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 Feb 2014 Shannon
Alfredo Prado
What is life?
Greens reds and blues?
Blacks And whites for those deprived
Tints and hues.
Separation and unity
Combined from seperate views
In one as conformity
For passion
For love
For fashion
For hate
For fake
And for fate
We dress and we wine
We stress and we shine

stars they say
Scars the soul
As it heals in a way
Lies we are told
Lies we believe
Lies we repeat
Lies we never achieve
Lies we defeat
The truth indeed-
Without a doubt
Will set us free
Yet we scream and shout
We scream and shout...

Hidden in a box
Hidden In lies
Wisdom in detox
Purpose dies
Drugs stuck
Freedom a game
Of nothing but luck
Wilderness wildly tame
 Feb 2014 Shannon
Reed Rogers
 Feb 2014 Shannon
Reed Rogers
Is it the purpose of your love
To make me feel more,
Or less?

Sometimes the lines blur
And I can't tell the difference,
Not that it matters.

I'm okay being on my own
Emotionally and physically,
But am I?

Why is it that I can't stop thinking about you
When you're not with me,
Except when I sleep?
 Feb 2014 Shannon
Haley Deese
Is there something I could say?
I can never be sure.
I feel like I just annoy everyone.
I can never be sure.
Why am I sad all the time for no reason at all?
I can never be sure.

It seems like I'm not sure of anything these days.
Not sure of myself, or where I'm going.
If only there was a way to run away.
From my problems.
From my sadness.
But there's not.

Or is there?
I can never be sure.
 Feb 2014 Shannon
 Feb 2014 Shannon
That scar on my heart
Was created by you
That night we fell apart
I didn't know what to do
Whether to hold on
Or to let go
Or to let you in
Inside my mind
My heart, my thoughts
Wondering if it was true love
Maybe a hint of twisted lust
Or a need for security
From the one I loved
That I needed
Breath in
Breath out
Will you be mine?
We'll see how this goes.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

— The End —