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Ayeglasses Jun 2019
I cannot help but see patterns.
As the couple begins their first sway.
Such beauty comes from the music.
That I learned all from you back one day.

It happens in movies, books, clouds, and conversation.
There's no place to escape it, no district, street, county, or nation.
Whenever it happens, whether I'm frustrated, bored, happy, or blue,
I can't figure out what to say to you.
Everywhere I am. Everywhere I'll be. For awhile.
Ayeglasses Jun 2019
Still I keep fading away
Is this what it's like to die?
If I end and nobody is around to care,
was I ever loved?

I can feel you secede when I talk of my worries
Perhaps I am not made to have problems.
Perhaps I'm better off being such a problem.
A problem better left silent.

I want nothing more than a cycle.
To come back to land that once grew fertile.
& begin to tend to it with the same care.
Lest I do not starve first.
I can't tell if you cared.
Ayeglasses Jun 2019
Butterflies taste with their feet.
With so many in my stomach,
I taste with mine too.
Each step a foray into the new,
pulling your body through the air
as if to give you the same feeling.
A sky date
Ayeglasses May 2019
Two bodies confused
I cannot feel you dreaming
We need to forget
Ayeglasses May 2019
A growth is what I am to you.
One that you seem to care for.
I am not the only bloom,
wanting from you anymore.

I blind my ears and hide my face.
For I feel the things you cannot place.
Let it remain the same; I could bear.
Yet I fear I'll hear you **** downstairs.
I'll tell you later.
Ayeglasses Apr 2019
You're in your driveway and the heat is still on. Rain hits your windshield and the streetlights bend their light to your eyes. Shadows make intricate patterns on your skin and you watch them dance as you move slowly in the dim lights. The world outside is silent and the world inside is yours.

You're on some sort of camping trip. Surrounded by trees and the sounds of the insects that inhabit them, you take a moment to listen. It isn't cold outside, but it isn't warm either. You are alone. A moment of your time is spent gazing upon the stars. This is not to worry about the size, or wonder about them. For now they are just art. Distant sounds of other people beckon you to move and leave your place.

Sweat drips off of you as you step away from it all. The song playing now is slower and dimmed by the walls. This room is empty and you can almost feel the romance in the other. This doesn't bother you, as you just need to catch your breath. The building you inhabit is well made. You take a moment to appriciate it. Perhaps you should go home. The party has gone on too long.
Ayeglasses Apr 2019
An alternate desire at high altitude
with shared interest kept aside
For our joy, a different path we pave.
There's an interesting loss to be had, for a romance that was never allowed to bloom for what I had already discovered.
A Ferris L
M Oly T
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