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2.0k · Sep 2020
kiddoh Sep 2020
When we met I was alone in a crowded room
Look at me now dancing in the ballroom
When we met I had this walls around me
Look at me now vulnerable and in love

                           _Who else can I love
                           Who else can I love
                           Apart from you
                           Apart from you_

When you look at me from across the room
There's a butterfly eruption
When you smile at me up close
It's like a massive explosion

                            _Who else can I love
                            Who else can I love
                            Apart from you
                            Apart from you_

I love the way you hold my waist as we walk
I love the way you hold my hand as we talk
I love the way you touch me as we kiss
I love the way you whisper to my ears as we cuddle

                          _Who else can I love
                          Who else can I love
                          Apart from you
                          Apart from you__

Te quiero
Con todo mi corazón
Te elegiría cualquier día todos los días

For those who are in love
2.0k · Sep 2020
kiddoh Sep 2020
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight
Her tears flooded the  room
while her torn clothes mopped the floor
She was loosing the last flicker of hope
She was ready to be the Angel of darkness
Nothing to loose and a name to gain
She could finally own something
The thought of tormenting her own soul
Made her smile
She felt alive for the first time

© cynthia
When feeling your own pain makes you feel alive
181 · Sep 2020
26 Reasons I Love You
kiddoh Sep 2020
You are my A ngel
You are my B etterhalf
You are my C uore mio
You are my D arling
You are my E cstasy
You are my F uture
You are my G em
You are my H appiness
You are my I deal choice
You are my J oy
You are my K ing
You are my L ife line
You are my M iracle
You are my N utty
You are my O bsession
You are my P ossession
You are my Q uerida
You are my R ide or die
You are my S akura
You are my T reasure
You are my U niverse
You are my V ita mia
You are my W orld
You are my X ena
You are my Y ummy bear
You are my Z eus
140 · Sep 2020
Let Me Live
kiddoh Sep 2020
Just like our culture,the changing times ,death clears the old ways  to pave way to the new ways. No one wants to die even those who want to go to heaven yet death is the destination we all share, no one escapes that.
So as I live my life don't judge me after all am the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die.
    Let me live my life the way I want to.
    Let me make my own choices
   Let me laugh like hell is breaking loose
   Let me chase my dreams
   Let me win or loose it's a part of living
   Let me fall and rise it's the process I trust
   Let me handle life it's my responsibility
Let me live without the restrictions because one day I will sing and dance to the beats of my death song like a hero on my way home after a long battle. One day I will lie on the soft brown earth listening to the silence and enjoying the peace as the grasses sway above my head because I lived a fulfilling life
So let me live.
128 · Sep 2020
kiddoh Sep 2020
It's 3am and ghost quiet in her compacted space. She feels restricted, constricted and restrained and so she let's out this hideous laugh that sends tears streaming down her bony cheeks. Her body shakes as she let's out this loud growl that's hides away her agonising pain. Placing her hand on her lips she finally let's out the muffled screams and dampens her brown pillow case even more. Stupid me was all she muttered as the swords in her mind clattered, the taunting laughs got louder and all eyes were on her,judging her, mocking her, every finger pointing at her. She feels her heart shattering and every piece falling apart. She gathers her strength and heads towards the plain lit room,where she slides down the ***** dump walls holding the one thing that could end it all  intricately painting the walls with a deep cheery colour

110 · Sep 2020
Death on the well
kiddoh Sep 2020
I hope this letter finds you well
Before I take a trip to the well
Dive and get the fare thee well
I just want to let you know that
I hoped and kept on trying as well
I prayed and had faith as well
But nothing went well
All my friends left family as well
The man one who made my heart swell
Left me as well
They kept saying it is well
It shall be well
But none of this wells
Happened as well
What's that I hear
My name from the well
I finally found my well
I found peace as I drowned in the well.
102 · Sep 2020
kiddoh Sep 2020
What if i die at 12pm
What if i die at 6pm
What if i die at 00
What if i die at 00:02am
Would that make it just another death
Would i be just one less out of billions
Would i be graced by my "friends" presence
Would i be privileged to hear them mourn and fake cries?
Would i be at the mercies of strong men carrying my limp body
Would i be graced by your presence
Yes you
Would you cry endlessly for me?
Would you dent up the walls because of me?
Would you growl out your frustration because of me?
Would you feel broken, shattered because of me?
Would you zone out, loose concentration because of me?
Would you walk in the rain because of me?
Would you shut out the world because of me?
Would you defend me?
Would you tell them that the world was cruel to me?
Would you tell them that i tried so hard?
Or would you tell them i was stupid
That i wanted a nonexistent fairly tale
That i was suffering from depression
That i was a ****** escaping reality
That i wasn't good enough
That i was useless
That i was worthless
Tell me, yes you
Tell me
But for now what if
What if i die now?  
          -... The black pen chronicles

— The End —