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Ayeglasses Aug 2019
All those things you would say,
seem so different when you're far away.
Just something small,
a thought or reiteration.
Yet a simple request requires contemplation.
Not friendly or romantic,
as if you're something above.
Despite how I felt it,
**** your love.
Time Apart
Ayeglasses Aug 2019
I tear at my body for sake of vanity
However ironic, like you said to me.

I can see the ease it gave to you now.
When your thoughts were all convening.

For if this body is different enough,
the old one won't have meaning.
Scientifically Inaccurate Cells
Ayeglasses Aug 2019
I had a great time.
A muse, in hindsight you were.
Passing thoughts float by.
Old Texts at Lunchtime
Ayeglasses Jul 2019
Such things happen;
among a pile of bones.
Every skeleton unique
and hidden from eyes.
Yet with pieces constant
the puzzle changes.
So many skeletons,
so many bones.
Skulls pressed together,
but will the rest stay alone?
Dark River.
Ayeglasses Jul 2019
Stuck in the past too
Remember our Saturday
Perhaps forever
I need it again.
Ayeglasses Jul 2019
If you're already here in the future
Perhaps I shall be
As already I've been in daydreams
However childish they are

I have unclaimed my arms
History grasps at my back
Still it slows me
But I can enjoy the thoughts

Perhaps this tower will
Such towering height
Such fascinating tone
I make no assumptions
But I enjoy the daydreams
Three Courses
Ayeglasses Jun 2019
I taste attachment like an entree
Savor touch like a drink
Feeling stuck in these feelings
Despite my landlock I sink.

I get lost in the hair
I get lost in the jokes
I get lost in the idea
I get lost and I choke
I yearn for potential
I bend towards care
I want to hold someone
But nobody's there
Desert Red
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