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Magpie sitting in your sorrowful tree
go find a friend, or let me be
 May 17 Ayesha
Delton Peele
Forlorn . ....
And so many wartorn years ago
Seemingly A millennium spent....
Regarding gravity and intent
Learning loves early forewarning
Now love for me is scorned,
Around the Cape of the horn
I stand up on a mountain
Through lightning and driven rain
I rent my mantle .........,and lament ...
I'm still in love with me,
Yet I'm lachrymose
I feel ....everything
more than most
My love ....
Bemused in remembrance
Not confused on the verdict
Incarcerated over-recompensed
How long can this sentence be ?
I would have rather swung from the gallows
Than to be lovelorn
With my fertile field of love fallowed
Followed by the future ghost of me,,,,,,,
Constantly haunting.......
Like a mocking bird squawking......
I told you so......

A treacherous cyst of regret
Slowly forming around my
............lonely heart
I'm a bittersweet sea
There is only me in love with mourning me
 May 17 Ayesha
Evan Stephens
The nightingales are sobbing in
The orchards of our mothers,
And hearts that we broke long ago
Have long been breaking others

-W. H. Auden

At 6 am there was thunder
loud enough to wake me and the cats
rain toe-tapping on the pane
calling us to the theater:

"Come look at us, heavy clouds
of dark morning: spray-headed,
sunrises in our throat.
Enjoy our Sunday eyes"

I did. The paper people
at the bus stop huddled
& dissolved under wet slants.
The crust of horizon broke away

into thick puff-parcels, and
beneath it all the water flung
itself against the scory stone
before escaping down the drain cape.

"Come look at us, the wet-nurses:
our hands on the doll-face petals,
the walls of leaves. We evaporate
into the sea engine, purring with life."
To the mothers we were given, and to the mothers we made.
 May 17 Ayesha
When I’m in the dark
All I want is him,

Blurred silhouette warm to the touch,
Skin to skin in the dim.

When the contours in the corners loom,
Hold me without sight.

In the dark, and nothing else,
We are one shadow, slight.

When the lights come on,
Unfortunate details grow.

Like a **** from a crack,
A blemish in the snow.

In the savage of the day,
The barriers of our skin discrete,

We just can’t make sense,
When light and eyes meet.
This poem is about wanting to be with someone who isn't right for you.

fear of War
walks upon the air
strides across a countryside

like a gigantic
demonic **** in Boots
a Grimm tale let loose

upon a world
that can only offer
in its defence

the beauty of this spiderweb
thrown across
the space between

hedgerow and fence
this the last sunset
that will ever know "Peace...

. . .in our time."
I fear Mr. Chamberlain
has got it - wrong

Herr ****** has caught the bus
a hawk hovers
in its beauty

I sit making
its jesses
and leashes

already I can see
I stand in the ruins
of my life

an ordinary man
turning into

War invisible
yet totally tangible
its hand touching

my landscape
an ancient chalk man
holding the gates open

the what will
a sunset caught

in a spiderweb
the last time
I ever was me
 Apr 21 Ayesha
When I looked at the night sky, I felt a deep sense of loss.

The stars, were too far away.

I packed jars into the fridge, so that they preserve all I have left when I come back.

It was a plague, a silence, that followed and sputtered life and people were scared.

But I got to see you. Goodbye.

And when I got back, I starved with little I had.
Sometimes I would go out to my grandma's
and bring her lunch.
She didn't like cooking for just one.
We'd eat hoagies from Vito's market,
bag of Lay's chips between the two of us,
and sweet tea she had in her fridge
using only the plastic cups
because we couldn't have glass around the pool.

She'd point to necklaces and cashmere sweaters
from the new JCrew catalog,
dog earring all the pages she loved
her tan hands steady on the corners
with several silver rings on her fingers,
big diamond on the left one.

I hated to leave her with only the sound
of the Pennsylvania state flag flapping
against the pole,
or her neighbor's lawn being mowed.
But she smiled something huge when I waved goodbye
from the sidewalk
slowly closing the catalog,
a sympathy wind chime scoring her steps,
walking back inside
to no one sitting in the arm chair
and the TV on mute.
Fascist fascist
Liberating or degrading
Hangs from single strings
Nothing comes and no one sings
No one laughs and nothing breaks
See the cracks drip down my face

Fascist fascist
Fascinating fascist face
Flash-forward foreshadow
White cold lace
Not as durable as we first thought
But the car is packed
In the parking lot
I light the cigarettes we bought
And now there is no going back
Not back to there
Nor back to that
Not back to night
Nor back to day
Nor back to summers
Far away

Fascist fascist
Forget my fascist family tree
The fascist fascist memory
And moustache moustache damaging
Or fresco firefly reverie
Just tell me that I’m yours
Sign the line
Like you have before
This is where we are right now
Two souls alive
In the empty town
Two souls alive
In the ******* ghost god-empty town.

So, What think you of Whitman?
And what say I of Plath?
I understand all but maybe half
On my greatest finest day
(dearest, how’d we get this way?)
How’d we fall so far from grace?
How’d this canyon split my face?
Maybe it’s the trace trace amounts of fascist.

Fascist fascist
Friday fickle convocating
Tragic talent intubating
All the world smiles, undulating
But in the end
You’re still a fascist.
 Apr 15 Ayesha

there is a friend
in silence

in serried coffers
of heavy air

carving pieces
of you to feed the

stifling the last
of convulsions

leaving the rest
to fall asleep

in arms of the
white noise

 Apr 15 Ayesha

they come
for me in the

sweetness of
the moon rains down
on the last bus
going home

all the flowers
crushed beneath
the sky

cry for the
mother tree

it's not that hard
to mute the violence

for she was standing
still when I met her

now she's part
of the crop

I don't know what
else to tell you

I've never known
what it feels to be
someone else

I wear my skin
more drunk then

my bones pierce
through my veins

the blood rushes
down the staircase

spiralling into
the circles

circling the end
of times

I wish I'd known
you better

but you don't
exist inside these

if only I was trying
to build a better world

we could've known
each of us

there's nothing
else to succeed our

there's only so much
you can feed the insides
before it eats you in your
moment of silence

it's better to burn the
rest of you than keep
living the lies

maybe the fire will
cleanse us of our stagnant

nothing moves without
a herculean effort

is this how you feel
when you are sober?

it's better I don't
wake before the end
of another year

I've never felt more
alive when my mind is

so let them come
and find me

I'm waiting for
something to happen

I'll trade all my
fantasies for one
moment of absolute

I can't even tell when
the summer begins and
where it ends

I wasn't born to
count reality

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