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Ay Apr 2021
I thought I was things that I'm not.
And now I know myself.
Ay Mar 2021
Brief, but enough to make things clear. Enough words that weren't intended for my ears.
I didn't say a word.
It was then that it all kind of made sense. I realised my feelings in separate situations had been fair & I placed such boundaries for my defense.
But I can't utter a word on what I just heard. If I speak it'll destroy her life. If I keep quiet then I destroy only mine.
Ay Mar 2021
Exercise your love language on yourself.
Ay Mar 2021
I'm afraid you've become everything that you hate
Of this endless cascade which you wish to erase.
There's an escape at the end but first you must taste
The mistakes they created,
My dear it's called fate.
Ay Feb 2021
And without prayer, one can't gain release.
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