments our mind's eye constructs memories. What I offer here are - dream fragments -
descriptions that call up images of life, love and more.  
This will be a changing work in progress.
Check back often for different fragments.
Please enjoy and pleasant dreams.

Dream Fragment # 1
A quiet gentle whisper -
sun with water rushing by
love lights up your smile.

Dream Fragment # 2
The twilight’s stillness transforms my
surroundings to finer illusions
where only small bits of
life’s truth remain.

Dream Fragment # 3
I am a silent warrior with euphoric radiance.
My soul dances with an ecstasy for living.

Dream Fragment # 4
Forming illusions of finality, the night's soft breath stirs,
declaring its presence. We struggle to erase
the sins of the day.

Dream Fragment # 5
We begin to build the tomorrow dream.
We have seen truth and it shines brightly.
Hope and glory are with us - a new day is ours.  

Dream Fragment # 6
Light dances through window panes as
refractions on a cool white wall
display arrays of color bands.

I am a hologram drawn in--
a part of their magnificence,
traveling with the speed of light.

Dream Fragment # 7
Billowing curtains-
the darkness begins to fade away.
Sunlight shines through open windows.

Dream Fragment # 8
Sunset and waves splashing
Whispered love words fade
Seasons change, so do we.
I have to dream and reach for the stars,
and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds.
462 · Jan 2017
Love's Melody
Bill O'Bier Jan 2017
Love’s melody  
kindles my desire.
As I surrender to you,
we breathe deep
and harmonize.
Sing me your ballad,
I’ll play passion’s song.
Sweet truelove’s combo
plays its tune in my heart –
You are my aria always…
Love’s melody and composition,
fills all my heart with true conviction
451 · Aug 2016
The Spectrum
Bill O'Bier Aug 2016
Light dances through the window panes as
Refractions on the cool white wall
Display arrays of color bands
Marveling at this unified physical beauty.
I am a hologram drawn in--
A part of its excellence.
Traveling with the speed of light.
409 · Mar 2017
Vespers in the Dark
Bill O'Bier Mar 2017
The evening breath stirs,  
as I struggle to cast off
the sins of today.

I cringe when recalling past Vespers.
Your voice – joy to me once,
resounds a heinous incantation.  
Chanting, “The hand of God is reaching out” –
You groped, slowly stroking me up and down.
I give in, my body fully physically responding….

Always afterward, I determined I was to blame.
You offered tears, absolution, and admonishments.
All I must do was keep this secret – you warned.

Now as I seek redemption
for my tortured soul,
I fear these torments continue for other boys.
Vespers - a religious pray service in the evening. Vespers, also called Evening Prayer, takes place as dusk begins to fall. Evening Prayer gives thanks for the day just past and makes an evening sacrifice of praise to God

Absolution - a remission of sin or of the punishment for sin, made by a priest in the sacrament of penance on the ground of authority received from Christ.

Admonishment - to reprove or scold, especially in a mild and good-willed manner.

Cases of ****** abuse (particularly of children) and subsequent cover-ups committed by Catholic priests, and members of Roman Catholic orders have led to numerous allegations, investigations, trials and convictions. The abused include boys as young as 3 years old, with the majority between the ages of 11 and 14. Accusations began to receive wide publicity in the late 1980s. Many of these involve cases in which a priest was accused of abuse for decades; such allegations were frequently made by adults or older youths years after the abuse occurred. Cases have also been brought against members of the Catholic hierarchy who covered up *** abuse allegations and moved abusive priests to other parishes, where the pattern continued.
405 · Dec 2016
The Magic Christmas Card
Bill O'Bier Dec 2016
As this yuletide time approaches
with its season of good cheer,
midst colored lights and tinsel;
I try hard to persevere.
There was a time I welcomed Christmas
with glad tidings from the start.
Bleak sadness now envelopes me,
my world feels torn apart.
I'll just forget the holiday,
no cheer for me this year.
So solemn now I trudge along,
trying not to shed a tear.
Now alone I sit on Christmas Eve
with a most unusual card.
As I dare to read its words aloud,
something catches me off guard.
Bells ring out their Christmas chimes.
My spirits start to soar.
My anxious, sad, depressing mood
has vanished out the door.
I'm so thankful that this magic card
made my problems disappear.
It's given me a Merry Christmas,
and a most happy new year.
Magic Christmas cards are rare and Christmas can be an overwhelming time of year. Depression can be triggered by a number of things: losses, failures, loneliness, etc.  Christmas depression can also have nothing to do with anything specific. If you’re alone at Christmas and you realize you’re coming down with holiday depression, reach out to someone (a friend, a relative, or a professional), just call someone.  There is nothing to be ashamed of and there are plenty of people willing and able to assist you.
399 · Aug 2016
Trusting Our Wise Heart
Bill O'Bier Aug 2016
we stop
striving for
sheer perfection,
we soon discover
all the beauty in life.
Starting to trust our wise heart,
we connect with all of the world.
Letting in gentle loving kindness,
we now touch others with vital healing.
378 · Sep 2016
Danger – False Confidence
Bill O'Bier Sep 2016
I never groveled before
the justice department.
I can sleepwalk through this.
Be careful Hillary.....

A person with well-founded confidence will be open. They will welcome additional information or different views. If the contrasting view is useful, they will add it to their knowledge. If not, they will be able to explain why.

A person with false confidence will be defensive. They will insist that things have already been figured out. They will tend to attack the source of new information, rather than deal with the content.
341 · Jan 2017
A Young Boy’s Heart
Bill O'Bier Jan 2017
Intuitively, I knew his words,
before my father spoke.

Your mother's left us, he whispers.

Left you, I dared to scream out loud.
My young boy's heart
aching, silently breaking.

You had disappeared,
without a trace.
It was not an easy trick,
but one well executed.

Knowing this was your pathway
from his alcoholic pain,
offered me no solace.

Slowly, I became his caretaker,
watching whiskey and
women come and go;
leaving life shabby and chaotic.

Regarding my world with
expectations of perfection,
I became the judge and jury
for myself and others.

Always longing - but fearful to connect,
I stayed safe on life's sidelines.

Dissociate or deny –
Never acknowledge any pain,  
Duck and cover from the shame –
That became my coping game.

As time went on
I grew up strong,
but my heart stayed
just the same.

Must I always pay
this price for losing you….
According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, alcoholism affects about 18 million adults in the U.S. Approximately 26.8 million children are exposed to alcoholism in the family and 6.6 million children age 18 and younger live in households with at least one alcoholic parent. Many children of alcoholics, often referred to as Adult COAs. COA's live in homes filled with stress, financial hardship, instability, neglect, and violence. Unfortunately, these vulnerable youth often struggle academically, behaviorally and emotionally. Children living in this environment may run the gamut of feelings such as anger, embarrassment, shame and most of all hurt. They can also develop insecurities that can lead to emotional scars that they carry well into adulthood.

If you are an alcoholic parent, please get help -- Your child needs a relationship with you. Just as you will need professional help, so will your child. COAs need to attend counseling and/or join support groups to help them cope with the trauma of alcoholism.
338 · Oct 2016
Twilight’s Stillness
Bill O'Bier Oct 2016
How many nights has the radio
next to your pillow droned
a drunkard’s lullaby
loud enough to wake the dead.

Tonight I beg for quiet,
but clouded eyes scowl angrily at me.
Calling out some menacing retort,
you soon return to bacchanalian dreams.

Sober briefly,
during day’s first waking moments.
You finally rise up,
fortified by countless doubles.  

You’ll be gone soon,
till who knows when.
Relieved when you finally depart,
I remove traces of your essence.

Sweet twilight’s stillness,
transforms my dismal surroundings,  
to finer illusions where,
only small bits of life’s reality remains.

My soul dances
with an ecstasy for living.
I am a silent watcher  
filled with euphoric radiance

This sanctuary of separation,
contains my sanity secret.
Only in this stillness is  
there is a brighter self.

Be still, I whisper,
God is with you.
Be still, I whisper, 
you are never alone.
Someone with a dissociative disorder escapes reality in ways that are involuntary. During traumatic experiences such dealing with a chronic alcoholic, the dissociation serves to help a person tolerate what might otherwise be too difficult to bear. In situations like these, a person may dissociate the memory of a place, or events, mentally escaping from anxiety, shame, fear, and pain.
324 · Nov 2016
Intimacies Reverie
Bill O'Bier Nov 2016
Final touches done to
last night's poem,
I watch as white starlight
fills the window and,
the moon sheds its clothes.

Now in dreams reverie -
you reach for me as
night's soft breath stirs.
Your face above mine,
we struggle for release.

I see shadows of dawn
slide from heaven's rim;
clouds, kissing and cuddling,
matching our concave -
convex harmonies.

Walking at dusk now;
a white winter's kiss is
pressed on tender lips -
A twilight's chill comes on,
you place another log on the fire.

Our intimacies seen
stripped naked.
I'm held spellbound
by this magic.
Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.
300 · Sep 2016
Final Closure
Bill O'Bier Sep 2016
Hello, dear friend, you say,
bestowing what was our special greeting.
It's been a year, but I still succumb to your spell.

With good reasons, our past time together  
ended in suspicion and resentment.
I came away from it delicately gored, forming
what became my illusions of finality.

There was a time I welcomed your fiery high spiritedness.
But, inexorable time ticked away, and I wanted more.

I spent years scavenging your empty, oppressive heart.

Now, you cling so fast to me as the nights
soft breath declares its presence.

You struggle to erase my sorrow of yesterdays.

But for me, all our days of despair wash ashore.
I find myself settling in on the secret pain
you can't perceive, and will never see.
“Getting out is not giving up on someone
                            but staying is giving up on yourself.”
263 · Dec 2016
Love’s Melody
Bill O'Bier Dec 2016
Love’s melody stirs
my heart’s desire.
As we embrace
  and harmonize,  
  I dance to your  
rhythm of romance.
Sing me a love ballad.
I’ll play passion’s song.
Our sweet concerto
  plays on and on.
Love’s melody and intense emotions,
fill my heart - confirms devotion.

— The End —