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..Even though it seems as though hardships block my sight, you take me above my circumstances. Father, you send comfort my way when times seem to be clouded by pain...and now i know that fear has no place in my heart...perfect love drives out all fear..i strive to have a heart of expectancy, that you will provide, because you always do. your such a faithful GOD.
Where is she? where is she when my i despritly reach for her? Emotions toss through my tear covered head. I am abandoned.... i suffer the pain.. fighting the feelings that cry through me. knowing she is not coming back.  am i not important enough? i cant fight the tears that run down my choked up face... she was apart of all that's left is the remains... surrounded by regret what did i do wrong?
I dance through the once so solid brick,
i twirl around the weeping willows that chase my skin,
My finger tips graze the tops of the daises as i ponder the abundant blue sky,
I dance because i am FREE
I run far away from the clawing thorns and dance towards the Lilly's.
Running as the wind washes me like a clear river in the spring...
I am FREE to dance!
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
There's a fire in my heart
And my fingers are shaking
And the ground is quaking
And I can't hold on
There's a fire in my heart
And my face has turned red
And I wish I were dead
And I just can't hold on

I'm on fire
I'm on fire
Darling, put down the matches
Please God, put down the matches
Because I cannot survive

— The End —