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5.6k · Oct 2019
Betty H Oct 2019
I ride the waves of sorrow
to join eternal bliss
I await a kindly person
to plant a gentle kiss
406 · Apr 2021
Betty H Apr 2021

Willowy forests sustain us, creates new life
We breathe its colorful energy
Scents of pine, damp moss
Rain, wet tree stumps
Flowers, needle-covered paths
Winter snow saturates, whiteouts of magic

We hug trees for they soothe our inner core
Yet, the whine and grind of chainsaws
Denudes vast swathes of broken hearts
Shrivels in shreds of grief
403 · Jun 2021
Betty H Jun 2021
Alone on a dark blue sea
I sit in my small wooden boat
ponder my being, my life, my demise
my sea life friends embrace me

Alone, I wonder if this emptiness
is real or a dream
I search for the moon’s smile
to lighten my mood
I fear the darkness

Alone, I wonder if some soul desires me
I scan the night skies
white, yellow stars blink
perchance some hope

Alone, tears roll down my weathered face
hawks and seagulls shroud me
attempt to absorb their concern
hear whispers nearby
to alter my fire
take a chance on one’s pipe dream
403 · Sep 2019
Betty H Sep 2019
He jumps the train
as the wheels come
to a screeching halt
darkness covers him
he runs, legs flip in the air
he pants, looks back
the armed men sleep
a chill in the night air
his skin reveals
the moon hides
he stumbles
powerful will to survive
sounds of the forest flourish
thick with brush
the last struggle
it embraces him
397 · Jun 2021
Betty H Jun 2021

Weightless hearts
bob up and down
on a cerulean blue sea
fisherman smile
dolphin’s wink

Weighted, woeful hearts
sink to the bottomless depths
to bond with onerous beasts
not once will they see the sun
384 · Nov 2019
Betty H Nov 2019
My last love lyrics
are in your teardrop
mine has little rain
I sink to the mud earth
but always remember your pain
319 · Nov 2020
Betty H Nov 2020
Two bemused birds encounter beside an oak tree
they notice an abandoned nest
Ross the Red Breasted Robin affirms it as his own
Bobby the Bluejay suggests they share it
"NO!" says Ross. I bolted in first. It's mine!"
"I believe I can squeeze in too", claims Bobby
"Wait! maybe not; you're quite fat."
"Shall we take turns utilizing the nest to sleep?"
"NO" says Ross the Robin , "Never!"
"Per chance", queries Bobby, "How can we settle this?
"Who can fly there the quickest?"
"Never" says Ross the Robin, "I own it!"
Bobby the Bluejay's anger surges to send a secret
message to his cousin Boris
Hence, Bobby collects his bird army
attacks Ross the Robin
whose obese body lay motionless
as he mutters "I shan't yield."
303 · Feb 2021
Betty H Feb 2021

We meet blue eyes to brown
As the sun embarks on its slumber
Lips reveal desire
I am eager
Though he ought to respect my bounds
300 · Jun 2021
Betty H Jun 2021

Fantasies of a mermaid
on a cloistered island, candle lit
she emerges from the cold abyss
slithers to my naked torso
electrifies me
flesh to flesh
musing as one

An intense painting
comes to a life
abstractions of intimacy
patterns of flirtation
hues of iridescent bronze, cobalt blue
washes in white

Muted whispers
she forsakes
plunges into deep shadows
298 · Nov 2019
Betty H Nov 2019
My eyes capture a glimpse
of a Robin Red Breast
who lay at my feet
his breath labored
as is mine
I sink to my knees
my spirit crushed
as is his
we mourn as a pair

His wind ceases
eyes lock
I bury him
under a Sourwood Tree
with raw hands
and blanket him
with rich soil
Fall leaves flow
to bedeck his grave
291 · Nov 2019
Betty H Nov 2019
She slumps over him
best friend, a furry lad
strokes his rough brown hair
labored breaths
his eyes half locked
wee droplets seep out
her forlorn face
head elevates
to catch a glimpse
of his wet nostrils
she awaits, not a stir
blank stare
her eyes plead to blink

"It's time"
she quivers, clench fists
needle plunges deep
"He's gone"
she implores to stay
he rests peacefully
asleep as the motionless stars
his only caregiver
in silent tortuous mourning
286 · Dec 2019
Betty H Dec 2019
Threadbare hands
dark blue veins protrude
across arms, elbow to finger
swollen skin hides gold wedding band
knuckles poke out, like small stones
rigidity stifles writing

Years a poet
born to scribe
he rocks
in his worn cane chair
his mind travels
shrewd and clever
he uses his husky voice
to tell his tales

roadmap of life
alone,no one heeds
naps away the bleary afternoons
hands crisscrossed
282 · Oct 2019
Betty H Oct 2019
In my dream I adore you
in reality, not so
In my dream I trust you
In reality, not so
In my dream
You don’t love me
so now, please go
263 · Nov 2019
Betty H Nov 2019
Few words to reveal
must I clarify my stand?
harm, humility, betrayal
I speak no more
you feel my sore
I beg you cease
For I have earned my peace
259 · Sep 2019
Faked Out!
Betty H Sep 2019
I slowed my old truck
a dead deer was in the road
Hmmm, or so I thought
257 · Jan 2021
Betty H Jan 2021
Dreamy sunsets
passing cotton clouds
sun dips underside
three colors blend
into a wash of rainbow hues
a kaleidoscope of keepsakes
253 · Sep 2019
Smile ( Haiku)
Betty H Sep 2019
The moon has a face
two bright eyes, nose, smiley mouth
a cloud smothers it
245 · May 2021
Betty H May 2021
I follow you through my mind’s eye
When I awaken to sun’s greeting
When I slumber under moon’s wonder
241 · Oct 2019
Betty H Oct 2019
“Good Morning”
simple act of kindness
common words
draws a smile to many
no deep meaning
absolute transparency
renders a perfect day
I say these words
To utter strangers
whether or not
It is noticed
228 · Sep 2019
Betty H Sep 2019
Return to my kiss, my sweet
for I have not erred
a crazy fling, though consensual
intoxicated, shrouded in a fog of lust
no fault of my own
I implore comeback
I will eternally bemoan
foolish act of ignorance
leave me not
in my ocean of guilt
226 · Dec 2019
Betty H Dec 2019
Harbor lights
reflect in brackish water
tall, thin houses of color
reach to the black sky
yellow moon beams
ice floes ferried by wind
driven by heaving waves

Seawall shelters harbor boats
ripples dance
sea smells creep in window cracks
breathe deep
dawn, blackness dwells
boats move
fishnets stretch
motors run
boots slosh
weather chatter
off to catch
fried fish supper
213 · Oct 2019
Betty H Oct 2019
I like you, but not the way you think
my friendship though, is soft as mink
you shall find your own
or you will indeed be alone
do not fret
as you are one's best bet
210 · Oct 2019
Betty H Oct 2019
A cloud carries me
up to a radiant star
rain blurs my vision
205 · Oct 2019
Betty H Oct 2019
Blue gray eyes
midnight lashes
long and thick
no wonder
you are seen
by others
but please
keep in mind
no lovers
may you find
203 · Oct 2019
Betty H Oct 2019
If this torn and tattered message finds you
note that I have embraced another
your turn is yet to come
196 · Nov 2019
Betty H Nov 2019
Fall, **** trees submit
empty woven nest suspends
wind smacks it to earth

Lone robin quivers
family flock deserts him
he lingers on thin bark

Turmoil shrouds him
eyes flicker like lightening
brown wings flap, he's off!
189 · Sep 2019
Betty H Sep 2019
Humans suffer
disease, decay
waste away
a sluggish blob
I ask myself
how do I confront death
with dignity
188 · Jun 2021
Betty H Jun 2021

Aging folks, sagging cores
sliver of passion endures
two arthritics push life to the limit
travel like snails to reach the flesh
under silken sheets
ecstasy wilts
albeit, innermost embers
still burn
Betty H Feb 2021
Blue, pink streaks of radiance
peak through dark shades
conscious of daybreak, a glance
bodies twist into a ******* bow
dawn’s breath
scents of last eve’s balmy cologne
my winsome perfume
crusty eyes peep, blossom out
faint whispers of violet tenderness
hour after hour, hesitant to stir
relax the white bow
set in butterfly motion
184 · Dec 2019
Betty H Dec 2019
Scrupulous green brilliance
splashes of pink, yellow
summer's sun kisses
surges of downpours nourish
Brevity, nature
182 · Jul 2020
Betty H Jul 2020
At first, I am vacuous, timorous, still
in the seam of a bewitching web
of intricate fabric
until silky threads enfold me
shroud me with tranquility, repose
shelter me from the cruel abyss

streaks of the afternoon sun
unsettle my eyes
murky views of essence
at dusk, I ignite
my legs creep, cautious steps
not to break a thread
stretch the nest, infinite particles
of flawless patterns
action breeds worth
as I explore my web of intoxication
sure, that I am safe
in time, I will emerge from this sanctuary
into the dark abyss from whence I came
177 · Aug 2020
Betty H Aug 2020
A touch of sea foam
as it bubbles up the beach
covers my cold feet

A smokey gray sky
assists the calm of the sea
no ripples today

I smell salty air
the sea is so curative
I can float all day
176 · May 2021
Betty H May 2021
Trendy vibes
graffiti rhapsody
walls, fire hydrants, pissoirs, post boxes, lamp posts
barbie doll retro craze
gargoyles glued to decco slabs
slumber parties on empty benches
electronic beat echoes
through the canyons
cobblestone memories
restaurants, cafes, spew into streets
cars crawl gingerly
fearful of snagging
happy-go-lucky revelers
sunsets reflect off mirrored spires
notably one who harbors emotions
of a dynamic woman
and whose mood shifts with hues of color
174 · Oct 2019
Betty H Oct 2019
When we pass as one
our shadows ought to dance
among the stars
while the moon
illuminates our way
a groovy waltz by Strauss
for us to savor, it may
reach out, embrace me up here
where the thin air
is perfumed
as you, my dear
161 · Jan 2021
Betty H Jan 2021
Each brilliant summer day, we stroll along Rockmont Road
We opt for this precise venue for its splendor and tranquility
Three shimmering lakes, link by islands of land
wrapped in green with budding flora
Frigid mountain water spills over from one to the next

In Summer, the brave splash around the islands
with blue lips, as they disembark the chilly water
sun drenched towels await them
the less brave prefers canoes to catch the scene
a timeless ride where naught matters beyond the allure

In Fall, the Rockmont lakes turn into a flood of colors
red, gold, bright orange, brown, warm yellow
trees reflect in the lakes, a mirror image
crisp breezes form ripples, ducks float alongside
leaves tumble and settle in the water

This time every year, biker and joggers
prefer this place for the very same pretext
as the Summer strollers and swimmers
a peaceful and impressive space to frolic
161 · Sep 2019
Wedding Day
Betty H Sep 2019
The boat lurches and sways
as the white caps surge
we sit and hold tight
a sudden turn in the sky
alarms us, pulses pound
takes us by surprise
dark clouds advance
a bolt of lightening crackles
before our eyes
booming sounds follow
wind slaps us in the face
beads of rain strike

Waves swoosh
water gushes into our boat
we grab a tarp for shelter
ease the fright
we bail with plastic buckets
but the furious sea has got us beat
salt water soars
it bobbles like a toy
In the great ocean

We capsize in the frigid water
hold with one hand on the boat
other arm to arm
we gulp water, cough and spit
breaths labored
no strength to swim
my lover gulp, screams

His grip is not in mine
I watch him slowly submerge
bubbles streaming to the surface
I think I’m about to drown
My last thought
we WILL have our wedding day
151 · Feb 2021
Betty H Feb 2021
I flip the pages of old letters
Across a dark ocean
Paper yellows, black ink pen fades
Words a blur, like the fog that hovers
Memories endure

She lives massive waves away
Fresh letters are crisp
exuberant, adventure, secrets
Just between us, in the clouds that pass us by
Mail is sluggish, boats ply rough waters
I await, my heart flutters, as an envelope
Flings through the mail slot
I slash it apart, pieces fly in the slight breeze
Impatience to read, her news is like the sun’s reflection on the sea
Her new boyfriend, budding romance, sensual stars
New spring clothes, picnics in the freshly cut green grass

I reply forthwith, though my words, are slack and drab
A glass half empty, all the same routine
As seasons come and go, naught of change
I compose words made from dreams and moonbeams
So, it will ensure our constant write

The last letter appears
My intuition bespeaks of evil tidings
She has taken ill
Scribble words in the main, blur to my eyes
I surrender a slice of my soul
Yet keepsakes survive
149 · Apr 2021
Betty H Apr 2021
Muggy summer breeze
Draws a euphony of my neighbor’s violin
Into my open window
Curtains dance in the humid air
I listen, follow the notes
Whistle along that which is familiar
Birds chirp to enhance a harmony
Leaves rustle to complete a symphony

At once music ceases
I listen to the curses, loud noises
My neighbor wrestles with perfection
Though I fail to understand
She increases volume perhaps to improve quality

Abruptly, it stops
I hear a ferocious bang, ring in my rears
I surmise she flat broke her violin
Weeps and wails echo in the street
The maestro of perfection
Suffers defeat
146 · Nov 2019
Betty H Nov 2019
Black and White
heavy wet snow
sleepy limbs
hover above
the frigid earth
icicles reflect
off the sun's radiant glow
melt as its warmth heightens
teardrops slip
patter on the roof
soft chunks plunge
without a murmur

Yellow light flickers
solo in the colorless landscape
smoke rises into a cold sky
hunter cabin's flame
frosted window
merrymaking clatter
seeps through a crack
men's chanting
celebratory jingles
snug on an arctic day
142 · Feb 2021
Betty H Feb 2021
Lavender, sweet orange, rich amethyst
Compress a deep cobalt sky
Breath of darkness soon encloses
Locks me in a cosmic dream
I ascend to a brilliant star
Somewhere life of sorts prevails
All and sundry float
Slightly overhead
Unknown to brush the glaze
Euphony cascades with moonbeams
Further, celestials dance in abstract forms
Whilst I awaken
My splendid star descends
In a gradual manner
To open my moody eyes
142 · Aug 2020
Betty H Aug 2020
I used to swish about Bear Creek
behind our white clapboard family farm house
I remember the water smelled clean
Not salty or muddy
it squirts over glossy mossy rocks
all shapes ans sizes
slip slide after rain gushes down

When the sky opens its hatch
it belches rain in globs
Bear Creek swells swiftly
rocks fade away
it spins anger
waves emerge, frothy white caps
mimics an incensed ocean

Swollen creeks are bouncy
my inner tube travels fast
my bottom strokes frigid mountain water
but oh I wished it would last
142 · Dec 2019
Betty H Dec 2019
Winter moon's fierce wind
smacks us in the face and stings
kicks the outdoor chairs

Limbs scatter about
front door mat flies in the air
lands on the car

Wind gusts shake the house
we listen to the moan
the moon releases its clutch
141 · Dec 2019
Betty H Dec 2019
My brain distressed
spilled my wrath
will the passion subside?
only the inner mood determines
Brevity poem
126 · Jan 2021
Betty H Jan 2021
Radiant aqua skies
and butterflies
roll down hills
and high fly thrills
water splash
giggles and laughs
sand castles
no hassles

Jump puddles
teddy bear cuddles
truly curious
at times furious
bundles of wonder
treasures under
smell the flowers
sense the showers
warm and dry
ready for cherry pie
126 · Dec 2019
Betty H Dec 2019
Blinking lights
spray the Tennessee sky
black night noise
disrupts the calm

Silver bullets dash
through dense dark air
one harmed
one dead

Sirens bellow
yellow tape
shrouds the scene
common event
in this hood

Police suppress the fight
drugs pay the rent
cycle persists
more harm
more deaths
126 · Jan 2021
Betty H Jan 2021
Two  lives commingle
two faces melt into one
lips bound
figures wrapped taught
passion shrouds them
one unique glimmer
tongues taste
all the rest
is shadow
123 · Nov 2019
Betty H Nov 2019
Though the shades are drawn
upon my eyes
I forever sense
the spices of your sweat
cumin, cloves, mint, nutmeg
heightening in the murk
of my globe
so stimulating is your corps
I merely imagine your beauty
even more
123 · Dec 2020
Betty H Dec 2020
A Mountain Bluebird
matches the sky
soars so high
he settles on a cotton puffy cloud
tires after a wind catches his wing
he takes respite on a pink-hued billow
light weight and fine fathered
comfortable, he relaxes his wings
in daylight, sun drenches him in hot yellow warmth
in darkness, blue moon beholds him in midnight caress

As he observes Earth
he notes devastation from afar
heretofore obscured
oceans jam-packed with plastic
denuded forests
scarified mountain tops
dank air, garbage spill
cities dense with humans
heaps of cars flattened out
smog hangs low

Once, home to a family nest
in an oak tree on a lush green farm
at present, he scrutinizes the spectacle
hence, he opts to tarry
with the clouds, the sun, the moon, the stars
118 · Apr 2020
Betty H Apr 2020
12:25AM, dark, still
at once gentle rumble of the freight train
passes through my village each eve
three horn blasts startle me
as my eyes droop, book in hand
my clue to sip some brandy
view the antique ticking clock
turn the loose switch on my favorite lamp
smooth my silk coverlet
puff my down pillow
ease my drowsy head
muse about my sailor boy
in a distant place
until slumber shrouds me
in perfect bliss
117 · Oct 2019
Betty H Oct 2019
Friendship is a distinct bond
a closeness that breathes
swathes us in deep shelter
embraces all of whom we are fond

It unveils a trust
forever to clutch
keeps our verve together
with or without a touch

Give and take
promises to be
stretches distant paths
across the deep dark sea

we nurture this link
and bask in each other's thought
if one of us should pass
our peace chain will be naught
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