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952 · Oct 2014
An Ode to You<3
Kayla V Barreto Oct 2014
At only two years old I already love you
With your droopy face and stinky breath
Or your big bear hands and stubby legs
But most of al I love it when you twerk

Because of you I always have a smile on my face
Because of you my face breaks out into hives
Because of you there's always hair on my pants
Because of you I wake up at night

You drive me crazy but I still miss you
You make me feel better when I'm upset
With your loads of energy it's hard to relax
But your snoring is such sweet sound to my slumber

Again I will say that I love you
When your face bounces
When you chase people away because you look "scary"
But the thing is that I love everything

About You!
521 · Oct 2014
My Dearest Friend
Kayla V Barreto Oct 2014
My dearest friend,
How we've grown closer
All because of me feelings toward another
You and I have done so much

Spending time with each other
I feel that you and I have made J upset
But is that our fault?

You and I both despise the "L" word
I am grateful to call you my best friend
And proud to say

I Lava You
485 · Oct 2014
That Day
Kayla V Barreto Oct 2014
On this day it was bright
A hot summer day
With heat and hard work
I decided I wanted to make a change
I moved everything
I changed everything
With the blazing heat it happened
I awoke on the floor
Tears rolling down my eyes
My mother screaming
I awoke to only see several men
To the hospital we go
468 · Oct 2014
Everyday life
Kayla V Barreto Oct 2014
Everyday the same question runs across my mind
Will this be the day
The day I finally have a good day
Or will it be like the rest
Would I experience new things
Or meet new people
But no
The same thing everyday
Same boring life of wake
Same thing everyday and every night for years
Few days of great times
But many days of common events
What will I do next....
460 · Oct 2014
Kayla V Barreto Oct 2014
Do you realize how annoying you are
Every thirty seconds you vibrate
Whether I'm home or in the car
Giving me a painful migraine

Every thirty seconds you vibrate
Whether day or night
giving me a painful mirgane
You are as annoying as a mosquito bite

Whether day or night
From 6:30am until I go to bed
You are as annoying as a mosquito bite
You make my face turn red

From 6:30am until i go to bed
Rage begins to take over
You make my face turn red
I want to put you under a boulder

Rage beings to take over
Whether im home or in a car
I want to put you under a boulder
Do you realize how annoying you are!!!!!!!!!
383 · Oct 2014
Survive the Night
Kayla V Barreto Oct 2014
She falls asleep hoping to awake by morning
She tosses and turns throughout the night
She jumps thinking of her past nightmare
She opens her eyes struggling to see

She sees a strange figure in the corner
She burgs her head under her blanket
She waits trying to fall back into her slumber
She's restless and suffocating under her blanket

She lifts her head squinting to see
She hears the floor creaking
She beings to panic, something is approaching
She jumps and turns on the lights....

To only see the wind blowing her coat on the hook
366 · Oct 2014
Letter Poem
Kayla V Barreto Oct 2014
Dear Death

I nor others enjoy your presence
You bring sadness whenever your around
You've been in my presence one to many times
Taking away the ones we love

If I tremble at the sight of you, I hope you know why
I want you to know every word I write is true
Bringing great pain in my heart
You cause a thunder in my veins

Tears are shed
We all know that you've claimed that special someone
Taking away the ones we love

But you still must come
It's apart of daily life
I just wish you didn't exist

                                      Yours Truely,
364 · Oct 2014
Burning Building
Kayla V Barreto Oct 2014
This is it, my final minutes of life
Siting here, thinking, racing against the clock
My hand shaking, tears rolling down my face
I want to say my final goodbyes, to those I hate and love
Sitting here thinking, I have so much to say
For I am grateful for my short life.
I'm sorry for all my careless stupid mistakes
And any of the greatest moments ruined
But I'm happy for all the people I've met
Wondering if those people in school will miss me
Or that the death of me will bring my family together.
Hoping that my family can get over my disappearance
And that my friends will now learn to appreciate me.
Wishing I could take one last walk with Frankie
Or have that one last play fight with Chris.
Treat my mother to that god awful place Chevys.
Maybe letting my dad beat me one last time in cards.
Like I said I'm going to miss all of you,
I've got to go death is knocking on the door...
Burning building poem... Aka if a building was on fire what would I write
334 · Oct 2014
Cancer Vs. Me
Kayla V Barreto Oct 2014
Dear Cancer

Why do you exist?
Why must you bring sadness to everyday life
Taking the lives of both children and adults
With no age restriction you make things worse

You come in many different shapes and sizes
You pop up in any area
Br enough is enough
I and others will stand up

I will bring hope to those effected
I will bring people's spirits up
One day you will no longer exist
One day you will be destroyed
Not being able to return

Why do you exist?

                                                                                Respectfully yours,
                                                                ­                            Hope

308 · Oct 2014
¿ ?
Kayla V Barreto Oct 2014
Roses Are Red
Violets Are Blue
Why am I writing this stupid poem about you
Watching you write in class brings me joy
But the thing is
You and I are no more
For some reason I feel obsessed
But I don't like you
I just wish I can be with you
I wish that I never met you
Or that you would leave my head.
I wish I never said yes..
The first
Or third time...

— The End —