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26.1k · Feb 2015
The astral hug
The hot hug of Aries
Passionate hug of Taurus
Witty hug of Gemini
Lingering hug of Cancer
Snug hug of Leo
Ardent hug of Virgo
Romantic hug of Libra
Caring hug of Scorpio
Classic hug of Sagittarius
Intimate hug of Capricorn
Articulate hug of Aquarians
Compassionate hug of Pisces
All hugs are well placed
No hug is to be overlooked!
6.4k · Nov 2014
I am the king 
of my own making
You are the queen
in quest of my liking
6.3k · Feb 2015
Dynamics of love
Love trusts, lust twists
Love rains, lust drains
Love reaches, lust catches
Love couples, lust combines

Love retains, lust detains
Love relies, lust relays
Love cares, lust caresses
Love binds, lust blinds

Love floats, lust flees
Love belongs, lust longs
Love ascends, lust descends
Love fames, lust defames

Love creates, lust recreates
Love commands, lust demands
Love chooses, lust chases
Love boosts,  lust boasts

Love at heart
Lust in mind
Love in lust is good
Lust in love is better
Love likes privacy
Lust looks for piracy
Love opens lust
Lust closes love

Love is slow, lust is fast
Love is steady and stable
Lust is mobile and fragile
Love is reliable, lust is liable
Love is long, lust is short
Love is homogeneous
Lust is heterogeneous
Love is defensive
Lust is offensive
Love is precious
Lust is pernicious
Love is supportive
Lust is supplementary
Love is refined
Lust is defined
Love betters life
Lust batters it.
Love has character
Lust has conduct
Love wins over
Lust weans out
Love combines
Lust divides
Love is cool
Lust is crazy
Love is peaceful
Lust is pleasant
Love is wholesome
Lust is piecemeal
Lust comes first
Love becomes best

Love is progressive
Lust is aggressive
Lust laminates
Love illuminates

Love is slow n steady
Lust is hasty n nasty
Love is dense, lust is tense
Lust is conditioned,
Love is air-conditioned
Lust is lovely to begin with
Love is lustrous to end up
Love heals, lust wounds
Love owns, lust disowns
Love is onus, lust is onerous
Love is basic, lust is allowance
Love conforms, lust confuses
Love binds, lust blinds

Be aware of love
Beware of lust
That comes like
wolf in sheep’s clothing

Let the fair blend
of love and lust
rule  the roost
5.8k · Feb 2015
Devised by Cosmic Boss
Sourced by parents
Aided by obstetrician
Nursed by pediatrician
Nurtured by nutritionist
Counseled by sexologist
Treated by orthopedist
Stressed by physiotherapist
Directed by dietician
Nudged by nephrologist
Nerved by neurologist    
Contained by cardiologist
Consoled by psychologist
Interspersed by dentist,
Sighted by ophthalmist
Conditioned by physiology
Terminated by mortuary
The inexorable Lifeline Express
Of hospitalized hospitality
3.6k · Oct 2014
Love at first sight
Loved her tooth and nail
Head over heels
She is my pace-maker
And peace keeper
Her air in my breath,
Eye behind eye,
Her beauty is seasonal
And sensational
She glows silver cream
Glitters green sheen
Cools and warms
Rarely wild, often mild
Stands thru thick and thin
Her curves and curls
Touch my heart
Her enthralling structure
Often captures my rapture
She is of high yielding variety
For long lasting pleasure
My will treks on her hill tracks
Rallies in her voluptuous valleys
I love to live with her
As long as I live in her lap
All I see is her nature
Thanks to Mother Earth!
3.6k · Nov 2014
Love vs. Lust
Love trusts, lust twists
Love reins, lust rains
Love reaches, lust catches
Love couples, lust combines

Love retains, lust detains
Love relies, lust relays
Love cares, lust caresses
Love binds, lust blinds

Love floats, lust flees
Love belongs, lust longs
Love ascends, lust descends
Love fames, lust defames

Love creates, lust recreates
Love commands, lust demands
Love chooses, lust chases
Love boosts,  lust boasts

Be aware of love
Beware of lust
That comes like
wolf in sheep’s clothing
2.8k · Oct 2014
Cosmic Angel
Magnetizing physics
Magnetic chemistry
Precise mathematics
Bubbling biology
Histrionic history
Attired economics
Refined fine arts
Electrifying looks
Electronic vision
Scintillating psychology
Ventilating physiology
Tantalizing mechanics
Tranquilizing metabolism
Dynamic damsel
Oh! What a scientific disposition?
Kudos to the Big-Bang Beautician.
2.7k · Dec 2014
Better judge your inherent strength
Than justify your apparent weakness
2.7k · Feb 2015
Ponder beyond ( part 3 of 4)
A holy dip in a river, revere you may,
Or any philanthropic act may it be,
Only wisdom finds divine salvation,
From cynic cycles of birth and death,
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….17

Relish respite in temple serene,
Cherish in the shadow of a tree,
Squat or lie on a flat ground,
Renounce worldly comforts,
Peace prevails in plenty.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….18

Dwell you may, in ecstasy,
Of fanfare and fortitude,
Attached to materialism,    
But, to revel in the divine bliss is;  
The only redemption of lingering life.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….19

Delve into the divine discourse of deliverance,
Sip the holy drops of sacred rivers,
Worship the lordship of Almighty
The Lord of Death dare not pinch you.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond …20

Pangs of birth, panic of death,
Over and over, again and again,
Make one and all sick and sullen.
Cultivate divine diary of deeds,
Enroll the ultimate bliss of eternity.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond …..21

He who cogitates cool inward,
Be content with what he has,
Contempt to what he has not,
May look like an innocent child,
Or an indecent mad cap outward.    
Believe in boundless bliss beyond …..22

Question yourself –
Who are you and me?
And other kith and kin?
There lies delusion in delight,
Of experience and exposure,
Of trials and tribulations,
Ending up in ****** dreams.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond               23

Almighty is all pervasive,
In you and me and all around,
To be furious is to be foolish,
Drop ego; uphold equality& equanimity,
As the best way to sacred sanctum  
Believe in boundless bliss beyond                24
Sriman Aadi Shankaracharya of 8th century, a renowned sage and saint of Indian sub-continent is an avid exponent of Hindu divine philosophy that encompasses the tenets of all religions and beliefs world over. He postulated the realm of divine bliss over the dominant thought of materialism in his poem in Sanskrit viz., Bhaja Govindam. An earnest effort has been made in bringing out its sum and substance in modern poetic verse easy to read and appreciate the philosophy generally accepted by all communities at large.
2.6k · Nov 2014
Love at first sight
Loved her tooth and nail
Head over heels
She is my pace-maker
And peace keeper
Her air in my breath,
Eye behind eye,
Her beauty is seasonal
And sensational
She glows silver cream
Glitters green sheen
Cools and warms
Rarely wild, often mild
Stands thru thick and thin
Her curves and curls
Touch my heart
Her enthralling structure
Often captures my rapture
She is of high yielding variety
For long lasting pleasure
My will treks on her hill tracks
Rallies in her voluptuous valleys
I love to live with her
As long as I live in her lap
All I see is her nature
Thanks to Mother Earth!
2.4k · Nov 2014
Seed and Weed
Seed is the need
Greed is the ****
Seed is to grow
**** is to throw
2.4k · Dec 2014
Hold My Hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand,
Called her father to his baby,
“Here is the narrow bridge to cross,
Slip and fall you may, my lass!”

No dad, no dad, hold my hand,
Sure, you will not let me skid,
Safer I do feel in your fold,
Than you in my tiny hand.

Hold the weaker and meeker,
Their bond of trust is stronger,
Than the strength of your grip,
So is the essence of relationship
2.0k · Feb 2015
Heaven is  the nucleus of universe
Love is the nucleus of life
1.9k · Jan 2015
Even little strokes
open up
great heavens
if you try
1.7k · Feb 2015
Cosmic Angel
Magnetising physics
Magnetic chemistry
Precise mathematics
Bubbling biology
Histrionic history
Attired economics
Refined fine arts
Electrifying looks
Electronic vision
Scintillating psychology
Ventilating physiology
Tantalizing mechanics
Tranquilizing metabolism
Dynamic damsel
Oh! What a scientific disposition?
Kudos to the Big-Bang Beautician.
1.7k · Jan 2015
Success is only a step 
forward to your last attempt
1.6k · Mar 2015
Ocean Park
See Seesaw Sea, Swing in ecstasy
Rhythmic tides, Rhyming strokes
Soothing breeze, Pleasing nodes
Surfing banks, Boxing waves
Tiding ebbs, Ebbing tides
Unabated buzz, Ferry minds
Merry crowds, Downing sun
Cooling beach, Evening dawns
Immolating sun, Immortal journey

On double shift,
Off side wakeup call,
On side adieu  
Pushed up moon as a parting gift
On alighting night
Good oh the heavens!
Kudos to the Ocean Park.
1.6k · Nov 2014
Step by Step
Stepped out from eternity
Stepped into fraternity
Stepped forward in purity
Stepped around with clarity

Stepped up with serenity
Stepped across in vanity
Stepped behind in uncertainty
Stepped backward in insanity

Stepped down in sanity
Stepped along humanity
Stepped out of fraternity
Stepped back into eternity
1.6k · Oct 2014
The Pamper
I am your simile
I am your crayon
Shout at me,
I enjoy your hoot
Play fool with me,
I am cool
Wet me,
I am not upset
Hit me,
I am not hurt
Kick me,
I kiss you
Bite me,
I like your taste
Trample me,
I am fine
Pull my hair,
I rejoice
I am your clown
Heckle me,
I am your pickle
Punch me,
I am your gym zone
My dear light weight champion
You are my delight n’ sunlight
Who else can do so my honey,
If not my Good Grand God Baby!
1.5k · Feb 2015
He serves mother earth
In northern hemisphere
I serve motherland
In southern hemisphere
He is on the tropic of Cancer
I am on the tropic Capricorn
Our longitude and latitude are different
Our aptitude and attitude are similar
To serve and deserve to serve
He is in light
When I am in dark
He is in dark
When I am in light
Both are exposed to each other
Through light and dark
Through thick and thin
He tracks my light
When I am asleep
I track his light
When he is asleep
Intuition is our live-wire
He is non-resident to me
I am non-resident to him
Both are residents of love
I am his prestigious father
He is my privileged son
1.5k · Oct 2014
Witty Time
Seconds are crazy
Minutes are busy
Hours are noisy
Days are cozy
Months are easy
Years are lazy
Time is messy
But life is rosy
1.5k · Oct 2014
He serves mother earth
In northern hemisphere
I serve motherland
In southern hemisphere
He is on the tropic of Cancer
I am on the tropic Capricorn
Our longitude and latitude are different
Our aptitude and attitude are similar
To serve and deserve to serve
He is in light
When I am in dark
He is in dark
When I am in light
Both are exposed to each other
Through light and dark by cosmic pulse
Through thick and thin
He tracks my light
When I am asleep
I track his light
When he is asleep
Intuition is our live-wire
He is non-resident to me
I am non-resident to him
Both are residents of love
I am his prestigious father
He is my privileged son
1.5k · Nov 2014
The Pamper
I am your simile
I carry on
Shout at me,
I enjoy your hoot
Play fool with me,
I am cool
Wet me,
I am not upset
Hit me,
I am not hurt
Kick me,
I kiss you
Bite me,
I like your taste
Trample me,
I am fine
Pull my hair,
I rejoice
I am your clown
Heckle me,
I am your pickle
Punch me,
I am your gym zone
My dear light weight champion
You are my delight n’ sunlight
Who else can do so my honey,
If not my Good Grand Blessed Baby!
1.5k · Mar 2015
Tea an entity
Berthed and tailed in Almighty,
Tea showed its mite as an entity
In daily life with its novelty
In reality tea is in plenty

Producers and users make it tasty
To sip in habitual punctuality
Its beauty lies in its utility
Take it hot, not to be hasty

For a break in work, it has its sanctity
In extreme hot or cold, it is naughty
Its quantity goes well with quality
It has limited warranty and guaranty
No pantry without tea
Kudos to tea’s entreaty
For its welcome treat in any treaty
Oh! Behold its entry and pageantry
1.5k · Dec 2014
Love affair
Till yesterday
minority was my issue
From today 
majority is my problem
1.5k · Mar 2015
You & I
are the rhyme & rhythm
song and dance
spring and fall
subject and predicate

Lung and heart
care and caution
health and wealth
strength and solace
power and peace
present and future
Life and death

Given the choice/chance,
Let us repeat the show
a milling million times,
in the pavilion of life
as Adam & Eve
1.4k · Jan 2015
Life, the present tense
Pleasant and promising
Singular & plural
Fair blend of gender
Active noise, passive voice
The grammar of life

Life is intense,
Glowing and glorious;
Blue blown umbrella
For wide void exposure
Feather touch weather
For cool n’ calm respite
Illuminated one half
To eke out living  
Glittering dark on other half
To rest and recuperate    

Aroma of smiling flowers
Multicolor corona  
Green rich panorama
Overseeing mountains
Rousing roaring oceans
Patrolling Hydro Power Puffs
Add bonus to the bevy
What a glamorous globe in space!
1.4k · Dec 2014
Intense love
My heart is purified
My mind is clarified
I am sanctified
We are satisfied
All due to
your immense beauty
and intense love
1.4k · Nov 2014
The Challenge
Of any color or creed,
Of status high or low,
Treacherous minds,
Heartless brain,
Venomous looks,
Ruthless tongue,
Heinous hands,
Rudderless feet,
Intense dubious desire,
Conspire, collude,
Often pay deaf ear
Snub wiser counsel of one’s mind
And skim out criminals
How to spurn viral thoughts;
A major challenge confronting humanity
Of a confounded nation
That needs vaccination.
1.4k · Jan 2015
Thick and thin
Blind is the eye
That does not look at the blind
Deaf is the ear
That does not listen to the deaf
Dumb is the mouth
That does not speak to the dumb
Lame is the leg
That does not step with the lame
Poor is the land
That does not care for the poor
Futile is the life
That does not support the needy
1.3k · Jan 2015
Chemistry of Psychology
One is per se acidic
Other one is per force alkaline
Their life is neutralized
One is corrosive
Other is effervescent
Together is balanced
One is hydrogen
Other is oxygen
They quench their thirst
In 2:1 proportion  
One is proactive
Other is reactive
Both are coactive
One is productive
Other is seductive
Couple is reproductive
They build nucleus family
With atomic character
Explode or implode
Implore and explore
New order of life’s disorder
The duo’s duel disposition
Sports harmonious melody
1.3k · Dec 2014
I am in your web
You are my only pub
1.3k · Feb 2015
The Challenge
Of any color or creed,
Of status high or low,
Treacherous minds,
Heartless brain,
Venomous looks,
Ruthless tongue,
Heinous hands,
Rudderless feet,
Intense dubious desire,
Conspire, collude,
Often pay deaf ear
Snub wiser counsel of one’s mind
And skim out criminals
How to spurn viral thoughts;
A major challenge confronting humanity
Of a confounded nation
That needs vaccination.
1.3k · Feb 2015
The Pamper
I am your simile
I carry on
Shout at me,
I enjoy your hoot
Play fool with me,
I am cool
Wet me,
I am not upset
Hit me,
I am not hurt
Kick me,
I kiss you
Bite me,
I like your taste
Trample me,
I am fine
Pull my hair,
I rejoice
I am your clown
Heckle me,
I am your pickle
Punch me,
I am your gym zone
My dear light weight champion
You are my delight n’ sunlight
Who else can do so my honey,
If not my Good Grand God Baby!
1.3k · Nov 2014
Love at first sight
Loved her tooth and nail
Head over heels
She is my pace-maker
And peace keeper
Her air in my breath,
Eye behind eye,
Her beauty is seasonal
And sensational
She glows silver cream
Glitters green sheen
Cools and warms
Rarely wild, often mild
Stands thru thick and thin
Her curves and curls
Touch my heart
Her enthralling structure
Often captures my rapture
She is of high yielding variety
For long lasting pleasure
My will treks on her hill tracks
Rallies in her voluptuous valleys
I love to live with her
As long as I live in her lap
All I see is her nature
Thanks to Mother Earth!
1.3k · Mar 2015
He was on toes in his twenties
She was in tunes in her teens
He was alone, she was along
He was curious, she was cordial
She was catering to his senses:
With her ply, play and ploy
Her electrifying looks
Greeted his soul to seek
Tricked and kicked his heart
Her smiles rolled on his lips
Her face fashioned fair n’ familiar
Beauty was her boon, his moon
An intangible asset to cassette
It was one to one homely affair
Win-win scene in solitude
Her free style was explicit -
Board of her body language
Her chromatic costumes,
And cosmetic feel of touch
Enshrined in the tablet of his memory
She sang, danced n’ pounced in passion
Coupled up his thoughts  
For a couple of hours
Her smart artistic calibre,
Teeming teenage tickle,
Shook up and hooked up
His conduct and character
He could see her face to face
In her filmy on-screen display
Of moving movie telecast
He was her fan in disguise
She was his fiancée in guise
As an artist and articulate
Lo! Love is the mother of life
1.3k · Nov 2014
Divergent (10W)
Many are below poverty line
Money is above property line
1.3k · Oct 2014
You & I
are the rhyme & rhythm
song and dance
spring and fall
sun and moon
day and night
subject and predicate

Lung and heart
care and caution
health and wealth
strength and solace
power and peace
present and future
Life and death

Given the choice/chance,
Let us repeat the show
a milling million times,
in the pavilion of life
as Adam & Eve
1.3k · Jan 2015
Step by step
Stepped out from eternity
Stepped into fraternity
Stepped forward in purity
Stepped around with clarity

Stepped up with serenity
Stepped across in vanity
Stepped behind in uncertainty
Stepped backward in insanity

Stepped down in sanity
Stepped along humanity
Stepped out of fraternity
Stepped back into eternity
1.3k · Feb 2015
Witty Time
Seconds are crazy
Minutes are busy
Hours are noisy
Days are cozy
Months are easy
Years are lazy
Time is messy
But life is rosy
1.3k · Jan 2015
You & I
are the rhyme & rhythm
song and dance
spring and fall
subject and predicate

Lung and heart
care and caution
health and wealth
strength and solace
power and peace
present and future
Life and death

Given the choice/chance,
Let us repeat the show
a milling million times,
in the pavilion of life
as Adam & Eve
1.2k · Dec 2014
Let us not be proud
Let others feel proud of us
1.2k · Oct 2014
City of complexity
Culminating capacity
Daunting density
Varying velocity
Variable veracity
Surging sagacity
Divulging diversity
Tenable tenacity
Laudable audacity
Nurturing nicety
Progressive propensity
Unified university
Simple implicitly
Ample simplicity
Undulating atrocity
Unassailable animosity
Scaring scarcity
Pausing paucity
Causing curiosity
Generating generosity
Magnificent mega-city
Multitude of multiplicity
Pervading perplexity  
Wow! City of complexity
1.2k · Oct 2014
Are you?
Propounding Pounds
Dealing in Dollars
Eulogizing Euros
Dwelling in Dinars
Rolling in Rupees
Enlisting Yens
Whose exchange value is nil
In honey combed heaven
Or horrendous hell
What so ever, whom so ever
Be it an empowered emperor
Or any contemptuous contemporary
Only valid currency in heaven  
Is pure Conduct and Character
1.2k · Jan 2015
Poets are seldom rich
Poetry is seldom poor
Both coexist
1.2k · Feb 2015
Ponder beyond ( part 4 of 4)
Always love or like, all alike,
Kin or none, friend or foe; hate none,
Lift yourself above all weakness,
Emerge strong & hit the ultimate goal.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond                 25

Purge yourself out and converge pure;
Free from lust, greed, anger & delusion.
Look behind the eye for truth beyond,  
Unscathed by matter that does not matter
Believe in boundless bliss beyond           26

Cultivate prayer of the ultimate Supreme
Be good, do good and go with the good
No good to amass wealth without sharing
The poor and destitute deserve a better deal
Believe in boundless bliss beyond           27

Absorbed in pursuit of carnal desires,
Life culminates to cease in disease,
Mind is blind and blank of virtues till end,
Sins & sinners rule the roost without end.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond            28

Wealth that reigns is none but one that ruins,
Rich are frightened by the shadows they cast,
Joy of pelf pales off in hoarding and hiding,
Spiritual health is holier than physical wealth
Believe in boundless bliss beyond            29

Regulate breath, sensitize sense,
Condition the body and soul,
Through meditation and prayer,
Free the fickle mind to firm up,
And search for eternal delight.  
Believe in boundless bliss beyond       30

Stir up your inner eye more focused,
Behold; the Lord lives in your heart,
All you need is a mentor that helps,
To liberate yourself from material life,
And capture the rapture all abound.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond        31

Worship of the Lordship is the only ship
To cruise and cross the ocean of life,
Be it chanting sacred hymns in extol,
Or be it a service to untidy society,
The essence of life is to transcend,
And attain Supreme above the self.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond.        32
Sriman Aadi Shankaracharya of 8th century, a renowned sage and saint of Indian sub-continent is an avid exponent of Hindu divine philosophy that encompasses the tenets of all religions and beliefs world over. He postulated the realm of divine bliss over the dominant thought of materialism in his poem in Sanskrit viz., Bhaja Govindam. An earnest effort has been made in bringing out its sum and substance in modern poetic verse easy to read and appreciate the philosophy generally accepted by all communities at large.
1.2k · Nov 2014
I love you (10w)
"I love you"
" A constant commitment 
       an instant obligation?"
1.2k · Dec 2014
Poor poet
I am a poor poet
in search of rich thoughts
Worship His Lordship,
Brace up timely solace,
Before you are befooled,
No syntax would serve,
When death comes to date.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….. 1

Oh Dear, desist from desires,
That govern mundane mandate.
Blessed are you, whatever deserved,
Of your actions, or inactions past,
Be content and devoted,
To your duty, serene and supreme
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ……2

Concealed by shiny silky skin,
Beauty is one of flesh n’ blood,
Glow or glamour is never forever,
Introspect and respect the truth,
Let not illusion overtake your wisdom.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ……3

Eventual, life bubbles off,
Like a droplet on lotus leaf,
Conjured by complexion,    
Concluded by deadly disease.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ……4

Kith n’ kin crowd around,
And enjoy the fun and frolic,
Of youth, of health n’ wealth.
As the age anchors in sickness,
No referee comes to your rescue.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond……5

Sprint is the spirit of life,
The Soul holds the body
The day the Soul skips away,
Even your wife walks astray  
Believe in boundless bliss beyond……6

Fun n’ play rein budding life,
Youngling passions linger fore,
Hoary age diminishes in distress,
None to come along, nothing to impress,
When the dusk dawns on you,
Too late to mediate and meditate.  
Believe in boundless bliss beyond…….7

After all, what are you!
Of whom are you?
Who your wife and children are?
Are the bonds you made binding?
What is your origin or horizon?  
Ponder over the divine marvel
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ……8
Sriman Aadi Shankaracharya of 8th century, a renowned sage and saint of Indian sub-continent is an avid exponent of Hindu divine philosophy that encompasses the tenets of all religions and beliefs world over. He postulated the realm of divine bliss over the dominant thought of materialism in his poem in Sanskrit viz., Bhaja Govindam. An earnest effort has been made in bringing out its sum and substance in modern poetic verse easy to read and appreciate the philosophy generally accepted by all communities at large.
1.1k · Dec 2014
The Challenge
Of any color or creed,
Of status high or low,
Treacherous minds,
Heartless brain,
Venomous looks,
Ruthless tongue,
Heinous hands,
Rudderless feet,
Intense dubious desire,
Conspire, collude,
Often pay deaf ear
Snub wiser counsel of one’s mind
And skim out criminals
How to spurn viral thoughts;
A major challenge confronting humanity
Of a confounded nation
That needs vaccination.
Next page