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1.0k · Aug 2016
My Chest...
AylahHearts Aug 2016
My chest spasms...
Tightening vessels resemble bricks
Who knew that memories could feel so heavy
My eyes close for a moment
Flashes of your faces yank violently onto my optic nerves
While my brain attempts to circumnavigate
Turn regret into something easier said than done
My fists clench feeling hot and cold simultaneously
Air rushes into my wrinkled lips
While I breathe NEARLY all of this lingering essence out
Out of my lungs
And I try yet again to return to earth
Hearing an emphatic rhythmic pump
and your well–intentioned attempt to turn words into quietude
414 · Dec 2015
There you were
AylahHearts Dec 2015
Four thousand years ago
It was cold that night
Outside your tent
My star was warm
Now "Here I am"
Its cold tonight
Your star is warm
395 · Dec 2015
My dog.
AylahHearts Dec 2015
I was lonely so I thought of spending time with you
I was sad so I thought I should go hug you
I was grieving so my thoughts thought of you
But all those led to you
and I can't kiss or pet this candle.
197 · Nov 2024
Dew drops
AylahHearts Nov 2024
When the famished sun,
Once vivid, lush with hue,
Swallowed shades that it once knew
The cyan skies dissolved to gray
The emerald leaves curled and frayed.

The rainbows who once arched so long
Became a smudge, dark brown mélange.

For days the sun feasted in muted shade,
Till time unraveled, slow, delayed.

Waiting beneath the blankened sky,
Laid buried seeds, their roots entwined,
A quiet earth with loam inside.

The seeds whispered winds for rain to fall,
Dancing tropic movements to heed a call.

They bloomed to jasmine and crowned the night
A nectar sweet, a bright delight
With petals soft and fragrance shared,
A white fluorescence lit the air.
This is a poem about struggling with hormone drops
126 · Nov 2020
Non-polar molecules
AylahHearts Nov 2020
Like water and oil do we swirl
As my eyes close
Your eyes open
And again we dance fluidly
And changing course
The sun sets and you think of me
The sun rises and I think of you
But neither dare to shake the bottle once more

A counterpoint duet
Looping and dipping
Dripping and flipping
Tossing and turning

An emulsifier

I’ll never forget the time we stirred
It was the moment we both said
At the very same time

But in the end it was all just an intellectual exercise
We could never truly bond.
105 · Nov 2020
Your thumbtack
AylahHearts Nov 2020
Your thumbtack
This concept
This artwork
shakes paper
It’s absolutely beautiful
It’s sensational
It made me feel things I cannot describe
Can I keep it?
I’d like to hold onto it for a very long time

As I daydream about getting down to brass
My eyes gaze at the bare wall
I begin imagining that I am a thumbtack
Your thumbtack
Yes, I did just objectify myself, didn’t I?
But I have these feelings now
Whereas I didn’t before
Because you did not resist the other purposes I felt I had at the time
Leading up to this moment
You never tried to make me dull
And even now, I do not feel feeble
I feel sharper than ever
Sharp enough to be pushed into a wall
Pushed as hard as you’d like
Just to hold this concept tightly
In the same fashion that your arm is placed around my back
And in the way my ******* feel beneath your chest
AylahHearts Jan 4
I met you in Jerusalem
Where every limestone was worn smooth with time
And ever corner hummed and whispered
From the sacred and sublime

I asked for directions, just passing through,
Your smile felt like something new.

We wandered streets as daylight waned,
Past alleys where the past remained.
In a playful tone, you turned to say,
“If I were just a gardener, I’d pick you a flower every day.”

I laughed aloud but your words stayed near
Simple, tender, and strangely clear.
The words softened the cities’ ancient weight,
And for a moment bent the hand of fate.

We parted as travelers often do,
With no promises, just a fleeting truth.
But I wonder now, across the seas,
If you think of California’s mountain breeze.

Would you have planted orange flowers
On hills that glow in the summer’s haze?
Would you be a gardener?
Your name meaning golden, fruitful place?

Instead, I smile to know that instead you code,
Building worlds with logic’s mode.
Still In the quiet corners of my mind,
I plant your words through seeds of time.

— The End —