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 Oct 2013 BaileyBuckels
Have you ever woken up and felt that the world is against you?
Even your family? Even your "friends"?
That noone is on your side.
That you are your only friend.

Have you ever wondered if your family is really there to help you?
Or are they sitting on a high horse.
Waiting to watch you crash and burn.

Have you ever felt a distance between you and the world?
A disconnect? A void?
Empty but full.

Have you ever felt the world say "you can't" or "you're not good enough"?
Have you ever believed it?

Have you ever felt like shoving those words back down their throat?
To stick the ******* up and say "*******".
Just a thought.
Hold on
you can't take that
it's mine
now that ones yours
Now you know better
It's worthless now
close the door
from behind this now I see
nothing belongs to you
And nothing belongs to me
 Oct 2013 BaileyBuckels
haphazard collage
of faces
and names-
blur and warp

becoming only
cut away from the flesh

pasted on cardboard
with 5¢ glue sticks.
It's always darkest before the dawn,
so stay awake with me, let's prove them wrong.
Let's lay together in the dark,
waiting for the sun to hit it's mark.
Let's watch the sun rise above the trees,
and see what no-one else ses.
This love may fade,
back to where it came,
but for now it can last longer,
because for now it's stronger.
Sometimes I just wonder why
Why is it you and not I
That goes to live life out happily
While I sit here and cry

I think of what could've been
I think of what should've been
And as my eyes begin to dry

I still can't help but wonder why--?
Just me writing things based on songs I'm listening to! This ended up being quite depressing lol
 Oct 2013 BaileyBuckels
1.27 AM
 Oct 2013 BaileyBuckels
we're laying here
   you're asleep
I'm silently watching
         dreaming of

as your lips turn into
  a smile
tears cascades down my
I reach out for you
                     as you whisper
                                           her name
 Oct 2013 BaileyBuckels
between the sheets
i held you                                
and you held my heart

please don't drop it
i don't think i can take it if it        
shatters once again
No more tears no more sorrow
tomorrow will never see daylight
it will rain forever or atleast until the last tear is shed
no tears no sorrow
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