Each day I walk a line within my mind,
trudging along my own Event Horizon.
The bitter beat beneath my feet
haunts me like a fallen friend.
With no way to purge this curse,
It follows me to my impending end.
As I reach the place where stars are
swallowed and giants lie in wait,
I pause for a spell and glare back to
ponder; eyes slowly growing hollow.
When did self hatred mutilate my wild blue yonder?
Who deluded the water which blissfully sprang me to life?
Was it I who knotted the laces of my feet with constrictor like grip
to trip myself into a conviction of a crime I did not commit?
Why would I do this to myself?
I once loved the person I was.
Aimless were the arrows which my thoughts shot through the dark.
A fools errand to greedily gain knowledge before the last embark.
More hope could be found in the heart of a man who sat behind his desk, plotting with calamity on how he'd go berserk and lay waste to the rest.
With acceptance rivaling that of the Easter Islanders once they heard word of their fate, I hung my legs over the horizon's edge, swallowed my pride, agony, & faith.
I let my mind, body, & soul plummet into this pitiless place.